farmer's daughter

Chapter 447 You Say It Like You Have Experience

Chapter 447 You Say It Like You Have Experience

Chapter 440 The eighth said that you seem to have experience

It wasn't until Liang Sheng got off the yamen and returned to the back hall that he realized that he had offended this precious niece again.This little ancestor can't afford to offend.Lian Lian stepped forward to apologize and said:

"Xue'er, it's not that my uncle forgot to inform you. It's because you are very busy right now. No, we plan to have dinner at home today and go to your house in the afternoon. Your first aunt and second aunt I haven’t seen what you look like there, and they all said they want to go and see.”

Xue Jian pulled his head and said:

"Don't talk to me, I don't recognize you anymore. Auntie, Auntie, let's go back to my house together later. I came here in a carriage. When I turn back, I will go in my carriage. You don't have to go to Auntie. You have a big belly." gone."

"what about me?"

Liang Sheng got busy turning around and standing where Xue Jian saw her eyes, "You don't need it. I don't recognize you anymore! Hmph!"

"That can't be done. Look, I have to go and have a look at this sacred metaphor. The emperor asked the people from the Ministry of Industry to check the green bricks and the cement you made, and decided to ask you to take people to the capital. Here, I made this thing to repair the city wall. The people from the Ministry of Industry are in the yamen, and I was still procrastinating, thinking of going to tell you first, alas, it seems that all my thoughts have been wasted."

Xuejian frowned slightly, turned around, and said softly:
"Uncle, didn't the senior brother come to say that he brought it back last time? He said he was going to send someone to learn it. Why did people from the Ministry of Industry come again? But the senior brother didn't bring me any news?"

Liang Sheng looked at the other women, pulled Xue Jian and said:
"Come on, let's go to the study and talk."

Liang Chengfang stood up worriedly and said:

"Sher, are you okay?"

"Mother, don't worry, have a good chat with some aunts, you haven't met for a long time. I will come when I have something to say with my uncle."

Liang Shengyue's study is on the east side of the backyard.Walking halfway, I happened to meet a little girl who was crying first.In fact, she was a little girl, and she looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.Xuejian suddenly shouted:
"Stop, uncle, do you recognize this girl?"

When the girl heard Xuejian's address, she quickly knelt down.Liang Sheng looked at it more and said:
"Oh, it's a relative of your aunt's family. They said they were sent to us to be a girl. I think your aunt really needs someone now. So they stayed. They are a pair of sisters. I think they also have a care for each other. .But neither your aunt nor your grandma are very commanding. So they usually do a lot of things by themselves."

This is normal ah?Xue Jian called that girl, although that girl bowed her head, but Xue Jian was short.Xue Jian looked at her and said:

"Then why are you crying? Don't you want to be a girl?"

The girl suddenly knelt down again, kowtowed and said:

"Miss, please forgive me. We didn't want to be girls. We didn't do anything bad."


Xue Jian elongated her voice, and the girl said:

"We are not relatives of the mistress. That family abducted our sisters from other places. Our family is also a good citizen. Our sisters were taken away by bad guys on the way home from our grandma's house. Think about it. We are all in a hurry. But we don't know how to go back. The man got us a fake identity deed and sold us. Fortunately, we are here, and the master and wife are very kind to us. But, but Today is also our mother's birthday, and our sisters miss their mothers. So we cried in the backyard and was seen by the lady."

Liang Sheng raised his eyebrows and said:

"Then where are you from? Are you sure that the person who sent you to me bought you, not tied you?"

"No, the people who kidnapped us speak with a different accent, they are not from our side, nor are we from Qingyang Mansion, we are from Yuanyang Mansion."

Xue Jian frowned and thought about it:
"People from Yuanyang Mansion? Uncle, that Uncle Jiang has a cousin who is from Yuanyang Mansion. He came to do business with us last time. Now he is selling threshing machines for us in Yuanyang Mansion."

Liang Sheng nodded and said:
"You get up first. Find your sister later, and I will take you to the front hall to record a statement, and then help you find your family members. For now, you should stay at my house for the time being."

"Thank you master, thank you master. Master, I accidentally heard the person who kidnapped us say something, he said: If the master above succeeds, he will reward you."

Xue Jian also heard it, waved his hand and said:
"Okay, nothing else, you go first."

Xue Jian went to the study with Liang Shengyue again, and as soon as he entered the room, Xue Jian said:

"Uncle, it seems that someone with a heart deliberately put these two people by your side. In the future, you, an official, will actually have business with human traffickers. This is naturally a crime."

Liang Sheng put his hand on his forehead and said:

"Why do I feel that I have no one to trust now. These people are not good at doing things as officials, but they always think about these trivial things. Want to harm me? Maybe they want to harm the people behind me? "

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Didn't senior brother send Zhuang Xiuwen to you? That man is a slippery person. Why don't you let him be your teacher?"

Liang Sheng leaned over and whispered:

"I sent him out. Think most people here don't know him. It's easier for him to go out and spy on something."

Xuejian giggled and said:

"You know how to employ people!"

Liang Sheng sighed more and said:
"I can't help it, Xue'er. I dare not let your aunt go out of the street. I'm afraid that something will happen. The emperor has set me here as a benchmark. Everyone will see my every move. They're all planning how to deal with me."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, so, you also have to be careful and bring more people with you when you go out."

Liang Shengyue said again:
"So, according to what you just said, the prince has already agreed that the emperor will send someone to learn, or send someone to take you to Beijing?"

"Yeah! So, the people in the Ministry of Industry in your yamen are suspicious now. Because the elder brother said it last time. Originally, the emperor wanted me to take people to Beijing. It's just that the elder brother gave his guarantee, saying that I am old. Xiao, it’s not safe to go to Beijing for this matter, so it’s agreed that the emperor will send someone to learn. It’s just that brother Jing Hao was seriously ill a few days ago, so I went there to take care of him, so I gave Beijing I sent a letter saying that I am not here, and the person who wants to come will come later. But no one has come, and there is no letter, so the person who wants to come here to your yamen must not be sent by the emperor. "

Liang Sheng nodded his head, thinking carefully, if Shizi Lian said so, then it is true.But how do people who come now deal with it.Are they holding the real license from the Ministry of Industry?Oral orders are passed on.It's not easy to verify.

Snow said:
"Well, in a while, I will go quietly with me to see what the people in the Ministry of Industry are like. Then draw a picture and send it to the messenger that the senior brother left for me, and ask someone to send it back immediately to ask. Then you drag it here again, and then On the grounds that I went to practice retreat with Master, I said that I would be back in ten days. With the buffer of these ten days, we will know their intentions and origins if we think about it. Take care of the matter. If you need someone, I will choose someone from Zhuangzi to take care of your aunt. Besides, when it comes to childbirth, it is inexperienced for a little girl to take care of it. It is right to let someone who has given birth to take care .”

Liang Sheng laughed out loud and said:

"Xue'er, you sound like you have experience."

Xue Jian was immediately speechless!

(End of this chapter)

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