farmer's daughter

Chapter 492 I'm Dizzy

Chapter 492 I'm Dizzy

Chapter 490 Three I'm Dizzy

Since I watched a lot of TV in my previous life, I know that this palace is the most insidious place, and there are people floating in such a stream. No matter what, there must be a secret behind it!

But no matter what, saving or not saving has never been something that Xue Jian has to spend time tangling about. Human life is at stake, so save it first.Xuejian didn't have time to speak to the little eunuch, she just touched her foot, and she jumped up.Straight to the man in the stream.Xue Jian reached out and grabbed the person and lifted it hard, but it wasn't very heavy.With the people, he flew and landed behind a row of flowers and trees by the stream.It's a flat grassy field.put people down.First put the person flat, then stretched out his head to have a look, but the little father-in-law came running after him.

The person who was rescued was a little girl, who looked not very old.Maybe eleven or twelve years old.Looking at her clothes, she doesn't look like a court lady.The little father-in-law ran in to take a look and exclaimed:
"It's Princess Jade!"

But why is Princess Jade here?The little father-in-law saw Xue Jian saving people.As soon as Xuejian took the pulse of Princess Yu, she said:

"Fortunately, he's not dead yet!"

Immediately follow the first aid method, first check if there is something in the mouth, and see if there is any.Xuejian immediately asked the little eunuch to bend down on the ground to make a saddle, and then put Princess Yu upside down on the little eunuch's back.The water in the abdominal cavity was poured out.

Sure enough, water poured out of Princess Yu's mouth after a while.Then Princess Jade still didn't have any obvious breathing.Xue Jian lay Princess Jade flat again.He personally leaned over and gave Princess Yu a mouthful of breaths.Made several sets in a row.The little father-in-law was so anxious that he cried, and said in a panic:

"Little prince, shall we call for someone?"

Xuejian disagrees with him calling someone, one is that she is sure to wake up the little princess.Second, I don't know how the little princess fell into the water.What if the bad guys find out.So he gave the little eunuch another hard look.The little father-in-law didn't dare to say anything, but everyone knelt down and started crying.I'm afraid, because Princess Yu is not saved because he is not good, then he will die.

Hard work pays off!After doing a few sets of first aid, the little princess coughed lightly.Xue Jian gently hugged the little princess halfway.

The little father-in-law really woke up when he saw the little princess.With tears in his eyes, he came forward with a smile and said:
"See Princess Jade. The princess is auspicious!"

Princess Yu also said softly:

"Auspicious? Where am I? Where are you from?"

Little Eunuch said:

"Princess Yu, it was the little prince who saved you. If it wasn't for the little prince, the slave would have nothing to do."

Only then did Princess Yu realize that she was lying in someone's arms.Surprised, she hurriedly wanted to turn over to have a look, and when she heard that it was the little prince who saved her, she panicked even more, Prince, that's a man.Doesn't this make you lose your reputation?

She didn't have the strength to turn around, but a little girl's voice came from behind her and said:

"Princess. I rescued you. But I don't know why you fell into the water, so I didn't alarm others. Only me and this little father-in-law know."

The little eunuch hurriedly kowtowed and said:

"Princess Jade. This servant is working in the imperial study, and my servant is called Xiao Zhuzi! Today when the little prince enters the palace, the emperor asked the servant to accompany the little prince to visit the imperial garden, but he didn't want to see you fall into the water. Fortunately, the little prince knows martial arts. That saved you."

Only then did Princess Yu nod her head, and turned her head slightly to look at the little girl who was holding her. She was a beautiful person, but her name was Xiaoqing Wang?Or the real little prince?Could it be the little prince who was just sealed?Didn't you say that the little prince has returned to the country?

After a moment of silence, Princess Yu said softly:

"Little Prince, thank you for saving your life, and more importantly, thank you for your silence. I fell into the water, and I know why, but I don't want to implicate others. It's my fault."

Xue Jian nodded, this is a smart way, not to implicate others, this is a means of self-protection in the palace.Xue Jian also thought that it would be better to have less things than to have more things. This princess can grow up to be ten years old in the palace, I am afraid that she has seen some things.However, the princess has been in the water for so long, why hasn't she heard the sound of someone looking for someone along the stream?
After a short rest, the princess became a little more energetic.road:

"I want to trouble Mr. Zhuzi, you go quietly to Kunning Palace to find Nanny Fu, tell her about me quietly, and ask her to bring me clothes to pick me up. There are some things, needless to say, Understand?"

Xue Jian didn't speak, but she was a little surprised. This Princess Jade seemed to be a calm and thoughtful person.Seeing that this just woke up, she didn't cry or be weak like other girls who didn't know what to do.Look at how she speaks and does things in an orderly manner.

Instructed the little eunuch, and the little eunuch tidied up a little.Then I went to help the little princess deliver the letter.Xue Jian still didn't move, the little princess still leaned on Xue Jian's body, and after a long time, she sighed and said:

"Little prince, I didn't expect to see you like this. Last time I heard that a little girl was named a little prince. I also told my mother that I wanted to meet this little prince. The mother also said that the little prince I will go back to the palace to participate in the palace banquet, and I will see you then. I didn’t expect to see you like this. It makes you laugh.”

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"Hey, what do you see me for? I have a reason to be this little prince. But let's not talk about it. Do you feel better now? Can you sit up? My leg is numb from the pressure."

Only then did Princess Yu turn over and sit up in a panic, her wet hair and clothes were still stuck to her body, her face was still very pale, and she seemed a little weak after just such a movement.Looking back at Xuejian rubbing her legs, she also apologized:
"I'm sorry! But the most important thing is to thank you! If I hadn't met you today, I still don't know what to do."

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"It's nothing. I saw it, so I just shot it. It's you, be careful, don't fall into the river again."

Princess Yu smiled wryly, shook her head lightly, and said nothing more, the two looked up at each other, smiled at each other, and said nothing more.Xue Jian smiled and said:

"Princess. I'm a peasant girl from the countryside. Sometimes I don't know much about the life of people in the capital, so I'm not used to it. But I like farm life. I can grow my own rice for cooking and vegetables. I went to pick vegetables to cook by myself. I was very happy. But when I came to the capital, some places were different and my hands were tied, so I liked my life in the country. If it wasn’t for sending some food to the emperor this time Come on, I won't come back to Beijing for the time being. But I don't want to meet the princess again. This can be regarded as a kind of fate."

Princess Jade has always lived in the deep palace, so how could there be such a friend who is about the same age.Besides, Xuejian is a legend, so what about the little prince!It's just that I didn't expect to know the little prince under such circumstances.Just as Princess Yu was about to say something, she heard a rush of footsteps in the distance.Xuejian was about to speak, but Princess Yu lay down again, and said softly:
"I'm dizzy."

(End of this chapter)

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