farmer's daughter

Chapter 494 I Wrong Chapter

Chapter 494 I Said The Wrong Thing
Chapter 490

Xuejian raised her eyebrows when she heard that. For a father, it might be normal for a father to give food to his daughter, but as an emperor, he only remembers one daughter and gives it back to one of his daughters. If his daughter eats it, it means that this daughter still has a place in his heart.However, I said emphatically, oh, there is one more.This means that it was given to Princess Yu only when Princess Yu was having dinner with the queen.

Xuejian just swallowed a mouthful, and said with a smile:

"Princess Jade? Your majesty, it really fits the scene. Look at this thing called corn. Does it look like jade after being boiled one by one? Maybe it's as beautiful and lovely as your Jade Princess? "

Lian Quchen coughed several times as if he was choking.Xue Jian ignored him, knowing that he was reminding herself not to talk too much in front of the emperor.But Xue Jian's words made the emperor a little happy and said:

"Hahaha, I really agree. Come here, send a message to Princess Jade. This corn was sent back by the little prince. Because it has the same name as Princess Jade, I will reward Princess Jade with one."

Seeing this little prince, Xue Xue seemed to be very happy to hear the emperor holding her like this, so she smiled and said to the eunuch:

"Help me also send a message to the princess, just say that I, the little prince, don't have time this time. When I return to Beijing next time, I want to meet Princess Yu. Make a friend. I don't have many friends in Beijing. Your majesty, is it possible?" "

Xuejian said halfway, then turned around and asked the emperor, the emperor nodded and said:

"Why not? It's just that the girl is too quiet. She is lucky to have you as a friend! But are you really in such a hurry to go back?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, I will leave tomorrow. I really don't have time this time."

Lian Quchen stood up and said:

"Little prince, you have arrived in the capital in three days. You can't even walk when you dismounted. You only came to the palace after resting for a while. You have to go back quickly, and your body can't stand it. It's better to take two breaths." God let's go."

But seeing that Xue had made up her mind to go, she said:

"I calculated the time. I can go back in a carriage when I go back. I will go to see the newly built palace this afternoon, and I will leave tomorrow."

Even Quchen didn't say anything anymore.Sit down and eat.

This meal was the most boring meal Xue Jian ate, it seemed that every bite he ate was under the supervision of those eunuchs.And watching the emperor reward the two adults and uncle for every dish he ate.That is a real reward, not one plate per person, but one chopstick per person.This reward has to be eaten, and if you don’t like it, you have to eat it, and you have to stand up and thank you once you get a reward.What a hassle.

One of the old ministers also had gray hair and beard.After sitting up and sitting several times in a row, I swayed a little.But he still looked grateful.Xuejian really can't understand, is it so good to have dinner with the emperor?

And after eating such a meal, people from the harem came to thank him again and again, thanking the emperor for the reward, alas!tired!After all, Xuejian didn't know which one of the emperor's dishes was delicious.Fortunately, after eating a piece of corn, I was full.But it seems that the emperor still likes to eat that corn, and he finished eating one of them.Also met with Xue:

"When it's planted again next year, just give me some more. This thing is really good for food!"

Xue Jian and Lian Quchen retreated back to the mansion after eating, and when they were about to leave the palace, a little palace maid stood at the gate of the palace, and when she saw Xue Jianxing coming, she stepped forward and saluted:

"The maidservant is a maid in the Qiongyu Palace. She is waiting for the little prince here. First, she wants to thank Princess Yu. The princess said that the corn is delicious. She also gave this gift, and please don't dislike the little prince. Wait for the little prince to come again. When returning to the capital, Princess Yu will definitely be waiting for the little prince!"

Xue Jian reached out to take a small box from the little maid.After thinking about it, he said:

"Thank you, miss, and please turn around to Princess Yu. Next time I come back, I will ask the little princess to visit my palace."

The palace lady heard what she said, she could see joy in her eyes, she bowed to Xue Jian, and hurried back to the palace, it seems that she wanted to report the news.out of the palace.Sitting in the carriage, Xuejian looked at the elder brother and said:
"What? Do you think it's wrong for me to be so enthusiastic about a princess I've never met?"

Lian Quchen looked at her with a smile in his eyes, waiting for her next words.Sure enough, Xue Jian didn't even need to ask Qu Chen, she just said:

"It's not that I don't know Princess Jade. I saw her and saved her life!"

Hearing that, Quchen raised his eyebrows.Xuejian talked about what happened in the imperial garden today.Even Quchen didn't speak.Only to the driver outside:
"I won't go back to the Princess's Mansion. Go directly to the Prince's Mansion!"

Needless to say, the coachman in the prince's mansion also knew.He drove the carriage and turned to the side of the Prince's Mansion.Xue Jian smiled and said:

"Eldest brother, are you in a hurry to drive me away?"

Lian Quchen frowned and said:

"If you don't leave, you will become someone else's target. Some things are not that simple. Why is there no one around? Why did you encounter them alone? Fortunately, you know martial arts and can save people. If you don't Will it?"

Having said that, Xue Jian really didn't expect it.At that time, I only thought that Princess Yu was pitiful, and there was no servant in such a situation in the palace.Speaking up.Where in the palace is there not eunuchs and palace maids?According to Xiao Zhuzi, the place where Princess Jade fell into the water was a little far from the place where she was rescued by him. Think about the rescued Princess Jade.If it is a little later, I am afraid that I will really die.

Xue Jian slapped Qing Nei's small table with her palm, raised her eyebrows, wanted to say something, but swallowed it again.Then said softly:
"Yeah, I became that target, but Princess Yu became a pawn. Can you say that my words today will make her feel better in the palace?"

Lian Quchen raised his eyebrows and said:
"I haven't gotten to know Princess Jade, but your princess sister knows, you can talk to her when you go back, and see what she has to say."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, that's a really nice woman. She knows how to protect herself and how to protect herself. It's not easy to live in the palace. I heard that the queen adopted her. But in the palace, the more prominent you are, the more you will be beaten!"

Lian Quchen smiled lightly and said:

"You, it's as if you lived in the palace, you know?"

"Why don't you know, it's often shown on TV!"

Xue Jian said it out of the way.As soon as I said it, I knew I was wrong.Panicked, I didn't know what to do, so I closed my eyes and my face turned pale.

But I don't know whether Lian Quchen didn't hear it or didn't understand it. He just took a deep look at Xuejian, then closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep.Xue Jian couldn't calm down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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