farmer's daughter

Chapter 459 I Can Endure Hardships

Chapter 459 I Can Endure Hardships
Chapter 460 I Can Endure Hardships
No matter what others think or think, anyway, Xueer, who was carrying her things into the mansion gate, handed the things to Shi Chun directly after entering the mansion gate, and then ran in by herself, shouting as she ran. :

"Sister princess, sister princess."

The eldest grandson Xiong looked at the lady who ran up in amazement, she was completely different from the one who got out of the car just now.Smiled, this is an energetic girl.

Before Xuejian could run far, a figure flew over to catch her, it was Lian Quchen.As soon as Xue Jian saw the elder brother, she stopped in her tracks and saluted the elder brother with a smile. The eldest grandson Xiong suspected that she was dazzled.This is that polite Miss Shen again?
Lian Quchen smiled, looked at the little junior sister and said:

"What? I just wanted to see your princess sister? You don't want to see me?"

"Where is it! I don't want to see the princess sister either. I just want to see my little niece and nephew. The elder brother is mighty, and there are two dolls at once!"

Xue Jian looked at the elder brother adoringly, why did Lian Quchen feel that he was laughing at himself?
Xuejian passed the elder brother and walked straight in.The princess has been sitting for a full moon.Knowing that Xue Jian is coming today, she waited in the hall early.

Seeing Xue Jian running in, the princess also got up to greet her, Xue Jian stepped forward to salute the sister of the princess, and didn't care what the princess said, just stretched her head to look left and right.

"Where are my nephews and nieces?"

The princess also laughed dumbfounded, patted Xuejian on the shoulder and said:

"Go in. She's sleeping. There's a nurse watching."

Xue Jian walked to the door and patted the clothes on her body vigorously, saying that she was afraid that she would bring dust into it, which would be bad for the children.This made the princess very heartwarming.

The two went inside, and the two children fell asleep on the small bed behind the screen.One slept in a cradle, a nanny and a big girl on one side, and two little girls stood there to wait.

Xue Jian stepped forward directly, and stretched her head to see the two sleeping cuties, both with pink faces.I slept soundly.

Xue Jian looked at the nanny who was still shaking the little cradle, frowned slightly, then turned to look at the sister of the Princess Princess, Lian Shizi who followed in, and Murong Xing.He waved his hands outside again and again, signaling everyone to go away and stop disturbing the children to sleep.

After coming out, we went to the flower hall together.It's cooler here.

Only then did Xue Jian say:

"Sister Princess, are you in good health? You have given birth to two children, you are amazing! But if this is the case, it may be harmful to your health."

The princess gave her a blank look and said:

"I heard you yelling at me when you came in, and you didn't think of me until now."

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Those two are newcomers, I have to see them first. Ever since I found out that you gave birth to twins, I've wanted to see them. You don't know, on the day you gave birth, my little aunt also gave birth to a son. That day was also the first day that my Zhuangzi started the autumn harvest, and I think a lot of happy things happened that day!"

Lian Quchen smiled and said:
"Really? That's great. Mr. Liang's son and my son were born on the same day."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yes, you and uncle are good friends, and I hope they will become good friends in the future."

Then Lian Quchen was concerned about some things about Xuejian's trip.Look at Cheng Qiang who was following Murong Xing, although he didn't speak much, he stood up straight and looked very calm.

Murong Xing saw the big brother looking at Cheng Qiang, smiled and pushed Cheng Qiang out and said:

"Chengqiang, meet my elder brother. You can call him Shizi Lian."

And said:

"Eldest brother, Cheng Qiang is very good. I have taught him several sets of boxing. He can fight very well. This time he came with me because he wanted to come to Beijing to work. He doesn't want to study. He is a general. Material. You know that I look like a young man. If I take him with me, he will be nothing. I want to hand him over to you."

Lian Quchen looked at Chengqiang, then at Xuejian.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"It's my second uncle's son. He was spotted by the junior brother, and the two of them practiced martial arts together in the mountains for a while. Brother Cheng Qiang is pretty solid in his work. Senior brother can help him. Throw him into the army Go and learn."

Xue Jian also helped Cheng Qiang to say good things, Lian Quchen said with a smile:
"He was only a little old, so he went to the army."

Cheng Qiang took a step forward and said:

"Master, I am ten years old this year. I can do many things now."

Lian Quchen thought for a while and said:

"I think of a place to go with you, but if you don't go there, you have to be obedient and suffer!"

Cheng Qiang nodded repeatedly and said:
"I can endure hardship."

Lian Quchen turned to Xue Jian and said:
"I think he has a good foundation, and he wants to go to the army. How about this. I will send him to the guard of the capital. The guards there are my people. Let him keep Cheng Qiang by his side as a guard." Pro-guard, please train me well."

Xue Jianwen said:
"Won't it cause you any trouble? Generally, aren't the guards in this kind of capital all the sons of high-ranking officials?"

Lian Quchen nodded and said:

"Yes, many of them are the sons of the Beijing officials, but most of the people here are people who are more prudent and handle affairs, and there are few people who make trouble. You can also learn something in it. But the training there is more difficult. .Because the responsibility is heavy."

Shen Chengqiang stepped forward and said:

"Thank you Shizi, I'm not afraid of training, but I'm afraid of not training me. I'm going!"

Lian Quchen nodded and said:

"Well, if you want to go, I'll ask the grandson housekeeper to take you there right away. It's not good if you stay in my house for a long time. My house is full of other people's eyeliner, which is not so good for you in the future. You just take it seriously Just listen to the words of Lord General Lu. He belongs to me. If Ah Xing needs anything, he can find you over there."

"Yes, Shizi, please take good care of my little sister Xue'er."

Turning around, he saw Xue again and said:
"Xue'er, I went there to study. I will write to my family later, and you should take care of yourself. I will write to you often."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Okay, brother Chengqiang, remember, this is the capital city, any inconspicuous person, maybe a family member of a high-ranking official, don't fight with others at will. You must take care of yourself first. Make more friends who are motivated, and don't make friends who go away. A crooked friend. I will take myself to learn bad things. If I have a vacation, I will go to see my second uncle, who is also in the capital."

Even Quchen told him that Shen Erzhu and the others are now building floor heating in the prime minister's mansion.But every night I went back to the shelter to sleep.In the future, as long as you go to the shelter, you can see Shen Erzhu.

Lian Quchen called the eldest grandson butler to explain the matter to him, and then the eldest grandson butler took Shen Chengqiang out.Lian Quchen looked back at Murong Xing and said:

"Aren't you hiding from blind dates? Why did you come out? Entering my house so swaggeringly, someone will come to your house in a while."

Murong Xing sat down on a chair beside him and said:

"Oh, I'm still hiding. I'm hiding. I've missed the best. Don't hide anymore. Anyway, I want to marry them, and if they marry, what does it have to do with me? Even if I'm tied into the bridal chamber, it's useless !"

Lian Quchen was a little surprised, what happened to this troublemaker?Why are you so depressed?Looking back at Xueer, Xueer was a little uncomfortable.Pretending to look down at the clothes on his hands.Lian Quchen thinks there is something wrong?
He changed the subject and said:
"You are here, where is Master?"

Xuejian raised her head this time and said:
"Master is here. I don't know where he went after entering the city. He said he was worried about me going to Beijing. So he followed. Maybe he will come over at night."

(End of this chapter)

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