farmer's daughter

Chapter 443 There are fun things to please my junior sister

Chapter 443 There are fun things to please my junior sister

Chapter 440 There are fun things to please the little junior sister
Old man Qin watched Xuejian's movements, said nothing, and stood up after putting down Fu Jinghao.Xue Jian looked around and said:

"Where is the place to cook? I have to cook some porridge for Brother Jing Hao."

"That's right, I haven't eaten yet, Xue'er, I want to prepare some for Master."

Old man Mo knew that Xuejian had brought a lot of things, most of which were food.As soon as she heard that Xue Jian wanted to cook something to eat, she immediately expressed her opinion.Xue Jianbai glanced at him and said:

"Isn't there a chicken in the bag? You and Grandpa Qin can eat it!"

"No. Just one chicken for the two of us is not enough!"

Old Mo jumped up.Old man Qin frowned and said:

"I don't eat after lunch. You don't have to worry."

"Oh, oh, yes, Xuejian, you don't have to worry about his food in the future. He won't eat after lunch. I'll eat it myself. Would you like to save some chicken wings for you?"

While talking, he happily went to look through the burden, but jumped back like a fried hair:

"No, Xue'er, I thought just now, what did you call him just now?"

Xue Jian looked at Old Man Qin pointed at by Old Man Mo, and said casually:
"Grandpa Qin?"

"No, no, no, he is two years younger than me. How come I am a master and he has become a grandfather. No, no, no, no, no, no. You can't see the little man and follow him in everything. He calls him a teacher, and you call him your teacher." Uncle. Do you understand? Otherwise, the generation will be messed up, and I will suffer!"

Old man Mo's theory made old man Qin twitch his lips, but Xue Jian was a little stunned, he didn't expect Master to care about this.It's not that old man Qin is called grandpa according to brother Jing Hao, but old man Qin is indeed an old man with white hair and beard.It's a little hard to call Xue Jian a teacher.

Even the weakly dressed Fu Jinghao laughed when he heard that.With this smile, he choked on some saliva, and coughed all of a sudden.Xue Jian hurriedly stepped forward to gently turn him over, patted his back lightly, stared at Master and shouted:

"Master, if you make brother Jing Hao cough, I'll never stop with you, don't even eat the food I cook!"

This time the problem was serious. Old man Mo strode over, stretched out his hand and pressed Fu Jinghao's back, and then used his internal force to smooth Fu Jinghao's throat.Sure enough, the cough stopped after a while.Old Mo stood aside as if he had done something wrong and said:

"Xue'er, you can't take your word for it. When you come out, you have agreed that I will eat the food you cook."

Xuejian also gently straightened Fu Jinghao's back, helped Fu Jinghao to lie down again, and coughed so hard that Fu Jinghao was sweating profusely.

Xuejian wiped his sweat again and said:
"Master, don't forget. When I first met you, I also called you grandpa. You didn't want to. You wanted to be my master. Let me think about it. The master is newer, so I agreed to worship you." You came here as a teacher. If you insist on not losing money, then I’ll call you Grandpa Mo. Look, you have gray hair and beard anyway. By the way, you have less gray hair than Grandpa Qin , there is still a little bit of waste, and he looks a little younger than him."

Xue Jian said this, so proud of old man Mo, he deliberately walked over to old man Qin's side, compared each other, and then smiled proudly:

"Okay, I don't care if you say that. You can call him Grandpa Qin. Call me Master. I'll figure it out, and I won't suffer. I'm younger."

Seeing that this flattering was so good, old man Mo felt extremely comfortable.Old man Qin looked at Xue Jian twice more, and finally said to old man Mo:

"Among your disciples, this one is the smartest."

Old man Mo smiled triumphantly.Turned around and went to look for the roast chicken again.

Xue Jian looked outside, but she was not familiar with this place.road:

"Master, take me to the kitchen, I'll cook porridge."

Old man Mo just found out the roast chicken, and then he took the roast chicken and took Xue Jian out, only to see Xue Jian took out something from his arms, stuck it on his head, and a night pearl lit up on Xue Jian's head. Above his head, Xue Jian could see some of the road ahead.Old man Mo took a closer look and said:

"Where did you get this thing?"

"Brother gave it to me."

"That stinky boy, if he has fun, he doesn't play with the master first, he uses it to curry favor with the junior sister!"

While reading, old man Mo led Xuejian through the middle courtyard and walked to the other side, then put down the candle in his hand and said:
"Here it is, this is the kitchen."

Xuejian asked softly again:

"Didn't you say that brother Jing Hao and his master also have a few boys doing odd jobs here, why haven't they seen anyone?"

Old Man Mo hissed and said in a low voice:
"Don't ask nonsense, this time it seems that one of those few people drugged your little husband, and that's why this happened. So your grandpa Qin became like this in a fit of anger."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of cutting his neck.Xue Jian said angrily:

"Why? Why did you drug Brother Jing Hao?"

"Why, jealousy! It seems that you old man Qin taught Jing Hao some kind of martial arts. It is said that old man Qin had read it by accident before and said that he would pass it on to him in the future. He saw that old man Qin had passed it on to Jing Hao. After seeing Jing Hao, he couldn't get angry, so he took the medicine, but he didn't know the overbearing nature of the medicine. It almost killed Jing Hao. So, old man Qin killed those four in a fit of anger. "

Only then did Xuejian know the reason for Fu Jinghao's illness.I am so angry.While making porridge, I also recited:

"Should kill! Kill!"

After a while, Xuejian finished the porridge and scooped up the clear top.The ones below are called old man Mo to scoop them up.Xue Jian went to Fu Jinghao's room with a clear bowl of porridge.

Fu Jinghao kept looking at the door with his eyes open, and finally saw Xueer coming in. Fu Jinghao was relieved, he was so worried that he was just dreaming.Seeing Xueer coming now, Fu Jinghao smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled.Xuejian put down the porridge and muttered.

"Your bed is really crude. I'm afraid it won't be comfortable to fall asleep."

Picking up the bundle, he dug out a new jacket, which was made for Fu Jinghao.I also thought that it might be cold in this valley, but I didn't know that the temperature down here is more comfortable than outside.

Xuejian folded the jacket, then gently hugged Fu Jinghao up, and used the jacket to cushion him against him.

Then Xuejian was holding the porridge, sitting in front of the bed and gently blowing and feeding, and said while feeding:

"Brother Jing Hao, why don't you go back with me. My place is fine now. Come back with Grandpa Qin when your body recovers."

Fu Jinghao didn't seem to hear what Xuejian was saying, but just looked straight at Xuejian. Xuejian fed him, and he opened his mouth. In fact, for him now, everything in his mouth tasted bitter.Neither wanted to eat, but Xue Er cooked it.He has to eat seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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