farmer's daughter

Chapter 464 A Few Different Looking Eyes

Chapter 464 A Few Different Looking Eyes

Chapter 460 A few different looking eyes,
Xue Jian was a little worried, saying that the emperor went out with a lot of ostentation.If this toss out, I'm afraid it will be noon.Unexpectedly, in the end, all the ministers took a few carriages together.Generals riding horses.The emperor also rode a horse.Originally, an eunuch was asked to take Xuejian to ride a horse, but Xuejian said that he could ride a horse.The emperor glanced at her. In this day and age, not many girls can ride horses.

In the end, Lian Quchen brought Xue Jian out.Someone had already shipped out the wagon for farm tools.A group of people walked up the street in a mighty way, and it was only then that Xuejian saw the streets of the capital with his own eyes.Sure enough, it was much wider than Fucheng, and there were more people coming and going on the street. If there were not soldiers standing guard first, I was afraid that such a horse team would collide with people.

The shops on both sides of the street are also open, and there are all kinds of shops.The street that turns out of the palace is the busiest.Going forward seems to be deserted.Riders also rode faster in cooler places.not for a while.When they arrived at a city gate, the elder brother gently said on top of Xue Jian's head:
"This is the South City Gate, yesterday you came to the West City Gate."

Xue Jian saw the tall and majestic Xicheng Gate yesterday.Now look at the South City Gate as well. It is as high as a three-story building, but it seems that the lower floor is built with stones, and the upper one does not seem to be stones.No wonder I was so excited when I heard about the blue bricks I burned.

After leaving the city gate, there was a burst of dust on the road outside, and Xue Jian couldn't help but raised her hand to cover her mouth.Fortunately, the destination is not far away, just five miles outside the city.At this time, the surrounding area was surrounded by soldiers.The carriage that was transported earlier was parked aside.Xue Jian saw that the little brother was also waiting there.

Seeing the horse, Xue quickly patted the dust on her body and said:

"Eldest brother, you haven't seen the door of my house now. There is no dust at all. I think the official roads will be paved with cement in the future."

Shaking the dust, Xue Jian took the initiative to stand over, and the emperor and others also dismounted, the emperor said:
"Girl, I will leave this place to you now, and you will command the soldiers of these two teams. Tell me what to do."

Xue Jian looked at the people who were waiting there first.Nod.Looking back at the field, the rice is ripening.It can also be harvested.

Xue Jian bowed and said:
"I also ask the emperor to apologise, I have to change this skirt first."

The emperor nodded, and sat on a chair that had been prepared a long time ago.Immediately, a eunuch brought tea.Other adults also found a place to sit down, and several adults were waiting to see what Xue Jian brought.

Xuejian changed her clothes, and when she came out, she directed a few soldiers to cut off the rice first and put it away on both sides.Then he called someone to help get off the things on the carriage, Xue Jian first got off some things for the threshing machine, and assembled them one by one in front of everyone.

Several adults were very curious and came forward to have a look. One of the adults saw the gear made by Xuejian and sighed:

"Wonderful! Wonderful! How did Miss Shen think of such a subtlety?"

Xuejian still used the old saying, "Chelu, go and look at the wheels of the carriage, where did you think it came from?"

While talking, Xue Jian directed people on what to do.What to pay attention to.The soldiers in the fields were also people who had done farm work, so it was quick to cut the rice.Such a field will be cut in a short while.Xuejian is also assembled here.Ready.Then Xue Jian directed the people to carry the threshing machine to the field.Originally wanted to find someone to do it, but Murong Xing stood up and said:
"Your Majesty, I will use it, and I will do it."

The emperor looked at Murong Xing, and said to Murong Hou who was standing behind him:

"Isn't this your second kid? By the way, he's Lian Aiqing's junior brother."

"Yes, Your Majesty, it's my second boy. Murong Xing."

Lord Murong turned his head and said:
"Ah Xing, can you do it? Let Miss Shen do it!"

After saying that, he glared at Murong Xing, as if to blame him for being troublesome.

Murong Xing didn't care, and said:
"Your Majesty, I have learned how to operate everything that Junior Sister makes. Besides, Junior Sister is still a girl, so going to the field is always bad. Let me do it."

The emperor waved his hand,

"Okay, it's you. You show them how to do it. Demonstrate it and let them learn how to do it."

Murong Xing lifted the front of his clothes, jumped onto the threshing machine that had been placed, and Xue Jian also went up and stood on the other side of the little brother.Two soldiers were called over and said:
"You pick up this from both sides and give it to us, and we'll hand it back when we run out. One after another."

The two soldiers nodded.Then Xue Jian and his little brother started to use the threshing machine.Sure enough, the machine turned up.It worked very quickly, after making a lot of piles, Xue Jian signaled Murong Xing to stop.Then Xuejian Fei came ashore and said:

"Now the emperor will see who he will send to learn it. There is a little senior brother who will take it with him, and it will be done in a while. This operation is very simple."

The emperor originally wanted to ask a soldier to learn it, just to see if it was difficult to learn it.An adult who didn't want to stand aside said:

"Your majesty, let me try it. I am very interested in the operation of these institutions."

"Okay, you are also from the Ministry of Industry, and it will be useful for you to learn more. All right. It's just you, go."

The adult got off the field and stood on the threshing machine, Murong Xing briefly explained how to do it.Started to fight with him.See how well he works.Murong Xing stopped and said:

"Your Majesty, you can let another person come. Let this adult teach it. It's very simple." No need for Murong Xing to say it's simple, even if he is watching from the side, he thinks it is very simple.And it's fast.A soldier murmured to himself:
"It's too fast. If it was in my house, it would take a day to harvest such a wide rice, and I would be very tired."

The emperor and some ministers have never threshed millet in person.Xuejian also stepped forward to explain how everyone operates now.And what are the benefits of having this machine.After a comparison, everyone will understand.The emperor is overjoyed.

After a while, several people took turns to go to threshing millet. There was a soldier who didn't want to come down. He was very excited. He said that when he was at home, his arms were swollen and he hadn't finished beating. He didn't need it now. strength.

After a while, all the cut downs were beaten out.When they were fighting, Xue Jian had prepared the iron pear head and rake head.Someone had already prepared a cow on the side.When these were ready to go to the field, Murong Xing still took the initiative to do it.Because this is more difficult and dirtier, Xuejian no longer goes to the fields.But standing on the emperor's side and talking about the benefits of this thing, after seeing the threshing machine, all the ministers also cared about Xue Jian's opinion, and gathered around to listen to Xue Jian's words.

Xue Jian felt several different scrutinizing eyes, but she didn't have time to distinguish carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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