farmer's daughter

Chapter 461 You Think Too Much

Chapter 461 You Think Too Much
Chapter 460 You Think Too Much

Xue Jian smiled, stretched out her arms to hug the princess, and wanted to appease the anxious princess first, and then said:
"It's not too late, sister, as long as you want to start doing anything, it's not too late! However, sister princess, I just saw two nannies shaking the child when the child fell asleep. This is not good. The child is asleep Let him lie down and sleep quietly instead of rocking to sleep. It is not good for the development of the child's head and body. The time when the child really grows is when he sleeps. If he does not sleep well, he will not grow up. Okay. And shaking it all the time is a bad habit for the baby. Also, do you ever see the nurses just hold the baby and shake the baby like that and they fall asleep for a while. It's because of some Things haven’t grown well yet, shaking like this all the time will make the child feel faint, and then the child will fall asleep. But this is not good for the child.”

Lian Quchen frowned, but the Princess didn't speak.Xuejian stuck out her tongue and said:

"Maybe we have different ways of raising children, but I still think that habits have to be cultivated from an early age. Some habits are learned by children, and some are acquired by adults. No matter which one is, we must treat children well. That’s the real good. If it’s bad, you should start from the beginning.”

The princess nodded and said:

"But if you don't shake them, they'll wake up. They'll cry."

Xue Jian nodded, looked at the princess and said:
"Have you ever cried, Princess Princess? When you were a child? Do you still remember the feeling of your body when you cried very sadly?"

The princess smiled and said:
"Of course I cried. When I found out that my father died in battle, I cried a lot."

"Feeling, it feels like tears are only flowing down, my head is stuffy, my chest is swollen, as if I want to scream out."

"Yes, yes, once when I was a child, they robbed my things, and I cried like this."

Murong Xing on the side hastily added.

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yeah, so it's good for a child to cry. You can't always stop your child from crying. When a child is just born, the internal organs in the body are not fully developed. If the child's breathing ability is crying, there will be some problems. Improved. Don’t believe it. You can ask that kind of imperial doctor. They should understand that when crying, the chest will be swollen, and it will be forced to break away. This is better for the child. Of course, it is not really necessary to make the child cry. I'm saying it's good for a baby to cry sometimes."

Even Quchen looked at Xuejian who was talking about this, and felt a little funny. He was obviously a child, but he still said it logically.But the princess, a novice mother, is eager to hear more, because what Xue Jian said makes sense.

The princess simply shifted and sat with Xuejian, looking at Xuejian seriously, eager for Xuejian to say more.Xue Jian was dumbfounded, so she had to mention some attention issues about feeding and housing the children.The princess turned her head to look at every time she heard one, and said to Lian Quchen:

"Remember, write it to me later."

Lian Quchen was a little speechless and said:

"Okay, okay, Xue'er has been sitting in the carriage for so long, it's time for her to rest. It's time for you to see the child. Just tell them not to shake the child. Take your time, Xue'er is going to see the emperor tomorrow, Won't go yet."

Only then did the princess let go of Xue'er, stood up abruptly and shouted:
"Nurse, nurse, arrange for sister Xue'er to live in. I'll go and see the child."

Now the princess has heard what Xuejian said.Need to improve immediately.Xuejian was a little surprised, and then smiled, this is a mother.Everything has to think about the child.

It was early in the morning the next day, and it was really early in the morning.The princess' nanny came to wake Xuejian up.Said that the crown prince said that he wanted to enter the palace with her.Xue Jian looked at the sky, it was so dark, I'm afraid that now is the time to be ugly.To be honest, after riding in the carriage for a few days, I really want to sleep again.But I had to get up and see.

Xuejian was dressed, and today she put on a new suit of clothes that she brought, which she also designed for herself.Shi Chun stepped forward to help her get dressed and combed her hair.Speaking of brushing your hair.Xue Jian couldn't comb their hair like this or that. In the past, she was too busy at home, so she just braided her hair twice.Later, all the girls in Shenjia Village imitated her weaving, and later it was spread to Qingyang City.Xue Jian snickered when she saw someone with double braids she didn't recognize.This is from me.

After getting dressed, Xuejian frowned and said:
"Aunt Shi, why don't I pull my hair like this? I don't think I can walk or talk properly. My neck is stiff. How can I meet people after a while? What if I take off the headdress as a salute? "

After last night, Shi Chun gave Xuejian the etiquette of entering the palace under the reminder of Lian Quchen, which made Xuejian very confused.

Seeing Xuejian's troubled look, she was used to seeing Xuejian's double braid and thought it was very cute, so Shi Chun finally surrendered.Agreed Xuejian to weave double braids.

When the last beautiful and simple Xuejian came out, she also showed off the princess who also got up early to see them off. The princess thought that Xuejian's outfit was very beautiful.She also chose a small bead flower from her own head flower to wear on Xuejian's head.All of a sudden, Xue Jian's eyes were shining brightly.

The main task of Xuejian who entered the palace was to explain to the ministers how to make the corn and those farm tools.So Xuejian also prepared a set of trousers in the case for need.

It was still dark, and Xue Jian was finally going to enter the palace.She and Lian Quchen were both in the carriage, so Shi Chun naturally accompanied her into the carriage.The corn was still in the carriage, and several farm tools made by Xue Jian were installed on the two carriages behind.

There are several carriages in a row, and the sound of carriages can be heard walking on the road in the early hours of the morning.Xue Jian thought of the sound of the busy traffic in modern times.In such a quiet street, there was a sudden sound, which made people feel particularly heavy.

It was easy to come to the gate of the palace.From a distance, I saw a lot of carriages and sedan chairs, all lined up in an orderly manner on another street at the corner outside the palace gate.But Lian Shizi's carriage did not stop here, but drove directly to the gate of the palace. Along the way, he met some people in official uniforms, and when they hurried away, they still bowed slightly to Lian Shizi's carriage .Xue Jian's eyes towards the elder brother are different.Just looking at her eager eyes, Lian Shizi knew what she was thinking, before Xue Jian asked.He snorted coldly and said:

"You think too much, even if I go down, I have to salute this carriage."

Da Tiao's Xue Jian realized that this was not the carriage that he came in.Taking a look, Shi Chun smiled and said:

"The ones you can't look at are all outside. The emperor's special flag was held outside, which was specially sent by the palace next to the emperor this morning. Only with this can you enter the palace gate."

No wonder!Xue Jian breathed a sigh of relief.Looking at the dark outside, he sighed softly:
"Hey! It's not easy being the emperor. This is the time to sleep well, and you have to get up early to go to court!"

These words, of course, drew Lian Quchen's big white eyes and warning eyes again!Xuejian shut up on her own initiative, yes, she can't talk about royal affairs in this kind of place.well!This is the inability to talk about freedom!

The carriage drove up to the gate of the palace.The soldier guarding the gate also opened the curtain to have a look, saluted Lian Quchen and let him go.

 Thank you Fulu for recommending the monthly ticket!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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