farmer's daughter

Chapter 457 A Proclamational Confession

Chapter 457 A Proclamational Confession
Chapter 450 Eight Announcement Confessions

Old man Qin watched from the side, and sighed:
"Zicheng (Old Man Mo's name is Mo Zicheng), you have taken in the wrong disciple. She shouldn't be a girl, she should be a boy. Look at her actions and how she arranges things. It's very interesting." It’s a set of rules. She arranges for a grain of rice to be arranged like a soldier in a battle, and everyone is happy to do it. The result of the work is also extraordinary.”

Old Mo grinned and said:

"It's not just that you said she shouldn't be a girl. His uncle also said the same thing. Her uncle was No.4 in the scientific examination this time. He said that if Xue'er took the scientific examination, they would have nothing to do with them. This girl, It's really extraordinary! So this time, he wants to call her into the palace to have a look, maybe because he heard about some of her actions."

Old man Qin frowned and said:

"But because she is a girl, you shouldn't let her go. You know, the capital is the mouth of a tiger. She is a little girl, and she is here because you are protecting her. When she arrived in the capital, those people saw her. Clever, everyone wants to bite off a piece of meat from her. When the time comes, you will feel sorry for her."

Old Mo's eyes flashed, and he said:
"I will not forgive anyone who dares to hurt her!"

Old man Qin was not talking, he turned his head to look at his stunned disciple and grandson, this silly boy will be lucky, you can tell.The girl Xue'er also fell in love with this silly boy. Although she is still young, judging from the way this girl acts, she is a successful girl.

Xuejian was busy running around.Command here for a while, command there for a while.It turned out that she was the busiest in the audience, watching her little face was flushed with heat from running back and forth, and many beads of sweat were coming out, Fu Jinghao who was watching her felt very distressed.

Just as I was about to go forward to help, I heard a cry from behind:
"Are you Fu Jinghao?"

Fu Jinghao instinctively took precautions, and suddenly floated to the other side, only then did he see two boys standing behind him. After a closer look, one of them was exactly the person he had known since he was a child, Murong Xing!

When someone as big as Murong Xing saw Fu Jinghao, he was so happy that he forgot what happened before, and immediately rushed over and shouted:

"Fu Jinghao, so you are here. We couldn't find you. Your family said you were dead. I didn't expect you to be alive."

He was so loud that even Xue Jian, who was two fields away, could hear the sound of the threshing machine.Looking at this, it's troublesome.Xue saw a flying body floating over.Pulling away Murong Xing's hand, protecting Fu Jinghao behind him, he said solemnly:
"Little senior brother, you know brother Jing Hao."

Murong Xing still happily said ignorantly:
"Why don't we recognize each other? We have been playing together since we were young. My father wanted to betroth my little sister to him. But then something happened to him, and the family said he could not be found. They said he was dead. I didn't expect him to be here. Here."

Upon hearing what he said, Fu Jinghao hurriedly pulled Xue Jian's clothes and said anxiously:

"No, Cher, I'm not engaged!"

Xue Jian patted Fu Jinghao's hand lightly, indicating that she understood and didn't care.But Fu Jinghao was afraid that Xue Jian would misunderstand.Anxiously looking at Xue Jian, Xue Jian took one of them with each hand, turned around and shouted:

"Come with me, go into the house and talk."

"Hey, little junior sister, you haven't said how you recognize it yet"

"To shut up!"

What returned to him was Xuejian's staring eyes and shut up!
Murong Xing suddenly remembered something, then shut up, followed Xue Jian and they entered the house.

After entering the room, Xue Jian looked at Murong Xing, then at Fu Jinghao who kept his mouth shut, and said:

"Both of you are Hou Men's children, similar in age, so it's normal to know each other, but, little senior brother, you promise me, you can't tell others that you saw him here, do you understand! You promise, because you are my senior brother ensure!"

Seeing Xue Jian speak so seriously, Murong Xing also said seriously:

"I'm sorry, Xue'er, I saw him just now, and I was so happy that I forgot. I promise, I am your senior brother. I will definitely not say it. But."

This Murong Xing, while making promises, also gossips!
Snow said:
"With your guarantee, I'll tell you. Brother Jing Hao was not lost at the beginning, but was murdered. I rescued him, and now he lives with his master. Now they just pass by me Come and see me. That's why I know him. If you go around saying you saw him with me, think about the consequences."

Murong Xing really shut up this time.Murong Xing, who knew something about the past, just saw his childhood friend and was so happy that he lost his face.Now I know the severity.

But Fu Jinghao's point is not here. The point is what Murong Xing said. He is afraid that Xue'er will remember it in his heart.Busy to explain again, Xuejian patted his hand and said:
"Brother Jing Hao, don't worry, I understand what he said. I understand what he means. Don't worry, I don't take it to heart."

Fu Jinghao took a closer look at Xue Jian's eyes, and then confirmed that she really didn't take it to heart.He nodded and stopped talking.

On the other hand, Murong Xing was not confused when he heard it, he looked at this and then said:

"What did I say? What didn't you care about?"

Both Xuejian and Fu Jinghao ignored him, and Murong Xing couldn't help but stepped forward again, reaching out to pull Xuejian to ask again.But Fu Jinghao took a step forward, reached out to stop his hand, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.Xue Jian was stunned!What's the matter?
Xue Jian stretched out his hand to push away the hands of the two, and said:

"what's wrong?"

Murong Xing was smarter this time.He raised his finger to point at Xue Jian, then pointed at Fu Jinghao, and stammered:

"You. You"

It's time to declare sovereignty, Fu Jinghao stared at Murong Xing and said:

"Although Xue'er is your junior sister, she is a girl. You can pull her at will. And I like her."

Xue Jian could only look at these two little boys speechlessly!Does this mean jealousy?After hearing this declarative confession, Xue Jian was not as shy as a normal girl, but rolled her eyes, looked around, stood up and said:

"Hey, what's the matter with you, I'm going to be busy. You are old friends, so let's have a good chat."

Xue Jian left the house, he really didn't have that much time to play, today was the busiest day.It's just that Xuejian didn't know, she left the house, leaving only hurt in Murong Xing's eyes!He didn't know, how could the little junior sister who he guarded here belong to someone else when he walked away?
Murong Xing never took this matter to heart, but now that Fu Jinghao appeared, he realized why he was so sad knowing that his junior sister was liked by someone!
Whether it is an adult or a teenager, it may be the most sensitive to this issue.So, when Xue Jian and Murong Xing didn't feel it, Fu Jinghao felt it.Straight away the problem was solved.He was also thankful that it was the right time for him to go out of the mountain, otherwise Xue'er would have been taken away by others later on.

 Thank you Fulu Yuexian for the monthly pass and recommended tickets!Thank you yaoye6 and yh1166 for your recommendation!Thank you for your support along the way!Thanks!I'm trying!

  Taking advantage of the holidays, I released a new book, "The Cloud Is Seen for the First Time" for collection!ask for recommendation
(End of this chapter)

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