farmer's daughter

Chapter 448 This Is Corn

Chapter 448 This Is Corn
Chapter 440 IX This Is Corn

After Liang Sheng made fun of Xue Jian, he felt embarrassed all of a sudden.I am a brother-in-law, and Xue Jian is also a girl who is over seven years old.It doesn't seem right to joke like that anymore.

Jokes are jokes, but what should be done should be done immediately.Xuejian went back to the backyard again, joking with a few aunts, and saw a small piece of clothing in the little aunt's sewing basket.Xue Jian picked it up and looked at it, then said with a smile:

"Auntie, I don't think your clothes are as good as my mother's. Mom, have you brought the clothes you made for your little cousin?"

Xuejian looked at her mother, Liang Chengfang looked back, she really forgot about the burden that had been put aside when she entered the door, and saw the two sister-in-laws, everyone went to chat.Xiaocao ran over to take it and opened it, Xiao Hu took one and said with a smile:

"How is this dress sewn upside down?"

Liang Chengfang smiled and said:
"At first, I also thought it was the opposite. Then I thought about what Xueer said was reasonable. Look, Xueer said that the seam is on the inside, and it will touch the child's skin. It won't happen if it is on the outside. It is worn inside. , you don’t need to sew it backwards when you wear it on the outside. Also, what we do for our children is to tie it up with the last strap. Xue’er asked me to sew two small straps here, each of which can be tied separately. I Think about it better."

"Yo, it's true, it's much better this way. I lived with you a while ago, why didn't you teach me?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"What's more, can you do it a while ago? It's like throwing up every day. Grandma feels distressed and tells you not to do anything."

"Yo, I just left for a while, why are you saying bad things about me behind?"

Mrs. Zhang just came in with a tray. It seems that Mrs. Zhang has been busy in the kitchen today.When their family moved away, Xue Jian was worried that Xiao Hu would not be able to cook, and now that he was a Futai family, how could there be no servants, so he asked the opinions of the two cooks, and the cook Xie was willing to follow Come.So Chef Xie is now cooking for Liang Shengyue's family in this mansion, but today is Xiao Hu's birthday, so Zhang went to help early in the morning.

Before eating, Liang Shengyue's little book boy Xiaoma came to the backyard to find Xuejian, and Xuejian followed him to a cubicle in the front yard. After a while, Liang Shengyue took a few people into the other side of the room. room.Xue Jian saw the appearance of those people through a hole in the compartment, and asked Xiao Ma to prepare paper and smile. Xue Jian used the sketching technique he knew to draw the portraits of several people separately, and it was very easy to see. Xiao Ma was dumbfounded, he didn't expect this little lady to be so good at drawing a person, and she could draw them exactly the same.

Xue Jian got the portraits, Liang Sheng was more sure that those people were real officials in the court, so Liang Sheng brought the two sisters who had been kidnapped to the front hall to the front hall, A few people made a record.After remembering the words of the two sisters, I decided that they were kidnapped and sold by others, and then sent to my home.

Those officials look at me, and I look at you.Watching Liang Shengyue interrogate the two sisters.

After Xuejian got the portrait, she immediately went out from the backyard.She was going to find the person left behind by the elder brother, and asked them to pass the letter back immediately.

The letter was delivered.Xuejian went back to the backyard of the Futai, and took her mother back to Zhuangzi after eating.It was agreed that the two aunts would come to Zhuangzi tomorrow.Xuejian wants to go back and get ready.When I went back to Xuejian, I went directly to old man Mo.Old man Mo heard that someone was plotting against his disciple secretly.At the moment, he said that he would go to the city.Find out what happened to those people.

I don't know what method Liang Shengyue used to hold those people back, anyway, those people didn't come to Zhuangzi.The master didn't come back either, but Xuejian sent a reply to the letter the next day, saying that those people were from the Ministry of Industry, but they were not sent by the emperor, but by the prince.

Lian Quchen said so in a letter to Xuejian alone.Please pay attention to Xuejian, the people who come may be disadvantageous to Xuejian.He has already sent someone to set off, the person who came to Xuejian to study here.Xue Jian sighed, forget it, it's useless to worry, anyway, now it's about to harvest time, if you tell yourself to avoid them, you won't do so.Just wait and see what Master has to say when he comes back.

It was noon on the third day that old man Mo came back.He looked at Xue Jian with a smile and said:
"Don't worry, those people are busy."

Xuejian didn't want to ask what they did, the most important thing right now was that the backyard was demolished.I want to build the middle part.Xue Jian's plan is to build a small garden in the middle, and build two small courtyards on each side.Corridor leading to the front yard.That's perfect.

These days, because the weather has become warmer, and house repairs at home have been chaotic, Xue Jian simply asked her mother to take her younger siblings to Futai and live in my uncle's house.I was here looking at these house repairers and the crops in the field, and at night I and Xiaocao built another shed next to old man Mo's.The two sisters will be able to live there.The rest of the family crowded into the side room that was repaired last time, and it has not been dismantled there yet.

On the fourth day after Xiaomu went back to report the letter, he brought over 20 people who could work, all of whom were laborers. Xuejian directly arranged for them to set up a temporary shed beside the newly built fence.Anyway, there are straw mats.Live some days first.Just get the house fixed.

With the participation of more than 20 people, the progress of repairing the house is getting faster and faster, and one of the people who came has repaired the house for a wealthy family.He could give Xue Jian a lot of suggestions, and Xue Jian adopted them one by one.

The next progress is very fast.Ten days later, the corn segments in the field began to change color, and Shen Sanzhu also came back that day.After seeing the two ridges of corn, Xue went around and found two corn cobs.Then, on the side of the shed, I started cooking with the small stove that was usually piled up with grass.After a while, there was a fragrance of corn.Xue Jian couldn't be happier.Look at the pot, there are only two, how to divide them, the others can't be cooked.Save more for planting. Next year, I want to plant in a large area.It is possible to grow a row of land with one more stick.

I have never smelled this kind of aroma before, even the old man Mo who is used to eating meat and wine also surrounded him, looked at the contents of the pot, and said in surprise:

"This is corn? This is delicious!"

Xuejian picked up one, took a knife to divide it into several small pieces, and gave the biggest piece to old man Mo and said:

"Master, Nuo, eat this corn kernel. You can't eat the one in the middle."

Old man Mo opened his mouth and took a bite. It was really delicious, and a fresh fragrance filled his mouth.It's just not much, I finished eating in two or three bites.Old man Mo looked at Xuejian again, Xuejian stared wide-eyed and said:
"No way. I have to bring these to everyone to try. Nuo, I will give you another piece. You see, two seeds can plant a nest in the future, and one stick can plant two ridges. In my field You can’t steal it to eat my baby. I’ll make you some special delicious food next year when I have a lot.”

Old man Mo thought about it, and nodded in agreement, thinking that he was the one who took the first bite.Xuejian called Xiaocao, gave her a taste, and then asked her to share the rest with the third senior brother and grandpa.He took the other and rode a horse, and left first.Xuejian asked her mother to try it.I think my younger brother and younger sister will like it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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