farmer's daughter

Chapter 446 Really Angry

Chapter 446 Really Angry
Chapter 440 Seven Is Really Angry

After running around, Xue Jian and old man Mo arrived at Youran Villa in the middle of the night that night.Everyone was asleep when they arrived.Xuejian returned to her room lightly, but backed out abruptly.There was a chuckle in the house:

"Miss Shen, I've been waiting for you for two or three days."

Listen to the sound.It turned out to be Bai Haoming, Xue Jian patted his forehead and said:
"Why did you hide in my room?"

"Miss, I have been here several times, but you are not here."

Xue Jian sighed softly:

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, I didn't leave you a message, I went out for ten days."

Bai Haoming offered the things, and said:
"Master said, Mr. Hu wrote something, and asked you to put it away. It's all in this package."

Xue Jian took it over to take a look. It was just what he said before asking him to write about the local customs. The technology of this era is zero, and it can only be done by such manual labor. Otherwise, it is really impossible to understand the local customs. Favor.

Bai Haoming said:

"I'm leaving first. I have something else to do tomorrow. I'll get a reply the night after tomorrow."

Having said that, Bai Haoming flew out of the villa.Xue Jian put down the things he brought, and was tired all day, so let's go to sleep first.

Xue Jian got up early in the morning to exercise habitually, only to find that the backyard was almost demolished.The newly built houses over there are basically completed.Looking left and right, Xue Jian still felt a little unsatisfactory, because the wall was not powdered.Xue Jian decided to call someone to do the work of the powder paste today.

After a round of exercise, I saw Xiaocao running with Banxia in the yard.Xuejian was surprised and said:

"When did you come back?"

Xiaocao also said:

"Xue'er, when did you come back?"

Only after listening to Xiaocao said that Xueer knew that two days after Banxia went back, Grandma Banxia passed away.Before the old man died, in front of Liang Zhongqiu, he married his daughter-in-law Cui Er to a distant cousin of Pinellia. .Life is not going very well either.Grandma Banxia is relieved, because Banxia is staying in the Shen family very well.Also pinellia must remember to be filial to his mother!
Xuejian also sighed when she heard this, because old women in this era rarely agree to their daughter-in-law remarrying, in their opinion.The son is gone.The death of a daughter-in-law is also her own.If you have this kind of thinking, you are not abiding by women's morals.will be punished.

Lan Xia didn't care.Because she has been living with Xue Jian for more than half a year, and she gets along with her mother less, and she is still young, so she doesn't know about remarriage or anything.I feel that my mother finally has a home, which is fine!
It was not until breakfast that everyone knew that Xue Jian had returned.Shen Sanzhu and the others also paid attention to Fu Jinghao's body.After eating, Xuejian called Wu Qiming first, and asked him to find two young boys for him.Xue Jian personally went out to mix the cement ash.Then teach them how to paste on the wall.This wall looks much smoother.

Then Xuejian was most concerned about the things in the field. After ten days, what did the corn look like?
Xue saw the ground and saw that two corns had grown on each corn stalk, and the growth was not bad. The peanuts below had also bloomed in the third period, and it seemed that they had also produced fruit.Xue Jian tried to loosen a tree gently, and it really produced a lot of peanuts, but it was still very tender.Xuejian buried it gently again.

Xuejian, who was directing the demolition of the house, received a report from Wu Qiming, saying that Xiaomu had come to find her.Xue Jian was stunned for a moment before remembering this person, it was the young man who robbed her.Xuejian patted the ashes on her hands, went out and saw Xiaomu standing outside the door, and said:

"What's the matter? Aren't you working on the brick-burning side?"

Xiaomu nodded and said:

"Miss, I came to you today because the people in our village heard about your situation. They all want to come here. Do you want someone else?"

Xue Jian smiled and waved her hands behind her:
"Look, I'm building a house. Of course I need people. Do they all want to come? But it's still the old rule. I don't want lazy people and troublemakers. You have to set the gate for me. They want to come Tell them to come, come in batches first, my house has not been built yet, you can first come to a batch of people who can do things, and then bring the old and the young after the house is built, after this year's autumn harvest, there will be some When the tenants come out to plant, when the time comes, everyone will have something to do.”

Xiaomu let out a happy hey, turned around and followed.It is said that he is going to send people back to his hometown to deliver a message.

Xue Jian pays attention to the crops in the field every day, and practice exercises with Master when she has nothing to do. Xue Jian waits for the harvest of corn and peanuts.On this day, Liang Chengfang thought that Mrs. Hu was pregnant with a child, and wanted to visit Mrs. Hu.Xue Jian accompanied her mother to the Futai Yamen.

Because it was not the first time, Xue Jian went to the backyard because she was familiar with the road.Before approaching the backyard, I heard crying inside.Xuejian paused, let Xiaocao take a slow walk with her mother, and looked in through the door of the backyard first.The door was ajar.There were two little girls crying inside.Xue Jian took a step back in a daze, to see if she had gone through the right door.

Then Xue Jian gently opened the door and went in. The two little girls wiped away their tears in panic when they saw someone coming. One of them turned around and went into the back room, and the other came up to him and asked:
"Excuse me, who is the lady looking for?"

Xue Jian looked at her and said:
"I'm here to see Mrs. Hu. I'm her niece."

The girl raised her head to look at Xue Jian in surprise, then saluted again, and led the three of them in.The three of them came to the courtyard of the back hall, and several people sat in the main room in the courtyard.Seeing it, Xue Jian exclaimed in surprise:
"Eldest aunt, second aunt, little aunt, are you all there?"

"Look, she came here before we went to see them, does this smell us coming?"

Chen looked at Xue Jian and Liang Chengfang, and got up happily.Liang Chengfang also stepped forward and saluted:

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, why are you here?"

"Why are you here? Today is our third sibling's birthday. We arrived last night, and we said we would visit you today. I didn't expect you to come too. The third sibling even told us that we didn't notify you .”

Da Hu laughed.

Both Liang Chengfang and Xue Jian turned their heads to look at Mrs. Hu, Mrs. Hu pouted with a smile and said:
"It was your uncle who said that you are very busy right now. Besides, this is not a big student, so you don't need to stir up teachers and mobilize people."

"Ah! This little uncle! I'm not happy if you didn't notify me of the marriage. This little aunt didn't notify us of her death. It's too much. If it's far away, it's okay, but it's so close. I am angry!"

Xue Jian turned her head and sat down angrily, turning her head to the other side, really angry!

(End of this chapter)

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