Chapter 498
Chapter 490 IX Received Happy Posts

It is much easier to have a name.Fu Jinghao said:
"Then wait a minute, I'll write to a friend of mine and ask them to inquire and see if they can find your family."

The soldier surnamed Mu hurriedly stood up and bowed to Fu Jinghao repeatedly.Fu Jinghao waved his hand and said:
"Okay, okay, then I'll write."

Fu Jinghao seemed to have figured out how to write a letter to Xuejian.He took out the paper on which he wrote the beginning, and started writing again, explaining all the things that happened to him along the way, and then wrote about the person surnamed Mu.

And Xue Jian is busy at this time.It's cold.Everyone put on winter clothes.But Xuejian's shed is very hot now, and the guys in the family are all here to help, Xiaocao is in charge of harvesting corn, and Xuejian is in charge of harvesting peanuts.Both sides are collecting things.The planting this time was very successful, not only in the four sheds, but also in the new vegetable sheds.Now Xuejian delivers fresh dishes to various restaurants in the city every day.This made the entire Qingyang city boil.

Everyone knows that where there are fresh vegetables to eat in winter, every family pickles vegetables in summer and eats them in winter.But now, anyone who has trouble at home will find Xuejian here, hoping to buy some vegetables.

And the farmers who followed Xue Jian to make greenhouses in this Zhuangzi were also very happy. One is that they have vegetables to eat, and the other is that the vegetables can be sold for money, and many people would rather sell the vegetables than themselves. of.

After returning to Zhuangzi from Xuejian, I started to get busy again.One is to sow vegetables batch by batch again, planning to use the greenhouse to grow some vegetables after harvesting corn and peanuts.The second is to buy some mountains around his own village.They also assigned people to check it out, and repaired some small yards where the houses could be repaired.Then prepare to recruit people to plant mountain land.

Xuejian naturally planned to grow something on the mountain.With Mr. Hu's inspections everywhere, Xuejian also has some new views on the agriculture of this dynasty.The place I live in is located a little south of the imperial dynasty. Although it is still very cold in winter, it is not as cold as the capital city.It is not as cold as the weather in the northwest.

Xue Jian plans to try to see if some things from the north can be planted here, or try to see if some things from the south can be planted.If it can, and this kind of thing is of certain value, then Xue Jian plans to plant it.

Although this batch of corn is not as good as the previous batch.But it's not bad, I used some seeds from the previous batch as seeds.The current corn seeds are enough for Xuejian to plant in this Zhuangzi.There are some extras, but He Yuan said it earlier.He also wants to follow Xue Jian to plant things.Xuejian naturally complied.At that time, I plan to share some with him.

Xuejian's land is planted well, and now everyone around him has learned how to do it.Xue Jian is also generous.Everyone who came to learn was taught, and she didn't have the airs of a prince at all. For a while, Xue Jian's reputation in Qingyang Mansion was soaring.People from some nearby prefectures also followed to see.

On this day, Xuejian brought another batch of vegetables into Fucheng.Anyway, every time I go, I will send some to Butler Huang and my uncle's house.It's just that when I just arrived at the gate of Fucheng today, I saw a man riding a horse to go out of the city. At first glance, it was Jiang Youpeng.

Xuejian stretched out her head happily and shouted:
"Brother Jiang, where are you going?"

Jiang Youpeng heard Xuejian's call, hurriedly dismounted and led the horse over, bowed to Xuejian and said:
"Meet the little prince."

Xuejian chuckled and said:
"I said, you don't need to perform these salutes. Where are you going?"

Jiang Youpeng raised his head, his face was still a little red, he took out an invitation card from his arms and handed it to Xuejian, saying:
"Xue'er, your Sister Shuang and I have arranged to salute on the eighteenth of this month. My father asked me to bring you this."

Xuejian jumped off the carriage, reached out to take the red post from Jiang Youpeng, and smiled happily:

"Finally planning to get married? Okay, I will definitely go back then. Have you been to my uncle's place?"

"I've been there. I arrived in Fucheng last night. I lived in the government office yesterday. Both grandma and grandfather decided to go back tomorrow. Uncle said they will go on the day of business."

Snow said:
"Well, do you want to go to Zhuangzi first, or come with me to deliver some food before going to Zhuangzi?"

Jiang Youpeng stretched out his head to look at the things on Xuejian's car and said:

"Is this the kind of fresh vegetable you grow?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, if you have something to do, I'll prepare some food for you and go home, so you can save face too, okay?"

Having said that, Xue Jian smiled slyly.Jiang Youpeng gave Xuejian a salute and thanked him politely, but when he looked up and saw Xuejian laughing at himself, he also laughed and said:

"Sister, don't laugh at me. This is really good. Okay, you can prepare some of this dish for us then. It really saves face. I'll go with you, and I'll go to Zhuangzi with you later Come on, give my sister-in-law and uncle a present."

Xuejian took Jiang Youpeng to Fucheng, and except for ordering someone to deliver food to my uncle, I handed over everything else to the two restaurants.From time to time on the road, people greeted Xue Jian, and some people stopped the carriage and said they wanted to buy vegetables.

On the way back, Jiang Youpeng said:
"Sister Xue'er, you are the prince now, and you still come out to deliver and sell vegetables yourself?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Isn't this better? The prince is just a title. Is it possible that people with this title will stop working?"

Back home, Xue Jian ran to see her mother immediately, showed the invitation card sent by Jiang Youpeng to her mother, and said with a smile:
"Mom, you have to take out the things you prepared for Cousin Shuang. I know you are doing it secretly."

"Look at you! You're so sour. Mother not only made it for Cousin Shuang, but also prepared for you. You are still young. I am thinking of your sister Cao'er now. I have to give you Cao'er My sister is looking for a good family."

"Mom, what are you talking about? She's still young! I don't want to get married so early, Xueer said. Getting married early is not good for your health."

Xiaocao, who happened to bring in the medicine for Liang Chengfang, heard what Liang Chengfang said, and hurriedly took it.Liang Chengfang smiled and said:

"Yo. I listen to my sister in everything. It doesn't matter what my mother says? Besides, my mother is reluctant to marry you off now. One is that you are still young, and the other is that you haven't found a suitable family yet. Don't worry, don't worry! "

Liang Chengfang's life is easier now, and he jokes from time to time.Hearing Xueer giggle, Xiaocao blushed, stomped her feet and said:
"Mother, I'm not in a hurry."

The speaker may be unintentional, but the listener is intentional.Xiaocaoer is now over 12 years old.It's time to talk about it slowly.Not to mention mother, even Xuejian decided to treat this matter as a matter, and it has to be arranged.

(End of this chapter)

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