Chapter 458
Chapter 450 Nine

The entire [-] mu of land was harvested in less than six days, and a batch has already been dried.It's faster than ever, and easier than ever.The men and women on Zhuangzi laughed happily. This year is another bumper harvest year, and they met such a good master again.How can you not be happy!

The sun-dried millet from each family was directly handed over to Xuejian on the drying dam, and then transported back all their own one by one.For every family in Zhuangzi, many families have never had so much food.I heard that there are old people guarding the food they brought home without sleeping all night. I'm afraid it's a mistake.

When Xuejian was repairing the house, she had repaired the warehouse early, but this time, the barn was really full.Xue Jian also reminded the people in the village that if there is a lot of grain to sell, then sell it to herself. Xue Jian bought it at the market price, and she was going to give some of the grain she bought back to make wine for her sister-in-law and her son. .For others, Xue Jian specially built a large barn to prepare food.

With everything packed away, it's time for Xuejian to go to Beijing.Old man Qin and Fu Jinghao, who originally said they would stay for two days and leave, also stayed for a few more days.This time I heard that Xue Jian was leaving.They also offered that they were leaving too.

Xuejian was going to Beijing this time, so she had to bring something to the emperor, that is, the corn. Xuejian asked someone to dig up the corn by its roots, wrap the roots of the corn with mud, and put The corn was wrapped and put into the wagon.

This time, Mu Kongxing and Shen Chengqiang are also going to Beijing. Murongxing came back from the mountains this time, thinking of coming back to help Xue Jian's autumn harvest. He didn't expect that he was not useful, but he was hit a bit, but he was still young. , Some feelings are not so deep, and soon I will come out.It's just that sometimes I still feel a little distressed.

Murong Xing brought Shen Chengqiang to the capital with the intention of protecting Xuejian, but because old man Mo said that he would follow secretly.Fu Jinghao was not that worried.Fu Jinghao bid farewell to Liang Chengfang and the others, and followed Shigong and Xue to see that they broke up after leaving the boundary of Qingyang.They wanted to go to the southwest by way, because Fu Jinghao's grandfather was over there now, and that was where his father died in battle.

Xue'er took away Shi Chun this time, because Xiao Hu's fetus moved on the day of Xue Jian's autumn harvest, and gave birth to a son very hard.Now the Zhang family and the Da Hu family are taking care of him, and now Liang Shengyue, the young master of the Futai, is a very good and upright official in the hearts of the people in Qingyang City.So everyone is very supportive of him.He also felt that there was no danger for him, because the emperor sent someone to use him, and it was a few guards.Of course, he also assigned two to be responsible for the security of the backyard.

So, hearing that Xueer was leaving, Liang Shengyue sent Shi Chun over.One is that Shi Chun knows martial arts and is familiar with the capital.It can help Xueer a little, and secondly, Shi Chun is a woman, which is also helpful to protect Xueer sometimes.Xue'er and Shi Chun also got along with each other in the first place.This journey is very happy.

Before Xue Tongling set off, she sent a letter to the elder brother in the capital, explaining when she was going to leave, so when she arrived outside the gate of the capital, she heard Shi Chun say:

"Second Miss, Butler Xiong has come to pick you up in person."

"Butler Xiong? Isn't it the Butler Xiong from Uncle Jiang's family?"

Xue Jian was a little puzzled.

Shi Chun smiled and said:

"That's the real Steward Xiong. This one's name is Changsun Xiong. Everyone calls him Steward Xiong. Don't underestimate him. He is the same as Steward Huang. He came from a military background and is a man of military merit. The princess is the butler, but he is a fifth-rank military officer. It’s just that he’s old and hasn’t gone out to war anymore.”

Upon hearing that, Xuejian stood up and said:
"Then I have to get out of the car."

This Shi Chun has no objection, Xuejian is right to be so polite, treating servants with courtesy is a good thing for those who have just arrived in the capital.

Outside the city gate, the carriage stopped.Xue Jian got out of the car first, brought Shi Chun, Shen Chengqiang and others who followed behind, to the front of Steward Xiong, and bowed gently:

"Hi, housekeeper, grandson, I'm Shen Xue."

After Xue Jian saluted, Shi Chun also saluted and said:

"I've met the housekeeper, this is Miss Xuejian."

The eldest grandson butler also bowed and said:

"Don't dare to accept Miss's gift. The old man's eldest grandson, Xiong, was appointed by the Princess to take Miss into the mansion. Miss, please get in the carriage and follow the old man's carriage."

Xue Jian nodded, then turned back and got into the carriage.The eldest grandson Xiong nodded lightly. It seemed that this Miss Shen was not an ordinary farm lady who knew the etiquette completely. No wonder the princess always talked about her when she came back.

The eldest grandson's steward's carriage went first, and took Xue Jian to the Princess's Mansion.Xuejian huddled in the carriage along the way, and didn't stretch her head out to look around.Shi Chun, who was in the same car, looked at Xuejian twice.In fact, Xue Jian was thinking about what he had to pay attention to in this capital city.

When they arrived at the princess' mansion, it was also the housekeeper, grandson, who personally came forward to take Xuejian off the carriage.It can't help but cause people passing by to take a second look. Everyone knows that the housekeeper of the princess's mansion has always only stood at the door to welcome some dignitaries.There are really very few people who can let the eldest grandson butler get off the carriage.But when I looked at it, the person who came down was a little girl, and the person who came down after that also handed out something wrapped in cloth. It looked long and tightly wrapped, and I didn't know what it was.But looking at this little girl, she carefully carried this thing into the princess mansion.

The eyeliners of some mansions who have been stationed outside the princess's mansion all the year round have their own ways to pass the matter back to the mansion.

Master, that girl looks very beautiful. Now that she is young, if she grows up, she will be a beauty.

master.I don't know what was in the cloth bag, but the little girl was careful and cautious. The eldest grandson steward avoided both left and right, and let the little girl carry it into the princess mansion.

master.I took a look at the people who came with the little girl. One of them was the housekeeper Lian Shizi used to use.

master.Didn't the young master of Murong's family say that he left home, why did he follow that little girl into the princess mansion.

The heads of each family received reports from each family, and when the heads of each family were silent, they knew that the girl who could invent new farm tools that the emperor had often heard about recently had come.It is said that she is Lian Shizi's junior sister.So it's no wonder there was a housekeeper accompanying her, and Young Master Murong was escorting her.Just what is wrapped in that cloth?There are two more carriages in the back that were pulled directly into the princess mansion. There is obviously something in it, but what is it?This is where everyone pays attention.

After each family received the news, it was natural that the one sent to the emperor was the most accurate.The emperor heard that Xue had seen the princess mansion.He was so happy that he passed on the word, saying that Miss Shen should have a rest today, and let Miss Shen enter the palace tomorrow!

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(End of this chapter)

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