farmer's daughter

Chapter 460 Do you understand what I mean?

Chapter 460 Do you understand what I mean?

Chapter 460 Do You Understand Me, Miss Princess?

When it was almost time for dinner, the two little guys finally woke up.Xuejian watched the nanny carry her to show the princess and the prince, and then took it away from the screen and went to nurse.After a while, it was taken out again, and it was still placed in the small cradle, and then the two big girls carried it, and put it in front of the prince and princess to watch and tease for a while.Because the cradle was rocking, the two children soon fell asleep again.The sleeping child naturally went down again.Xue Jian followed the princess to have a look, and they were brought back to the specially furnished baby room, this time naturally the nanny was gently rocking at the side again.The child fell asleep in it.

Xue Jian frowned.But he didn't say anything, and the princess and the princess withdrew again.After a while, a big girl came to report what the nanny had eaten today, how many times the child had eaten, and how many times he had slept.Crying or nothing.Then the princess felt that something should be changed, and the princess's nanny also said something to pay attention to.Then the big girl went down.

Is this a big family with children?Xue Jian didn't understand!It's no wonder that most of the children from rich families are close to their nanny, but they have a close relationship of interest with their own mother.

It was almost time for dinner, and sure enough, someone from Murong's family came.The person who came was Murong Xing's elder brother.Said to bring Murong Xing back, but Murong Xing said:
"How can I go back? My master told me to take good care of my junior sister. You tell the family, don't worry. I will take good care of my junior sister. It's okay."

Xue Jian almost sprayed tea on the side, speaking as if she was afraid that their family members would worry about her.But Murong Xing's eldest brother was so easy to fool, he talked to the prince politely, and ignored him.

But the big brother is the big brother, and he really stood up and said:
"Your Majesty Murong, please rest assured that he is here to protect the younger junior sister. The younger junior sister was summoned by the emperor, so he came to Beijing. Please go back and tell Lord Hou and his wife. Afterwards, I will definitely let him Go back."

With what Lian Shizi said, it would be bad for Murong Bo to say anything else.So he nodded, rejected Shizi's intention to stay for dinner, and left.As soon as he left, Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Little senior brother, you have gone too far. Seriously, this time I am back in the capital, I am here with senior brother, so I really don't need your protection. You should go back and see your parents."

Murong Xing glanced at Xue Jian, didn't speak, just got up and sat on the side.He looked like he didn't want to care about people.

The girl just came to send a message, saying that she wants to have dinner.Someone else is coming.This person came back from the palace, and it was a young eunuch, but Xue Jian could tell.Eldest brother still respects this little eunuch very much.The little eunuch came to give oral instructions, saying that the Holy Majesty wants Xue Jian to enter the palace tomorrow.Zao Chaoshou met her in the imperial study.The so-so-sounding little heart was pounding, a little excited.

After the little eunuch left, Prince Lian said:
"Xue'er, do you know this little eunuch clearly? When you see him in the palace in the future, don't say hello. Of course, if he greets you, you should say hello. Just call him Little Song Gonggong. He is a member of the secret guard. Do you understand?" ?”

ah? !What do you mean?This person is young, it seems that the one in the palace belongs to the kind of person who can't be found in the crowd, but he is the emperor's powerful spy.It seems that the water in the palace is really deep.

Lian Quchen asked Xuejian again if the things she was going to bring into the palace were ready.Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Brother, it's too far away. Otherwise, I'll cook one for you when the corn is just ripe. Now I have to wait for next year. I only cooked two in total, and I can let more than ten outsiders taste it. Everyone just tastes a little bit."

Lian Quchen smiled and said:
"Okay, remember to give us a try next year. And those farm tools, you brought them? But do you know how to use them? Maybe you need to use them on the spot to see."

"It's not a problem, I can do it."

The princess on the side smiled and said:

"Xue'er is really capable. But I really see that you have grown a lot taller this time compared to last year when you came back."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yes, fortunately, master gave me some medicine, and my life is better now. If I eat better and I am full, I will grow taller."

The princess, a novice mother, is naturally concerned about what to eat and what to grow, so she immediately asked:
"What do you eat to grow taller? I'm so worried that my baby will not grow taller or something. I don't even know what to feed them."

Xue Jian giggled and said:

"Isn't it too early for you to worry? The baby should be breastfeeding now. But I do know."

Having said that, Xue Jian looked up and looked around.After the princess swung, everyone backed out, even the princess' nanny.Xuejian looked at the princess and said:

"Sister princess, maybe I'm from the country, and I don't understand some of the rules of your family. But there is one thing, I want to ask, why don't you breastfeed your child yourself? I don't know anything else, my mother Because of saving me, my cousin broke my waist and couldn’t breastfeed my little brother. At that time, my little brother was still in the month. My mother cried because of this. Finally, my grandma sent my little brother to a nursery school. The aunt who nursed the child was breastfeeding. Later, my mother got better and was able to hold my younger brother. At that time, the younger brother didn’t need to breastfeed. But the younger brother didn’t want to get close to my mother, but if the aunt came to see him, he would I want her to hug me. This made my mother sad for a long time. Of course, we are far away now. My younger brother has been living in front of my mother, so I accepted my mother."

When Xue Jian said this, she paused and said softly:

"Does the Princess Princess understand what I mean?"

The Princess looked at Xuejian in a daze, Lian Quchen touched her, the Princess looked at Xuejian, then at Lian Quchen, suddenly tears flowed down, stretched out her arms to hold Lian Quchen and started crying, crying road:

"What should I do? What should I do? I haven't been breastfeeding, and now I have no milk. Will the child deny me in the future?"

Lian Quchen hurriedly comforted him:
"No, whoever denies you, I'll beat him up!"

"Why are you willing to fight, that is our child?"

Xue Jian burst out laughing at the side.road:

"It seems that senior brother's consolation is wrong."

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"I don't know how my sister takes care of the children. Of course, you don't have milk now, so you can only raise them with the milk of the nanny. But I suggest that you take care of yourself as much as you can. If you have nothing to do, hug and let the children Get used to the smell on your body. Of course, other things can be done for you. What I mean is that you should touch your children more, don’t just watch, let them hug, let them do. Children still like it Tired of being with my own mother."

The princess wiped away her tears, stretched out her hand to hold Xue Jian's hand and said:
"Xue'er, thank you. I have never noticed this problem. In fact, once you said it, I understood it. I understand it. I don't talk about others, I am myself. I was taken by a nanny since I was a child. After my father died, my mother Regardless of the world, she is not so close to me. In fact, thinking about it now, it’s not that my mother doesn’t love her anymore. It’s because I don’t want to be tired of being with her. I don’t want to, and my children will be like this in the future. Xue’er, thank you! Thank you You! It's a pity that you said this a little bit late, I don't have any milk now."

(End of this chapter)

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