Chapter 470
Chapter 470

The old Hou Ye and the old lady were all sitting in the main room.At that time, Murong Ming was gesticulating and waving his hands excitedly.There seemed to be a lot of dissatisfaction, but he didn't look at the lady who was helped by the nanny and sat on the side without saying a word, her face was still swollen.It was swollen by him.

Seeing Murong Bo came back, Old Hou Ye didn't make a sound.Murong Ming stepped forward and said:
"You came back alone? Why didn't you bring that evil son back? This evil son! How dare you offend me!"

Murong Bo only stepped forward to salute his grandfather and grandmother, but ignored his father.Looking at his mother's appearance, Murong Bo felt very distressed.Thinking about what Xuejian means, it's not bad.Mother should be allowed to live a quiet life for a few years!
Murong Bo stood up, called Hu Momo and said:

"Mommy, help my mother inside to rest. Watch her."

Hu Momo was kneeling on the other side, when she heard Murong Bo's words, she crawled over and cried:
"Miss, miss, this old slave will help you in to rest."

Hu Momo supported, Murong Bo also supported his mother, and finally Madam Hou was helped up.Before driving away, Murong Ming stopped shouting:
"Where to go, no one is allowed to go without making it clear!"

Murong Bo turned his head to look at his father with hatred, stood in front of his mother, and said in a deep voice:
"Mother Hu, help my mother in!"

Old Hou Ye looked at the confronting father and son, frowned and said:

"What's the noise? Bo'er's mother is not in good health and helped her in to rest."

The old man spoke.Nanny Hu helped Mrs. Hou to go in.Mrs. Hou also seemed to be stupid, and left after supporting her.Murong Ming looked at her with disgust!
Murong Bo turned around and faced his grandfather, knelt down and said:

"Grandfather, I also ask grandfather to ask for an order to withdraw my position as the son of the world."

Madam Hou, who had already walked out of this lobby, rushed back when she heard this, hugged her son and shouted:

"Bo'er, what are you going to do?"

Murong Bo patted his mother lightly, looked at his mother's eyes with a little vitality, and said softly:

"Mother, don't worry, my brother and I have grown up. We can afford you!"

Old Hou patted the table and said:

"What nonsense!"

Murong Bo helped his mother up.He gently stroked his mother's face and said:
"Mother, does it still hurt? But my son's heart is very painful! My son doesn't want my mother to live so wronged for this position of son! My son and my second brother have discussed it. We will be filial to mother. This position of son, don't worry about it." , It’s not a serious position at all, it was bought with the life of my aunt’s family, so I don’t feel at ease sitting in this position!”

Mrs. Hou didn't understand what her son was talking about, she just looked at her son with tears in her eyes.On the other side, Old Hou Ye slapped hard!
"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is!"

Murong Bo turned his head and said coldly:

"Am I wrong? Do you really think I don't know anything? Do you have peace of mind? Let alone this, it will not take a few days. In a few days, the emperor may directly take back the position. I think What are you using to gain face!"

Murong Ming snorted coldly:
"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Murong Bo sneered a few times.road:

"Don't you ask what your Madam Naru did! You still have the face to ask my mother! Just wait. You will know when you wait, mother, this position will harm people. We don't want it. I have arranged for my little sister to be with Prince Lian. Mother, the sons and daughters want to love mother well!"

Madam Hou nodded while weeping, unable to say a word.I have been strong all my life.Just for these three kids.Now, children are sensible.I know I have protected my mother.I still have nothing to let go of.

Madam Hou put it down.But some people can't let go.Old Master Murong said in a deep voice:

"Bo'er, tell me clearly, what's going on?"

"I don't know. Don't you guys know it well? Don't you all blame my mother here? Didn't you see my mother's swollen face for no reason? You lost the face of the Murong family yourself. You guys I forgot my grandfather's life-saving grace, and my aunt's family's life. Enjoy the glory and wealth. Enjoy, you enjoy it! See if you will be punished!"

Murong Bo said in a stern voice.Hearing this, the expressions of Old Murong Hou Ye and Murong Hou Ye changed!Both of them got up, their eyes seemed to want to eat Murong Bo.Madam Hou stood up all of a sudden, protecting her son behind her, and shouted fiercely:

"No one is allowed to beat my son!"

Murong Bo's eyes turned red, he gently hugged his mother, and slowly helped her to the back room.

"Murong Bo, explain clearly what's going on!"

Murong Bo stopped talking.He helped his mother and left.Old Master Murong turned his head to stare at his son and said:
"Tell me, what's going on? Why did you beat Boer's mother today?"

"This shrew, it's so hateful, let Xing'er beat Gu Shi outside. When he came back, he didn't give the imperial doctor's sign. He pretended to be asleep in the room! He wanted to kill Gu Shi. Bo'er doesn't want the position of the son. I will Li Hong'er is the eldest son! This woman is not good, and the son she gave birth to is also disobedient! Do you still dare to hand over the Marquis Mansion to them?"

"You dare! No wonder your son said that about you. Have you asked, was Xing'er beaten? Where was it beaten? What was it for?"

Murong Ming also said forcefully:
"Is it him or who? When I went, Mrs. Gu was in a coma. It was the girl who said that the second young master led someone to beat her."

"Lead someone to fight? You don't want to think about who Xing'er learned his martial arts from. Together, you and I are no match for him. Does he need to lead someone if he wants to beat Gu's?"

After all, Old Hou Ye has experienced more storms.Naturally, there was a problem.A young man stuck his head outside the door.Trembling cried:
"Old Marquis."

Old Hou looked at it and said:

"What's the matter?"

The boy knelt down with a plop and said:
"Old Hou, the servant is the rich man who went to drive with the second wife today. Old Hou, the second wife was not beaten by the second young master. However, it is not someone else. I don't know if I should say it or not."


The boy told the whole story.Of course, she also said what Xue Jian said.He also saw Xue Jian's injury.Because he was sitting in the carriage and saw the second young master wrapping the handkerchief around the hand of Miss Shen, even though he was wrapping it, he bled a lot.

After hearing what the boy said, Old Hou Ye sat down on the chair with a plop.Even Murong Ming's complexion is not good-looking.

"It's over, it's over! No wonder Bo'er said there will be retribution, there will be retribution!"

"Father! It's not that serious, right? It's just a child. Although the things she created a few days ago attracted the emperor, she is a peasant girl. We are the Hou's mansion! Besides, Xing'er is still her senior brother. Xing'er was doing most of the work that day. Didn't you also see it?"

Just as he was talking, the butler hurried in and said:

"Old Hou Ye, Hou Ye, you have to get ready, the father-in-law who announced the decree will be here soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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