Chapter 471
Chapter 470 The second chapter violates the virtues of women in the dynasty

The steward's words made the already heavy atmosphere in the hall even more somber.Old Hou Ye turned pale immediately, and sat down on the chair with a plop.The blind old lady who was sitting in the same room heard from the beginning, and now understands what she didn't understand before.It turned out that I was the only one who was really worried about my daughter's family, but I didn't expect that I was called Mrs. Hou and Mrs. Tai all these years, but I traded my daughter's life for it!

"My.Pearl baby! My.Pearl baby! Ha!"

The old lady let out a miserable laugh, but there were tears in her eyes.The old lady felt her crutches and stood up tremblingly.Old Hou Ye looked back at his old wife, but the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes were red.Old Hou Ye was so frightened that he wanted to reach out to support the old lady.The old lady shook off his hand, and walked towards the door alone, laughing as she walked.

Lord Murong, who was stunned in the middle of the room, reached out his hand to help his mother, but before he reached out, his mother fell down like a willow leaf, shaking lightly!


Both Old Hou Ye and Murong Hou Ye went to help the old lady.Old Hou Ye reached out and touched the old lady's nose, and the old lady had died.This is the real pearl baby who went to see her!

"Mother! Mother!"

Hearing Lord Hou's cry, Murong Bo also came out and saw his grandmother lying on the ground.He also knelt down with a plop.

The old lady of Muronghou Mansion has passed away!

The three men in the room, old, middle and young, were all just crying, and the housekeeper rushed forward and said:

"Master Hou, you have to go to receive the order first! The servants of the incense case are all ready. Leave it to me here. I'll take care of it."

Lord Murong had no choice but to let go of his mother first.The butler immediately ordered some old women to come.First lift the old lady up and put it on a slum on the side.Then ask someone to bring the old lady's shroud that was prepared a long time ago.Then they sent people to decorate the mourning hall.For the old housekeeper, these things are all in the way, and naturally they are done quickly, but some things are not so easy to handle.

The old Hou Ye who went to the door to receive the order was after his wife passed away.He was old in an instant, and his back could not be straightened.With the support of Murong Bo, he went to the door to receive the order.Even after Murong Hou knew that it was Xue Jian who beat Gu Shi, his heart turned cold.We can only hope that the emperor will look at the Murong family's marquis brand and spare his family.

When they came to the door, the eunuch who came to announce the decree was not a familiar eunuch.The eunuch looked at the man who seemed to be instructing:

"This decree is announced to Mrs. Hou of the Murong family, Mrs. Ru of the Murong family. Please invite the two wives to come out and receive the decree."

The three of the old Hou Ye were a little confused, why did they announce the decree to the wives?No matter what, it's better to call someone first.

So he asked someone to call the two wives, and Mrs. Hou came out without any trouble.He was still wearing the same outfit as before, but he wore the gold hairpin that Hou Fu should have on his head.But Mrs. Gu waited and waited but couldn't come out.This made Lord Murong, who was already in a bad mood, anxious to ask someone to remind him again.

for a while.Only then did I see Mrs. Gu coming out in an extraordinarily alluring outfit, hugged by the girl and woman, and the scene was a bit bigger than Mrs. Hou's.

The eunuch twitched the corners of his mouth and sang in a tune:

"Okay, Madam Hou is here now. The old slave is going to announce the decree."

This made Murong Hou very embarrassed.Stepped forward and said softly:

"Eunuch, this is Mrs. Hou, and this is Mrs. Gu."

The eunuch pretended to be surprised, and said to Mrs. Hou whose face was still swollen:
"I'm really sorry, Madam, please forgive me! This old slave is the first time to come back to Murong's house to announce the decree."

Madam Hou said softly:

"I don't blame you. Father-in-law, please declare the decree. My mother-in-law just passed away. So I couldn't come out to receive the decree. Please pass it on to the emperor."

The father-in-law bowed and said:

"Amitabha! It's the old slave who came half a step too late! The old slave is Mr. Liao, the chief eunuch of Duke Kunning. This time, he is here to proclaim the imperial edict of the empress. Mrs. Hou and Mrs. Gu of the Murong Mansion listen to the decree."

Mrs. Hou knelt down with the support of the nanny, and Mrs. Gu also hurried forward and knelt down.Eunuch Liao frowned and said:

"Mrs. Gu, aren't you Mrs. Ru? Why are you kneeling with Mrs. Hou? There are no rules!"

That's why Mrs. Gu reluctantly took half a step back, but she refused to take any more.Eunuch Liao snorted coldly.But the decree was announced.After the announcement, Eunuch Liao took a step forward and handed over the imperial decree to Mrs. Hou.

Mrs. Hou accepted the order with a slight trembling.This is the queen's reprimand for her will, saying that she can't manage the family as a marquis and fails to set up good family rules, so she should be punished!She was punished to copy the scriptures in the mansion from the date of receiving the decree, and she had to copy all the empty scriptures she brought to pass the test.Therefore, what Madam Hou took over at the same time was a small wooden box.What is contained in the box is the blank scriptures brought by Mr. Liao.But it is a full box, it seems that there are nearly twenty copies.

Seeing Mrs. Hou took the things, Gu sneered and said:
"It seems that the empress is wise and knows that our housekeeper is not good."

While talking, he was about to stand up.It was obviously a mockery of Hou Shi being reprimanded by the Queen.Hou didn't speak.Eunuch Liao frowned again and said:

"Mr. Gu, there is one more decree for the empress. It hasn't been announced yet. What are you doing when you get up?"

Eunuch Liao turned around and said:

"Mrs. Hou, this trip was not in vain. Now I know why you can't handle this family well. People in this family are too unruly. Madam didn't even get up, but you got up? I just heard that Your wife has just left. You are wearing gold and silver, and a lady like you is wearing bright red that violates the rules. Come on!"

Some guards brought by Eunuch Liao came out and two people came out. Eunuch Liao said:
"Our family is the chief steward of the Kunning Palace. I help the empress to see if the women in the world have violated the etiquette. This Mrs. Gu speaks frivolously, dresses improperly, is disrespectful to the mistress, and is disfilial to the mother-in-law. Put everything on her Everything that violated the law was picked up."


The two guards don't care what family name or who you are, anyway, it belongs to Eunuch Liao.Going forward, she pulled Gu Shi out, and took off Gu Shi's coat, a bright red skirt, without any explanation.He also pulled some hairpins off Gu's head.They are not people who want to talk about the rules, and they completed the task in a few clicks. Looking at the current Gu family, he is really naked and disheveled.It's really indecent.

On one side, Lord Murong has been winking at Mrs. Gu, but Mrs. Gu doesn't look at her.Originally thought that the queen reprimanded the Hou family, and if there is another purpose, it must be to let herself take power.I didn't expect this father-in-law to be so ruthless that he took off her clothes in the street.

This makes her how to meet people!Gu shi covered her face and cried in shame:

"Why is father-in-law like this? The concubine will naturally ask the empress for the reason!"

Means I'm going to tell you about it!

Eunuch Liao snorted coldly and said:

"Why is it like this? Just listen to the queen's will and you will understand. Then you can go to the queen to reprimand her!"

next.Eunuch Liao announced another decree.This decree was designated to the Gu family.It is said that the Gu family does not obey the rules, a concubine's room, without a mistress and no elders.But wantonly walking on the street.It violates the morality of women in the dynasty!Moreover, this person not only walks on the street by himself, but also beats and curses people in the street, looking like a shrew.It violates the female commandment!Therefore, the empress rewarded Mrs. Gu to practice in Fenglin Nunnery for ten years.During these ten years, you are not allowed to meet your family members, so as to cultivate nun virtue!

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  Another book by the author has been signed today, please pay attention to bookmark and recommend it, "Cloud Ruby" is waiting for your attention!


(End of this chapter)

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