farmer's daughter

Chapter 462 Isn't this treasonous?

Chapter 462 Isn't this treasonous?
Chapter 460 Isn't This Treacherous?
The carriage went in and stopped in front of a house.Then a voice was heard saying:
"Master, are you here? Please get out of the car."

When Xue Jian got out of the car, she realized that this eunuch was recognized by her, and it was Eunuch Li who had gone to announce the decree last time.Xue Jian smiled and Mimi stepped forward and saluted:

"Hello, Eunuch Li, I'm Xue Jian, and I'm here this time. Are you okay?"

"Ah! This old servant has seen Miss Shen!"

Eunuch Li remembers this little girl, the last time he went to declare a decree.As a result, the girl gave herself two red envelopes, totaling 400 taels of silver.In other words, this is the biggest red envelope I have ever received when I went out to do errands.Therefore, seeing him in front of Xue, he immediately saluted and called himself an old slave.

Eunuch Li turned to Lian Quchen and said:

"Don't worry, my son, you can go to the morning court first, Miss Shen is here and I will accompany you. I will wait for my son to come later."

Lian Quchen knew about this Eunuch Li, so this old man was also the emperor's confidant.It was no problem thinking about it, after winking at Shi Chun and Murong Xing who came with him, Qu Chen even went into the palace to go to court.

Eunuch Li hurriedly asked the little eunuch to bring a chair, and let Xue Jian and Murong Xing sit down and wait.However, it is summer now, and the sky will brighten up in a short while.Everyone has been waiting for a long time.I saw a little father-in-law rushing to tell me:
"Eunuch Li, the emperor ordered you not to wait any longer, and asked Miss Shen to meet you directly in the palace."

Eunuch Li was stunned for a moment and said:

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake? The emperor has never seen a woman in the hall! Except for the hall where the queen is sealed every year, no woman enters this hall."

When Xue Jian heard it, although she didn't despise the words, she listened intently.If this is the case, then you are not looking for death by yourself!

Before the little father-in-law could speak, another person came from afar.This time it's Lian Qu Dust.After a few ups and downs, he arrived at Xuejian and said:

"Let's go, Xue'er, you and I go to the hall. Just bring the corn. Ah Xing is still watching the carriage here."

Murong Xing nodded, and simply went back to the carriage with farm tools.Xue Jian picked up the corn and walked forward with Lian Quchen.Turn around a corner, and there is a wide square in the middle.And there are probably dozens of steps on the white jade steps.Xue Jian was a little depressed.But he still followed Lian Quchen and was almost at the steps.Even Quchen said in a low voice:

"Pay attention to your posture, don't look up, hold the corn with both hands."

Xue Jian was a little stunned, but still lowered her head obediently.Hold the corn in your hand and walk up.Walking up the steps, there is a platform with a width of three to five meters, and further forward is the eaves of the door.There were some guarding soldiers standing at the eaves of the door, and there was a big eunuch standing outside the door. When he saw Lian Quchen and Xue Jian coming, he sang:
"Lien Shizi, Miss Shen, I would like to see you."

Lian Quchen just walked over.When Xuejian passed by the big eunuch, she deliberately lowered her body slightly, as a gesture of respect, the big eunuch hurriedly stepped back and nodded.It's a courtesy.With this small gesture, the eunuch's opinion of Xue Jian was very good.

Xue Jian followed Lian Quchen in, and the inside was really solemn.Two rows of people in various official uniforms on each side turned around and looked at Shen Xuejian who came in.This girl came in for the first time, and she was the only little girl who got in here.And this little girl is the person who has discussed the most in this hall recently.Now I can finally see my real body.

The emperor sat directly above, when Xue saw the door, he glanced at it, then lowered his eyelids, pretending not to see it.The emperor looked a little old, but it didn't hurt his perennial aloof majesty.Lian Quchen led Xue Jian to the center of the room.Lian Quchen saluted and said:
"Go back to the emperor. The minister brought Miss Shen."

"Minister Shen Xuejian kowtowed to the emperor, may my emperor live long and live long!"

"Hahahaha, this kid can really talk, good! Long live me too! Stand up. Let me see."

Xue Jian gently put the corn on the ground, then stood up by herself.He raised his head slightly, and looked at the emperor sitting on it with a smile.When the emperor saw a beautiful little man, he was stunned for a moment, then laughed again:
"What a beauty. Well, what you brought up is the corn. Show me."

Xuejian bent down to pick up the corn, and an eunuch standing by the emperor came over.Want to take the corn and present it.Xue Jian paused slightly, and said crisply:

"Your Majesty, because I was afraid that the whole appearance of this tree would be damaged on the way here, so I wrapped it all in cloth. There is still mud on this root. If I put it up, some mud will fall off. I'm afraid it's not clean."

The emperor stretched out his head to look and said:
"You mean you brought the whole corn? Not just the corn?"

Snow said:
"Yes, I'll bring it all for you to see."

The emperor stood up and said:
"You open it, I'll come down and take a look."

The emperor walked out of the dragon table and was about to walk down slowly.The eunuch hurriedly stepped forward to support him.Xuejian gently erected the corn.Then he stretched out his hand and slowly opened the wrapped corn. After unpacking, everyone saw the whole picture of the corn.

I saw that it was a pole, and the leaves on it were all yellow.However, there are two things wrapped in yellow leather, and it looks like Xue Jian is not afraid of the emperor.When the emperor came closer to have a look, Xue Jian pointed at the corn cob and said:

"This is the fruit, and I call it the corncob. Then, if I open the husk, this is the corn."

Xue Jian peeled off the husk of the corn bag, exposing the corn inside, and a corn cob with all the corn kernels grown to the top was completely exposed.Then Xue Jian respectfully handed it to the emperor and said:
"This is one. Generally, one corn will bear two, and some have only one. This is a mature corn. You can look at it. You can do this to get the corn kernels down. After drying in the sun, you can do it in the next year." Seeds, so that they can be grown in many varieties. The growth cycle of this is shorter than that of rice. But this can be planted on the mountain instead of paddy fields. And this can be cooked and eaten when the seeds are just grown. Grind it into pulp to make cakes. At this time, it can also be dried and ground into flour to make steamed buns. And this stuff is more resistant to hunger than rice."

As Xue Jian was talking, the emperor stretched out his hand to pinch a seed, not wanting to damage it, but Xue Jian felt very distressed.Get one for yourself, and one for the emperor, and the whole litter will be removed.Xuejian hurriedly stretched out her hand and said:
"That's not the case. Your Majesty, you can't pinch it. If it's broken, you can't make seeds."

"Presumptuous! It's impossible for the emperor to do anything wrong. I don't know how to advance or retreat at such a young age. You should be punished!"

Xue Jian turned her head abruptly, and saw a little old man with a white beard standing near the back, staring at herself and said.

Xuejian was about to reply, but Shizi Lian knew Xuejian's temperament.Afraid that Xuejian would say something radical.Busily stood up and said:

"Lord Feng, Miss Shen is talking to the emperor, but the emperor hasn't spoken yet. Why is it Lord Feng's turn, who is presumptuous?"

The old man with the white beard was still unconvinced.Step forward and say:

"Didn't the elder son hear what she said? How dare you say this to the emperor! Isn't this a big treason? If such behavior is not educated, it will harm her parents and family. The elder son is her senior brother, has he not educated her? Is it a king, what is a subject?"

 I got home a little late today, only to find out that I received a tip from a book friend again!Thank you book friends for your reward!To this end, try to add a chapter!Thanks!

  Recommend the new book "Yun Ru Chuxian", please collect it!It's also my book!

(End of this chapter)

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