Chapter 465
Chapter 460 Six Sitting and Eating
After looking at the plowed land plowed by Xuejian's iron pear heads and rakes repeatedly, even some ministers who knew a little about farming praised them one after another, let alone those soldiers who had farmland at home and had done farm work.Everyone is excited.If you have this thing at home, you don't have to worry about your parents working too hard.

After all the machines have been tested, see you again:

"There is another thing that cannot be tried here, but this kind of thing is more important than the previous ones for farming. It is when our fields are dry. If there is water, this thing can drive the water wheel to the field. Your Majesty, there is a big river beside my farmland. I diverted the big river into a small ditch to pass through the middle of my land. Firstly, it is used for flood drainage, and secondly, it is used for irrigation of my land. I use a water pump The car can irrigate all the fields."

The emperor waved his hand and said:
"I know this. Last time your Qingyang Mansion fought against the flood, you contributed a lot. Girl, please tell them about your water tanker and let them learn it. I hope more farmland Only by using these things can we guarantee our harvest and let the common people have something to eat."

"Emperor Shengming!"

This time Xuejian is sincerely telling the emperor a sage.Then look around and say:

"Is there a pond or a river near here?"

A soldier stepped forward and said:

"Behind the field in front of us is a ditch with water in it."

Xue Jian looked at it and said:
"Okay, let's go take a look."

Xuejian is also a person who moves as soon as he says he wants to move. He jumped up and came to the side of the ditch. After looking at it, he said:

"Okay, here it is. Two men, come here with hoes."

The crowd moved over there again, the soldiers all followed Xue Jian's command, and two officials from the Ministry of Industry even followed Xue Jian step by step, and even recorded what Xue Jian said one by one. If you don't understand, just ask directly.Hsuehjian didn't hide it either. When others asked, she would tell.

The fields that had just been threshed are now plowed again.Just short of water.In normal times, you have to take it from the ditch, or wait until it rains heavily to plug the gap, and the water will be left.But now it is no longer necessary.Xuejian directly asked someone to dig a gap on the edge of two or three connected fields.Then also said:
"On my family's farmland, I have a small ditch on the edge of each field, and I use the edge of the field to make a small ditch, and lay larger stone slabs at the place where the road is to be crossed to make a bridge for the road. Just pass the water below. In this way, all the water will pass through.”

Xue Jian commanded the water truck to be set up.This waterwheel is new, but fortunately, Xuejian knows how to assemble it.While it was installed, the adults came to see it one after another, and sighed:
"I don't know how this little girl thought of it. How can you come up with these ideas?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"It's very simple. As long as you want to simplify things, you have to find a way to simplify it. If this doesn't work, just replace it with that, and it will be formed. My family's labor force is not good, and my father alone How wide can a person grow? My mother is not in good health. I have an older sister on top, and two younger brothers and a younger sister on the bottom. Our family has to live! If you find a way to save effort, you can live well."

Soldiers installed things.It was Murong Xing who stood up and asked the elder brother to also stand up.Because Xuejian is too small and not tall enough to reach the beam above.Then the two started driving, watching them both step on the wooden hammer-like things one by one, as if they were walking.Even Quchen learned while watching.It didn't take a few strokes to make it look good.

The emperor also stood up and walked over to see that they were stepping on it. After seeing them turn a few times, the water sprayed out from the head of the water cage, and the spray continued.The emperor cried out after seeing it:
"it is good!"

All the ministers also applauded.This is really good!A lot of people are less tired of carrying water to irrigate the fields.Lian Quchen and Murong Xing stopped the car, jumped out, and then changed two officials to go up. The two were a little nervous at first, but after they cooperated well, the water was pumped up easily.I changed several people in a row to go to school.Everyone has realized the benefits of this thing.After a while, the water in this field was full, and it flowed from the gap to the next field.Xuejian will talk about how to build the ditch again.Such a machine can satisfy a lot of farmland.

But some ministers also asked:
"It's better to be on flat ground, but if you go to mountainous land, the fields over there are getting taller and taller, what should you do?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"First, in the future, there will be no need to use farmland on the highlands, planting corn in spring and wheat in winter. The second method is to build a pond or a larger water storage pond at a slightly higher place. Only release water when it is needed. The normal mountain water or rainwater is stored in the pond. This is enough, and you don’t have to worry about it from below.”

Everyone also asked some questions to Xue Jian.Murong Xing directed the soldiers to clean up the machines one by one, then disassembled them and loaded them into the carriage.This batch is to be left to the shelter of the princess to follow suit.If you want anything in the future, you can only order it.This is what Xuejian had agreed with the emperor a long time ago.This is also to help people in those shelters earn money to support themselves!
Today's demonstration was very successful, and completely shocked a large group of monarchs and ministers. Unexpectedly, with just some iron and some wood, such a wonderful thing can be conceived.The few ministers in charge of agriculture and those who like to make some kits and kats completely surrounded Xue Jian, one asked this, and the other asked that.Xue Jian took the trouble to explain it to them.Among them, an adult asked:

"I wonder if Miss Shen knows about the floor heating made by those who work in the princess' mansion recently?"

Lian Quchen, who had just squeezed in to protect Xue Jian, agreed instead:
"That's what my junior sister made. The first house with floor heating is my junior sister's house."

Those grown-ups wanted to hear some opinions from Xuejian.They all said that their homes have already booked to build a greenhouse.

The emperor was filled with joy.directly called:
"See you. Come here."

The emperor yelled, and of course Xue Jian ran over in a panic.The emperor looked like an elder.Patting Xuejian on the shoulder and saying:

"Hahaha, it is our blessing to have this little girl in our dynasty. The things you made are very good. I also agree, and these things will be handed over to the shelters. Promote them to the shelters in various places. In the future. I promise you, I will give you a tael of silver for every one of these things sold. All the sellers in the court will give you a tael of silver. How about it? A lot less?"

Xue saw a dog-legged smile and said:
"A lot, a lot. That's enough. One tael of silver. This is a big family. He has to buy several items, and each item has several items. Then I can get a lot more. From now on, I will not do anything, just sit ate."

"That can't be done. I will find something for you to do. One is to plant that corn well, and the other is to think of ways to make such good things. Hahaha, I will reward you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xue Jian thanked her right away.Everyone returned to the city together, and everyone had their own plans in their hearts.When the emperor returned to the palace, Xue Jian and the little senior brother went back to the senior senior brother's house.When I went back, I went directly to the back hall to wash up and go to see my little niece and nephew.

 I recommend the new book again, "The Cloud Is Like the First Sight", a modern romance story!Ask for collection, please recommend!thanks

(End of this chapter)

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