farmer's daughter

Chapter 499 This Just Fits His Taste

Chapter 499 This Just Fits His Taste
Chapter [-] This is just what he likes
Speaking of going back to Liangjia Village to attend Liang Shuang's wedding, Liang Chengfang hurriedly stood up, opened the closet and took out a big bag inside and said:
"Here is the dowry I made for your elder sister. Let's go back a few days in advance, I want to go and see."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Okay, then, take your younger brother and younger sister, and go back with grandma and grandpa first tomorrow. I will go back a few days later. I will bring back the vegetables when the time comes."

No matter how much Liang Chengfang didn't understand, she understood.This daughter is not only her own daughter now, but also a prince. Wherever she goes now, she is more or less pompous.So he nodded and said:
"Okay. Then I'll pack up first, and go with your grandma and the others tomorrow."

In the afternoon, Xuejian wanted to go to see how to plant the planned mountain land in person, but this time Murong Shan wanted to go with her. After coming here, Murong Shan still had Miss Hou Men's temper from the beginning until now. Completely became a country girl.

Yesterday, Wu Qiming and others were asked to take her, Xiaocao and a few girls to the field, just to find the kind of loach that Xuejian brought back to eat that day. It was found that a loach jumped out.The two of them clapped their hands at Tanaka one after another, and after a while, a lot of fat loaches came out.

Xue Jian recognized this thing, but Murong Xing didn't.He stretched out his hand to grab it, then withdrew it, and shouted:

"Xue'er, is this a snake? But it looks much shorter than a snake. Ah, here is one, this one is a snake!"

Xuejian laughed loudly and said:
"Go get a barrel."

Murong Xing actually ran back to bring a wooden barrel.Looking back, Xuejian picked up the dazed loach and threw it into the bucket, and picked up half of the bucket without thinking about it!Xue Jian was secretly happy that he would have something to eat tonight.When passing the shed with the bucket in hand, he called Master and said:
"Master, I'll cook something delicious for you later. You can drink some wine."

Old Mo jumped out all at once, happily saying:
"What's delicious? Can I really drink alcohol? Can I have a pot?"

Xue Jian pointed to the barrel and said:
"Eat this."

Old man Mo stretched out his head for a look, then retracted, disgusted and said:

"This one smells like mud. It doesn't taste good."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I'll make it later, it's delicious."

Xuejian carried it away first, and went back to the village, not to mention the contents of the bucket, but it was enough for Tang Nanny to see the mud all over Xuejian's body, and exclaimed:
"Oh, my master. What are you doing? Didn't you say something good for them to do, so you just watch it?"

While talking, he stretched out his hand to pull Xuejian, wanting to pull Xuejian into the house to change and wash, but when he got close to Xuejian, he smelled a fishy smell.Tang Nanny stretched out her hand to cover her nose and mouth, but turned her head and shouted:

"Tinglian, hurry up and prepare hot water for the master, and wait for the master to take a bath."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Wait a minute, I won't wash it in a while, and I have to deal with these. Don't worry, Mammy, I'll make some delicious food for you to eat later, I guarantee it's something you haven't eaten before."

Although Nanny Tang has been here for two or three months.I also understand that this master likes to do everything by himself, but no matter how much he does it himself, he can't let the master cook food for the servants to eat.This is the prince, she can do it, but she doesn't have the guts to eat it yet.

Xue Jian didn't care so much, she called Wu Qiming and said:
"Take this bucket of things to the back kitchen, and I'll deal with it later. I'll come after I change my clothes."

Xue Jian looked at her whole body, she was not that dirty when she was practicing, but she couldn't control herself when she was picking up those loaches, and she ran around in the mud field, completely forgetting whether her clothes would get dirty.Think about it, I'd better change it before going to the kitchen.

After Xue Jian returned to her room to wash, she casually changed her clothes before going to the kitchen, but saw two people standing in front of the kitchen door, they were the two brothers and sisters of Murong's family.Murong Xing accepted all the new food that Xue Jian wanted to make and followed excitedly.Not only him, he also brought his sister who also likes to eat.

Murong Xing had already told Murong Shan about how delicious Xuejian made that fat sausage.When Murong Shan came, she didn't dare to ask the little prince to cook it for herself, but Murong Xing went to the kitchen and asked Mrs. Gu to cook it. Murong Shan thought it was delicious, but Murong Xing always said that there was nothing Xuejian could do. tasty.Because Xuejian was busy, she didn't ask Xuejian to cook again. Finally, Xuejian got the idea to cook a dish, so naturally she came to the door and waited.

But Xue Jian said helplessly:
"What's the matter, are you here to help me?"

Murong Xing didn't speak, because he saw what it was and touched it, and felt that it was slippery and uncomfortable.But Murong Shan didn't feel it. Hearing Xue Jian's words, she immediately shouted excitedly:


Murong Xing looked sideways at his excited younger sister, not to dampen her excitement, he didn't say anything, just followed Xue Jian into the back yard.

Xuejian asked someone to bring a clean basin, called a boy and said:

"Come on, I'll show you how to do it, and then you do this."

In fact, Xue Jian also knew that after doing this thing, there would be a smell on his hands.Not easy to eliminate.So I called a boy, picked up the knife, cut off the head of the loach, then cut open the belly with scissors, took out some intestines and so on, and it was considered good.

It's just that this thing is a bit slippery, so it's not easy to grasp it well.The kid didn't even catch a few.His face flushed with shame.Xuejian didn't blame him, but just took some salt from one side and put it directly into the bucket, and saw that the loaches immediately rolled very violently, and then slowly wilted down after a while.

Such loaches are naturally easier to catch.After the kid did it a few times, his hands became smoother, and Xue Jian saw that there was no problem.Just go to prepare other materials.Murong Xing followed Xue Jian and asked:

"Xue'er, how do you know that salt can kill them?"

Xue Jian ignored him, but Murong Shan kept watching the man cleaning up the loach.It seems that they don't look at it, because they are afraid of being poisoned by others.Staring straight at him made the kid shrink back nervously.

Xue Jian prepared all the materials.Mrs. Gu also helped to light the fire.Xuejian is about to start making loach, thinking that in her previous life, her favorite things were boiled things made by her grandmother, so naturally this thing is indispensable.Xuejian made this thing as boiled, and after a while, the smell wafted from the kitchen.

Because there were too many, I finally got three pots to put them out.Xuejian also left some for the servants in the kitchen and home. Everyone tried something new and brought it to the main table. Old Niu Tou and Old Mo both stopped their chopsticks to look at Xuejian's new dishes. It was something, but once he ate it, old man Mo couldn't control it.He always likes to eat food with strong taste, this just suits his taste!

(End of this chapter)

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