Chapter 493
Chapter 490

Xue Jian was stunned!He was still talking to himself when he saw it, so he said he was fainted when he fell down.Before Xue Jian could ask why, Xiao Zhuzi led a group of people in.In the lead was a nun.Seeing her anxious face, after separating those flowers and trees and coming in, she ran in front of her in three steps at a time, hugged Princess Yu in her arms, and shouted anxiously:

"My princess! My princess! The old servant has just left for a while, what's the matter with you?"

Princess Yu was held in the arms of the mother for a while.Only then did Princess Yu slowly open her eyes in Mammy's arms, looked at Mammy and said:
"Mother. Where am I?"

Mammy looked up and said:
"Princess, this is in the imperial garden. Why did you run out? Didn't you go to learn how to play the piano with your husband today? If it wasn't for Xiao Zhuzi's father-in-law to report that you fainted. I don't know yet. What about Yuehe and the others?" ?”

Saying that, Mammy looked up and looked around again.He seemed to be looking for someone, but he didn't see it, so he lowered his head and said:
"Ah, the clothes are wet, princess, that's not right. You have to change clothes. Why are your clothes wet?"

Princess Yu frowned slightly, as if recalling:
"I just washed and smiled by the stream outside the Qinyuan. Then my feet slipped and I fell into the water. Before I could scream, I passed out. So, I don't know what's wrong with me?"

Xiao Zhuzi said on one side:

"Princess Huiyu, the servant and the little prince passed by here. The little prince saw you floating in the water, so he rescued you."

Princess Yu turned her head to look at Xuejian pointed by the little pillar, Xuejian was still kneeling there, the nun was a little surprised and said:
"Ah, this is the little prince. He really looks very small."

Then he added:

"Thank you, little prince, for saving Princess Yu. This old servant kowtows to you!"

Holding Princess Yu in her arms, the nanny bowed her head twice to Xue Jian.Xue Jian didn't say a word, she didn't know what was the depth of it, it's better not to pick up the words randomly.

Xue Jian nodded slightly, and only said softly:
"The princess seems to have inhaled some water, it's better to change clothes earlier and go to the imperial doctor to have a look."

The old mama nodded and said yes, then turned around and called the maids who came behind, each holding a cloak in her hand, the old mama saw that it was not easy to change the princess's clothes in broad daylight, so she had to wrap the princess in the cloak, He bowed to Xue Jian, and then left in a hurry.

Only then did Xue Jian get up slowly, patted the dirt on her body, but part of her skirt was wrinkled because of being wet.Xue Jian stretched out her hand, but it still didn't look good.He frowned and said to Xiao Zhuzi:

"Grandpa Xiao Zhuzi, you can't say that I saved the princess when you look back. If someone asks, just say that I was playing in the garden. Then I went to wash my hands and washed them. Do you understand?"

Xiao Zhuzi was able to get into the imperial study as an errand, so he naturally understood some of these things.No matter how to say some things about the harem, I know much more than the little prince.Nodding his head, he leaned forward lightly and said:

"Little Prince, Princess Yu is the daughter of the deceased Concubine Xian. Since Concubine Xian passed away, she was raised by the Empress herself. She is also very fond of the Empress, because the Empress only has two princes, so she dotes on this princess very much." Yes. But this princess is very sensible. But in the palace, there are many princesses. There are only three princesses at the age of Princess Ruyu. They all learn from a few gentlemen."

A few short words from Xiaozhuzi let Xuejian understand the reason why Princess Jade did what she did just now.It seems.Princess Yu didn't have a very happy life in this palace, so she had to be careful.

Sighing, he turned and walked out of the small flower bed.As soon as he came out, he heard a little father-in-law shouting:
"Little pillar, little pillar."

Xiaozhuzi took two quick steps to meet him and said:
"What are you yelling for? Don't worry about which master makes you unable to eat."

The little father-in-law seemed to be even more new here.Stretched out his tongue.Only then did he see Xuejian who was following Xiao Zhuzi, and hurriedly saluted:

"The slave has seen the little prince, the slave is ordered to invite the little prince back for dinner."

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Okay. I think it's almost done. Okay! Let's go!"

After talking about Xue Jian, he took the lead in moving forward.The two young eunuchs also hurriedly followed.As soon as he arrived at the door of the imperial study, he saw the eunuch Li Eunuch standing outside the door looking anxiously. Seeing Xue Jian, he rushed forward and said:
"Ouch, where is my little prince? It's time to eat. Let's go, I'll take you there."

The meal was in another room next to the imperial study, and the emperor was already sitting.There were also those two ministers and even the minister who was going to sit there. There was a small table in front of each of them, and there were empty bowls and chopsticks on the table.And there is a long and big table in front of the emperor.There are quite a few dishes on it, but they are still covered with a small lid.It seems to be afraid of the cold.

Xue Jian came in.The emperor laughed and said:
"Come on, little prince, sit here. Sit with me. Come and teach me how to use this!"

The emperor refers to the corn placed in the middle, and the corn placed in front of the emperor is also piled up.Instead, they looked pale golden yellow one by one.

Xue Jian was not polite, so she sat on a chair next to the emperor's table, and raised her hand to grab the corn on the table.Even after Quchen coughed lightly, Xue Jian's outstretched hand froze for a moment, and Xue Jian immediately changed the outstretched hand from holding to pointing:
"Your Majesty, you don't need to be particular about this. The best way to eat it is to hold it with your hands and eat it yourself. How about I show you one?"

After saying that, he smiled mischievously, the emperor couldn't see Xuejian's behavior just now, he laughed loudly and said:

"Okay, just demonstrate one for me. Come on, give one to each of the three lovers."

A father-in-law standing behind the emperor took a piece of cloth from a tray held by another little father-in-law, wiped his hands, picked up the corn, and sent them to the three adults one by one.The three adults stood up one after another to thank the emperor.

Xue Jian is tired of seeing this, does she say thank you every bite?

It was given to three adults, and the emperor took one for Xue Jian himself.Xue Jian took it over with a smile, and said to the emperor:

"Your Majesty, the grains on the top are corn seeds. If this is the way you eat, you can eat every grain with your hands, but I like to eat it this way."

Saying that, Xue Jian gnawed a corn cob horizontally.I ate it into my mouth one bite at a time, and ate a big bag, chewing with a smile on my face.

The emperor laughed and said:
"Hahaha, look at this girl, she looks so greedy. It's not elegant to eat like this, but I want to eat it just by looking at it. I will eat it too!"

The emperor also reached out to take one.Just as he was about to send it to his mouth to eat, the father-in-law on the other side quickly stepped forward to block it, squatting halfway and said:
"Your Majesty, let the slaves taste it."

Xue Jian didn't want to talk too much about this kind of thing, but she ate so carefully and restrained herself, and everyone rushed to be the emperor!Where is the joy of being an emperor?
The emperor looked at Xuejian, waved his hand and said:
"No need. This was brought by the little prince himself, and the little prince ate it too. What's the problem? Come on, give one to the queen, one to the crown prince and one to the king of Liang. That's right. There's one more." , give two to the Queen’s Palace. Maybe Princess Yu is also eating there, so let’s give it to Princess Yu.”

(End of this chapter)

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