farmer's daughter

Chapter 450 Soldier Raising Day

Chapter 450

Chapter 450 Raising soldiers for a thousand days, using them for a while

Seeing the people around her, Xue Jian was also very moved, and shouted loudly:

"Those who go back leave the bamboo hats and coir raincoats. Those who don't go back keep warm and don't catch a cold. I'll go back and ask Sister Xiaocao to cook a pot of hot porridge and some ginger water. I'll call everyone to eat later. !"

Song Gentu took off his coir raincoat and said:
"Old Pang, then I'll go back first. We'll replace you at tomorrow's hour. If something happens, call someone back to the village to call us."

Seeing that they were in groups, Xuejian shouted:
"Uncle Pang Da, Uncle Song, the whole family cannot be divided into one group."

Pang Dahu and Song Gentu immediately understood what Xuejian meant. If something happened to this group, the whole family would be ruined.Pang Dahu turned around and told his son Pang Xiaohu to go back to sleep first.Also separated the father and son teams of other families.After dividing into groups, a group of people went back to sleep.Xuejian took a peek, and found that all those left were fathers, and the sons all went back to sleep.This is family affection!

Xuejian went back to the new house again, and Xiaocao and the girls who got up started cooking together.After cooking a pot of porridge, Xuejian asked someone to crush some lean meat, and finally put it into the porridge. The aroma of the porridge made people drool.Look, it was almost midnight, and Xuejian went to the river embankment again to see that the river hadn't risen yet, so he asked the big guys to go back to eat porridge first, and come back after eating.

Pang Dahu took everyone back to drink hot porridge, and everyone went back to pack the bags.He was busy until dawn, but Xuejian asked Xiaocao to listen a little bit, and slept for a while, and then had to go and see when it was dawn.

At dawn, Xue Jian went to the river again.Song Gentu also came, and some young people also came.It was obvious that the river water had risen a lot.The muddy yellow water slurry rushed down violently, and the water flow was very fast.From time to time, some debris floated on the river.Xue Jian looked at it, looked solemnly, called the third senior brother and said:
"Go and inform my uncle right away, there will definitely be a flood. You see, the things washed down in the river are all ordinary people's household things. How can the good people's things be washed away? It seems that there is heavy rain upstream. Many houses were flooded. Ask my uncle to organize people to temporarily evacuate all the people living along the river. Check some houses. If they are soaked in water, they may collapse. Also, you don’t have to come back when you go, take care of yourself My uncle."

Said and whispered softly:
"If someone wants to harm my uncle, this is an opportunity. So you stay with my uncle."

Qiu Yuan nodded, turned around and left in the rain.

Xue Jian looked at the river and turned to look at the corn in the field, feeling a little sad.Could it be that these corns can't be kept?Song Gentu and his men started to build a high dam.The women in the family were not idle either, and they all joined in weaving bags.

Standing by the river, in the rain, I can also vaguely see people on the other side of the river, and it seems that they are also raising the embankment.Xue Jian went down again, probably for several miles, and along the river, the river channel seemed to be wider.

Here, the big ditch dug by Xuejian also started to swell.But fortunately, they all flowed away.The excess water in the field has been drained into the big ditch.Xue Jian stood by the ditch, looking at her own cornfield not far from the ditch.Sighing, Xue Jian felt like crying.Old man Mo was helping, constantly draining the water from the ditch in the corn field.Cher said that this one cannot be soaked in water.

From a distance, some people came, Xue Jian didn't see clearly, but when he got closer, he saw that it was Steward Huang who brought some people.There are slaves in their other courtyard, and there are people in those shelters.Butler Huang went directly to Xuejian and said:
"Master Futai sent me a message that the corn you have here must not be broken. He said it was registered with the emperor. I brought some people here. Look, how to arrange it!"

Xuejian was very moved. In this rainy day, some of those people were still disabled. Xuejian could only instruct everyone to pack dirt. People with healthy hands and feet piled the packed bags on the edge of the big ditch, and put them together. The big ditch has to be built.

The heavy rain has been falling since last night, and the flood has come as expected.The river channel did not overflow the dam, but the water in the big ditch leveled off the ditch.Butler Huang directly directed some people to reinforce the ditch.Some people took some mud bags and surrounded the corn field. Some people used a basin to scoop up the water accumulated on the side. The two people took turns to ensure that there was no water in the corn field. The man brought the bamboo sheets and mats used to build a shed for the corn field, and then built a shed for the corn field.Covered with mats so the cornfields get less water.

On the evening of the second day, Liang Shengyue led some people along the river to check on Xuejian's side, and saw that Xuejian was going on in an orderly manner.She also breathed a sigh of relief, but Xue Jian saw that the usually gentle and elegant uncle is now slovenly, with muddy water all over his head and body, and his voice is hoarse.Xue burst into tears when she saw it.

Looking at the government servants behind my uncle, they all looked exhausted.Xue Jian wiped away her tears and asked my uncle to take people to the Zhuangzi. There was constant meat porridge and ginger water in the Zhuangzi, so that everyone could go to the cold and eat something hot.

Liang Sheng looked at the people behind him more.I also knew that everyone was still hungry, so I took everyone to eat.In another room, Xue Jian found some clothes of grandpa and asked my uncle to change the clothes inside. Not to mention the wet clothes would make her feel uncomfortable, and she would also suffer from the wind and cold.I saw my uncle who had changed clothes.Xuejian's eyes were red again, so she asked my uncle to eat first, and then looked at the people brought by my uncle, how many of them leaned against the corner of the wall and fell asleep after eating.

Xue Jian looked at these people, and then at the uncle who was swallowing the porridge, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed:

"Uncle, you are just a few of you all the way? Why don't you just take a rest?"

"How to change, there are only so many people in the yamen, and one or two have to stay at home to watch."

Xue Jian said urgently:

"Why is there no one? There are a lot of soldiers guarding there, why don't you use them?"

"That can't be done, that's for defense!"

"Why not? Who would come to attack the city with such a large amount of water? People say that the soldiers and the people are fish and water. If the common people are all affected by the disaster, will there be food for the soldiers? Besides, do you think those soldiers saw such a huge amount of water?" Heavy rain, don’t you worry about your own home? Raise soldiers for a thousand days, use them for a while, and when you need them, it’s time to use them for a while! Why can’t you call them out! And there are all men and laborers there Woolen cloth!"

"Well said! Xue'er, it is good to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while. Master Liang, you have power in your hands. You can send some soldiers and keep some for defense. Under such circumstances, it is Shan There is no way for the bandits to come and attack the city, besides, your four gates are tightly closed now."

Old man Mo who came back to drink porridge heard Xue Jian's words and said directly.Liang Shengyue also sat up straight, Xue Jian spoke well.Some people should be called out!Liang Shengyue waved his hand and shouted:

Xiaocao opened a cabinet on one side and took out the Four Treasures of the Study, and Liang Shengyue wrote down the order for dispatching troops.Handed it over to a subordinate, old man Mo stretched out his hand to take it and said:

"I'll go. I'll hurry."

Qiu Yuan stood up and said:

"Master, I'll take this person there, it's better for you to stay here and look after the little junior sister."

Qiu Yuan led the assistant and rode all the way into the Fucheng.To mobilize troops to fight the flood.

 Thank you all for your votes!monthly pass!Welcome to continue to pay attention!Thank you everyone for accompanying us as Xuejian grows up slowly.If you like it, please recommend writing to your friends!

(End of this chapter)

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