Chapter 444

Chapter 440

Feeding, feeding, finished feeding a small bowl of porridge.Xue Jian laughed, as long as she could still eat well, it would be much better.

Then Xuejian went to call the master again, and asked the master to give Fu Jinghao the kung fu to help him digest.Old man Mo stared wide-eyed, stared at Xuejian and said:
"What do you want me to use my hundreds of years of skill for? To help him digest?"

"Didn't you say that no matter how much you eat, your luck will melt away in a while. Now you use your melted energy on Brother Jing Hao to help him melt the clear porridge he just ate, so that his body Get well soon."

Old man Mo was defeated by this disciple.Just now I was praising her for being smart, why is she so stupid now, but exercise is useless to help digestion, but it is still possible to help him clear his meridians.Old man Mo shook his head as he walked over, gnawed on the chicken leg in one hand, and patted Fu Jinghao on the shoulder with the other.After a while, Fu Jinghao's pale face turned red, and beads of sweat the size of his fingers came out of his head.Xue Jian stepped forward to take a look. Although Brother Jing Hao's expression was very sad, it seemed to be useful.Master is still useful sometimes!

It took a week and a day of work.Old man Mo's chicken legs had already been eaten.Clapping his hands and leaving, he left a voice and said:

"Girl, remember, make me roast chicken tomorrow, and I will help him luck again!"

"Why is it so difficult, but there are no chickens?"

"I'll catch it tomorrow!"

Fu Jinghao was trained by old man Mo for a week, and fell asleep for some reason.In fact, yesterday and the day before yesterday, my master also practiced kung fu for me, but it didn't have such an effect. I don't know if it was because of Xueer's arrival.

This time, Fu Jinghao fell into a deep sleep. He didn't know that in his porridge, Xue Jian added some medicinal materials that could help sleep and calm the nerves, so that he could sleep more and recover better.

At night, old man Qin threw a quilt from nowhere, and then left.Xue Jian stuck out her tongue.This old man Qin's temperament is very weird, compared to that, Xue Jian still prefers the temper of his master who plays games in the rivers and lakes.

There wasn't an extra stool here, and there was no one else anyway, so Xue Jian gently moved Fu Jinghao in to make room for her feet, wrapped herself in the quilt, leaned against the head of the bed, and fell asleep.

Xuejian wakes up easily when sleeping, and even got up in the middle of the night to look at Fu Jinghao.Seeing that Fu Jinghao was still sleeping soundly, Xuejian sighed softly.

Fu Jinghao woke up the next day in much better spirits.Seeing that Xuejian was still there, she smiled happily and nodded when asked him anything.The eyes followed Xue Jian to turn around.No more diarrhea last night.It was just after dawn that under the care of old man Mo, I pulled it again, but it felt much better.

With Xuejian's meticulous care, there is also delicious food cooked by Xuejian every day.Fu Jinghao's body improved day by day. On the third day, Fu Jinghao finally stood up with the help of the bedpost. Although he was still trembling slightly, he stood up anyway.

As soon as he stood up, Xue Jian frowned.Why is it less than a year, he has grown so much, and now he is much taller than himself.It is higher than a head and a neck is added.

Seeing Xuejian standing beside him to compare her height, Fu Jinghao smiled softly and said:

"Don't worry, you still have to grow. How old are you?"

Xue Jianbai glanced at him and said:

"Of course it will grow. I will grow taller than you are now."

Fu Jinghao smiled dotingly.This guy just never suffers.

"Xue'er, Xue'er, come and see what delicious food I got today."

Xue Jian looked at Fu Jinghao who was still standing by the bed, Fu Jinghao smiled apologetically and said:
"Go and see, I don't have the strength to move yet."

Xuejian nodded, and ran out to have a look. Master used a tree to pull an animal back. Xuejian had never seen this kind of animal in his memory. He looked up at Master, and Master said:

"This is a roe deer. I'll take it over there and clean it up. You can cook it and eat it later. That kid can eat this thing too."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, Brother Jing Hao can eat some meat now, otherwise he will have no strength and he can stand up."

Old man Mo pulled up the roe deer and went to a ditch on the other side.This is a natural creek.The stream is clear.It was a good place for old man Mo to tidy up that roe deer.

Old man Qin didn't show up very much these days, so old man Mo and Xue Jian would leave the valley to see, and they could do whatever they wanted. Xue Jian asked old man Qin where he went.Old man Mo pointed to the top of the mountain and said:
"I don't know which mountain he is on."

Forget it, anyway, weird people have strange tempers!Xue Jian decided to make some delicious food today, and the old man Mo has been helping Xue Jian to take care of Fu Jinghao seriously in the past two days.And Fu Jinghao is getting better day by day.This is the result Xue Jian wanted.

Fu Jinghao was carried out by old man Mo.Xue Jian put a chair in the middle of the yard, let Fu Jinghao sit there and look at the scenery outside, it was much more comfortable than lying on that bed every day.

Xuejian made a pot of soup with roe deer.This is for Fu Jinghao to eat.I also took meat to prepare for barbecue, anyway, Master has been craving barbecue recently.She was doing it on the other side of the yard, and Fu Jinghao watched Xue Jian's little figure bustling around.The heart is really sweet as honey!When he woke up in the middle of the night, he found that Xuejian was sleeping beside his feet. He didn't dare to move, for fear of waking Xuejian up.Although he is small, he is still a 12-year-old boy.The girl I love is lying here, although it is to take care of me nearby, but the excitement in my heart is indescribable.Later he couldn't sleep, and Xue Jian got up in the middle of the night to cover him with a quilt, he knew it.From that day on, he pretended to be asleep every day, and only when Xue Jian fell asleep did he really fall asleep with peace of mind.

With Xue Jian's warm company and careful care, Fu Jinghao's health is getting better every day.Eating more and more every day.Moreover, Xue Jian changed the way to make delicious food for him every day, but Fu Jinghao felt that it was supposed to nourish his body, but it completely complemented his heart!

Ten days later, Fu Jinghao was already a lively young man.He followed Xuejian every day. When Xuejian was cooking, he would light a fire. When Xuejian said she needed to do laundry, he would fetch water.The two old men disappeared because of Fu Jinghao's recovery. They would only show up at the dinner table on time when it was time to eat.

Come down these days.It's just that old man Qin is a little more popular, eating the food made by Xuejian is naturally not as unpalatable as the one he cooked casually.Coupled with the few words of accusation by Xue Jian, on the contrary, it enlightened his knot.The change of old man Qin is obvious to all. He no longer skips lunch, and occasionally has dinner with Xuejian and the others.It is no longer deserted to play the piano, read books and meditate alone, and occasionally cook tea with Xuejian and others around the stove, drink good tea and perform elegant deeds, but listen to Xuejian telling some worldly stories.

A little girl was talking about how to use copper as a mirror to straighten clothes, and to use history as a mirror to know success and failure.With people as a mirror, you can understand the gains and losses!The heart is surging, but the speaker is indifferent.A few simple words, the three of them heard it, but they had different experiences!
Old man Qin thought he had read a lot. Before retiring to hermitage, old man Qin and old man Mo were both from the capital, and old man Mo had a very close relationship with the palace.But old man Qin came from a family of scholars for generations.But after hearing Xue'er's words, she bluntly said that she is really a teacher!
(End of this chapter)

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