farmer's daughter

Chapter 449 Count us too

Chapter 449 Count us too
Chapter 450 Count us too
Xuejian rushed to Fucheng and went directly to Houya.Mrs. Zhang and Liang Chengfang were sitting together doing needlework, but Mrs. Hu and Yuewei were writing.And Chengwu was playing very vigorously on the ground on one side.

I saw Xuejian coming.Yuewei rushed over and shouted:
"Sister, sister, I miss you so much!"

Xue Jian laughed and scolded:
"I just came to see you yesterday, I miss you so much, it's all fake!"

Xue Jian held his younger sister's hand, went forward to salute grandma and aunt, and then said:
"I'm here to give you a taste. Take a look, what is this?"

Xue Jian took out the corn from the bag, and everyone came over to take a look, but they didn't know what it was, and it still had a faint fragrance.Xue Jian said:

"This is the corn I planted. It can be eaten now, but it is still tender before it is harvested. It can be boiled or fried like this. Come, come, let's get a bowl and put the seeds Get it all down, and everyone will taste it."

Shi Chun on the one side went out and brought a bowl, Xue Jian divided it into two parts forcefully, took one part to remove the seeds and said:

"This time I cooked two, one for Master and others to try out, and I brought the other. Next year, we can eat as much as we want. Look, there are so many seeds on this one, two The seeds can grow a nest, and the seeds on a stick can be planted in a row. Now that I eat more, I will plant less next year. So, let’s try it.”

Xue Jian asked Shi Chun to take the younger brother and younger sister to wash their hands first.Then a small plate was given to each of them.Give the rest to all the grown-ups to taste.As soon as Xiao Hu ate it, he shouted:
"It's delicious, Cher. It's kind of sweet. It's so fragrant."

Xuejian also gave Shi Chun a spoonful.Ask Shi Chun to go to the front yard to have a look. If my uncle is free, ask him to come over and try it too.Shi Chun went quickly.After a while, Liang Zhongqiu and Xiao Ma came in.Because there are not many, one person can only taste a little.Seeing that the two little ones both love to eat, I thought of saving some for them, especially Cheng Wu, who came up to ask for it again with his own small plate after eating, Xue Jian had to give him some more, see Come on, my brother likes it all!

Xue Jian really wanted to make up her mind to cook two more, but Liang Sheng, who saw Xue Jian's intentions, stopped her and said:

"It's not the same if you leave one more seed now, let's eat it next year. Give Chengwu something else to eat."

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Okay, I really have to stay. Recently, the master is afraid to walk away. I have to watch it. If I become one, I will lose a lot. Next year, after I replant next year, uncle, your house will be It can be vigorously promoted. Now this thing is registered with the emperor. We, but we can eat it before the emperor!"

Liang Shengyue stretched out his hand to pat Xue Jian's head again, glared at her and cursed:
"Why do you only grow tall but not long memory? There are some things you can't say, especially in this government office, let alone say."

Xuejian stuck out her tongue, looked outside and said:

"I won't tell you, I'm just here to give you a taste. I have to go back. It seems that the weather is not good. It's not good to rain at this time, and it will delay my harvest. I have to go back and ask someone to clear the ridge. Dig a little deeper. It’s better to drain the water. Brother-in-law, you have to prepare. It’s time to inspect. If there is a heavy rain, the house may collapse, but the mountain will landslide and crush people. There is also flood control by the river. The rainy season is here. .”

Liang Sheng looked at the cloudy sky, nodded solemnly, and said:

"Fortunately, you reminded me. I have to go and see too. Sister Shi, please watch them carefully in this inner courtyard."

Xuejian also repeatedly reminded my uncle to pay attention to his own safety first, and then do things.Seeing that Xue Jian beat the horse and left, Cheng Wu still wanted to eat, but he didn't eat anymore.He took the corn cob and licked it.

As soon as Xue Jian returned to the field, she immediately called her eldest brother-in-law and asked him to arrange several people to come, one was to dig the ditch again, and the other was to find some bamboo to tie up the rows of corn outside, otherwise she would be afraid of the wind and rain. It will blow down when it gets too big.

He also called Pang Hu and asked him to take a few people to clean up the big ditch to see if the water outlet was blocked.He also asked the women in the village to prepare some big and small bags made of grass or rattan that Xue Jian asked them to prepare, and used them to hold some soil.If the water is going to pass through the ditch, the sides of the ditch must be raised.

Anyone who has experienced the flood knows the disasters that the flood will bring to everyone, so there is no need to emphasize it. Everyone took the initiative to do it. In the past, there was no unified command. Xue Jian's unified command.Everyone has a goal when they do it.Not only did she tidy up her own Zhuangzi, Xuejian also called a boy to notify the He family's Zhuangzi, telling them to pay attention.

I think this river has opened these two big ditches this year, which can help drain some floods.Xue Jian looked at the sky, and couldn't help but sighed again, just say you don't know the weather forecast.I don't even know whether it's raining upstream or not, and it's really difficult to have no information.

The perimeter of the house that was repaired first was smoothed out with cement.Xue Jian asked someone to use lime to adjust the paste without powdering it once again, and the same was done in the house, but some problems are that the lime powder paste can be wiped off, but there is no way, it is very good to be able to do this in this day and age .So now everyone looks at the small building, it is really beautiful.Bright white, clean and neat.He Yuan, who was attracted to see it, immediately said that he would go back and do the same for himself.

I was busy cleaning up in the afternoon, and in the middle of the night, it really started to rain.And the rain is not small.Straight down.Even the temporary sheds are leaking.Xuejian and Xiaocao went back to the newly repaired house wearing a bamboo hat. Seeing the continuous rain, Xuejian was worried and asked Xiaocao to stay at home and not go out. She wore a bamboo hat and a coir raincoat, and ran back By the side of the ditch.Xue Jian saw that it wasn't just her who came, but also many men from the village.Pang Panghu took two people and stood by the river with a wind lantern.

Xue Jian came over.Pang Dahu said directly:
"Second Miss, you go back, we are here to do these things, you are a child. Go back."

Xue Jian was also very moved in her heart. During the past six months of getting along, she also developed feelings for these people. Xue Jian said:

"First, ensure your own safety. Don't let anyone have any accidents. Even if the whole Zhuangzi has no harvest, I won't let everyone go hungry next year. Second, don't act recklessly! Act with a plan!"

Everyone nodded. Hearing Xue Jian's words, everyone felt warm in their hearts. No host would say that.The Pang Da Hu roared:
"Listen everyone, our master thinks of us so much, we should also think of the master, everyone is paying attention, it seems that the water will not rise tonight, then let's divide into groups and keep some people here Watch, the other people go to bed first, how about changing tomorrow? I will lead the team tonight, and Lao Song will lead the team tomorrow night. Those who stay are free to pack those bags with soil and prepare them. I think it may be possible. It will come in handy. The rain in previous years is not as heavy as this."

The people behind heard it all said in unison:

"Okay. Listen to you."

"Uncle Pang Da, count us as well."

There was a group of people standing on one side, they were the people brought by Xiaomu.It was Xiaomu who called.

(End of this chapter)

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