farmer's daughter

Chapter 451 I brought the soldiers

Chapter 451 I brought the soldiers

Chapter 450 I brought the soldiers
The yamen servants brought by Liang Shengyue all leaned against the wall and fell asleep.Everyone was so tired that they didn't need the kang or any flat ground. Those who leaned on them and those who lay on the table all fell asleep.Liang Shengyue was taken to the other side by Xue Jian, and asked someone to bring a brazier to this room.Because these people are all soaked.If you fall asleep like this, you will be cold.

Liang Shengyue went to another room, needless to say, old man Mo directly stepped forward and pressed on Liang Shengyue's back, running for a week.Liang Shengyue felt a little more comfortable.Xuejian also asked Xiaocao to bring another bowl of thick ginger soup to my uncle.Liang Shengyue himself is a scholar, although he usually looks pretty good.Looking at the sky outside, Xue Jian said:

"Uncle, you should sleep for a while. I will pay attention, and if the third senior brother and the others come back, I will wake you up."

Liang Shengyue hadn't sat down properly since midnight last night, let alone lay down.After listening to it, I also know that my body is also important.Just lie down.

An hour later, Qiu Yuan flew back first.Look at the quiet yard.Xuejian went to the ditch again, looking at the corn field.Qiu Yuanfei went to the field, saw Xuejian, approached him and said to Xuejian:
"Maybe they'll come out in half an hour. It's agreed. They'll come."

Xue Jian nodded, seeing Qiu Yuan hesitating to speak, Xue Jian asked:

"Just say anything."

Qiu Yuan said softly:
"Junior Sister, in the court, it is a big taboo to randomly transfer troops! I am worried that this matter will cause future troubles for Mr. Liang!"

Xue Jian widened his eyes and said:
"Don't we just watch those people being drowned? No! It would be too unfair if they would be punished like this. Then third senior brother, you go to dispatch troops, did they say anything?"

"It didn't take much effort. Only one lieutenant general objected. In fact, as you said, those soldiers are panicked and worried about their families. Especially those whose families are around here. The guards are the ones who personally The deputy general guarded the city, but in fact there are more than 1 troops stationed here, but only 2000 came this time.”

"2000 people are enough! Just watch here, I'll go back and wake up my uncle. Someone will come in a while, he looks sleepy, and others will gossip."

Xuejian went back and called her uncle up.Then he said everything that Qiu Yuan said just now, Liang Sheng nodded his head and said softly:
"I know this, Xue'er. I didn't know it before. Now that I have become an official myself, I realize that it is not easy to really be the master of the people! This time it is a natural disaster. Even if I am punished, I still have to serve the people. Make the decision! No matter what, get over this disaster first, and I will accept the punishment!"

Xuejian didn't say anything, and brought the official uniform that had been baked for my uncle to put on again. A good official uniform was wrinkled beyond recognition.But Xuejian still thinks that uncle is very tall!

Looking back, Xuejian ordered the girls in the family to set up a few more big pots with Shi Shi and make more porridge. For the officers and soldiers who came, Xuejian would prepare porridge and big white steamed buns for them!In any case, they can't be hungry!
Sure enough, after half an hour, the sound of horseshoes and chaotic footsteps came from outside.Liang Sheng went out to welcome him, and the guard who led the troops was also from this place.Naturally, he knew the disasters caused by the flood. Although Liang Shengyue ordered soldiers this time, why didn't he want to do it himself?With Liang Shengyue's paper order, he helped him to bear some crimes, so why didn't he dare to lead troops out?

After Liang Shengyue took office, he was just an acquaintance with the guard, one of them was in charge of the government and the other was in charge of the army.It didn't matter at first, but it happened that these Liang Shengyue brought an imperial decree when they took office, which can control all the official history of this prefecture.Including the official history of this army.Although Liang Shengyue hadn't caused any trouble for their army in the past two months since he took office, he also knew that what Liang Shengyue did after he took office was quite standard.Therefore, this time, he received such an order from Liang Shengyue.He chose to obey!
Liang Sheng went up to meet him, and exchanged salutes with the guard. The people brought by the guard stood outside, and it was raining outside.Xue Jian stood up and said:
"My lord, we have set up a straw shed here to shelter from the rain for a while, and we can ask everyone to go in to shelter from the rain. Then we cooked hot porridge, and each soldier had two steamed buns. We gave everyone enough to eat. Try to fight this flood."

Guard turned to look at Xuejian, this little girl is now a celebrity in Qingyang Mansion.The blue bricks and cement she made are now treasures.Lord Garrison clapped his hands and said:

"On behalf of all the sergeants, I would like to thank Miss Shen!"

Having said that, he turned his head and ordered everyone to line up to get the porridge and steamed buns.Because there are not so many bowls.The only way is to hold the steamed buns first, and wait for the person in front to eat and wash the dishes before eating.It was still orderly, and there was no scene of chaos.While these people were eating, Liang Shengyue and the guard were discussing how to prevent the flood.The most important point is to emphasize that no one can die!Safety is the most important thing!

With the addition of these 2000 troops, it will be even more advantageous for Liang Shengyue to command, because he and the defense are still in tune, and things will go much more smoothly.

This time, the heavy rain fell for three consecutive days, and with the addition of water from upstream, the flood was one after another. The people on Xuejian's Zhuangzi took turns to protect the riverside in Xuejian's section.After several layers of sand and gravel bags were raised, the water level finally stopped at the second layer of sand and gravel bags.Xuejian's Zhuangzi was saved, and Xuejian's corn was saved.After the sun cleared, the people on Zhuangzi burst into laughter when they saw that the water level had not risen any more.Even the old men in the village have come to the river on crutches to have a look, for how many years.This is the first time that the flood has been overcome and the homeland has been saved.Although the flood has not receded yet, the rice fields here have not been harmed at all.

With Xue Jian, he took the lead in delivering food to these officers and soldiers.Even some families in the city also sent some food one after another, and some medicine shops also set up sheds by the river to boil medicine to prevent the wind and cold for people fighting the flood.With everyone's concerted efforts, this flood did not cause much damage to Qingyang Mansion!But the downstream and upstream situations are different.Xuejian saw the dead person who was washed down by the water with her own eyes, and after questioning, she was not from Qingyang Mansion.

All the people in Qingyang Mansion have paid for this flood fight, but they have also gained.This unprecedented joint advance and retreat made everyone in Qingyang Mansion cheer.After the flood began to recede, Liang Shengyue did not rest, but led people to repair the hidden dangers along the river.Needless to say this time, people from every place offered to help.Shengsheng raised the embankment of this section of the river by about one meter.No money has been paid by the government yet.All volunteered to work!

Ten days later, it was confirmed that the flood had receded, but Liang Shengyue was preparing to enter Beijing.Because someone impeached him, saying that he was a political official who dispatched troops privately and acted beyond his authority.When the court's herald announced the news, Liang Shengyue didn't say anything, just tidied up and explained all the remaining things, and then left with the people.but.When he walked out of the yamen, there was a man standing at the door.Master Chen, Qingyang's garrison!
Master Chen led a horse and carried a bundle, stood there, watched Liang Sheng come out, Master Chen cupped his fists and said:
"Master Liang, I will go to Beijing together with Master Liang. All the matters are not your business alone, the soldiers are brought by me. I will go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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