farmer's daughter

Chapter 510 That's the crime of decapitation

Chapter 510 That's the crime of decapitation

Chapter 510 That's the crime of decapitation

Following Xue Jian's guidance one by one, the emperor's eyes shone brightly!This is the most complete and clearly marked pattern I have ever seen.I have been an emperor for these years, but this is the first time I know my own territory.Because they usually have to stay in the palace.I haven't really been out of the house myself.This time to Qingyang.It is the first time to go out.He didn't come out blatantly. Of course, there was another reason for this quiet trip.But being able to see this here, the emperor thinks it is worth it!

Xue Jian didn't understand the emperor's feelings, but she explained carefully one by one, where is the flat land, where is the land fertile, and what is produced in where.They were all introduced to the emperor one by one.

Xuejian's introduction made several people in the room stare straight at him, not only the emperor who was lying on the ground in excitement and looking at Xuejian's instructions with no image, but also the old man Mo who was pretending to be cool He also came over and squatted down to watch.It was very interesting to hear.King Liang also stood beside the picture, stretching his neck to watch.

Xuejian introduced Mr. Hu's itinerary along the way and the introductions he wrote back to the emperor one by one. Until the end, the emperor found that there was still a corner missing here, and immediately sighed:

"It's a pity, it's a pity! It's not finished yet!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Yes, Mr. Hu is still on the way. For a scholar like him, this year's trek is indeed very hard and tiring. Mr. Hu fell ill twice on the way, but survived. The most important thing is, He can't publicize what he is doing, for fear of causing unnecessary troubles. Your Majesty, wait for Mr. Hu to come back with his meritorious deeds. This is a thousand-year achievement!"

Yes.This is a great contribution that has not been seen in a thousand years.The emperor sat cross-legged on the map, turned around to look at the map again, and finally laughed loudly:

"Good! Good! Wait for Mr. Hu to come back. I will reward you very much!"

Seeing that the emperor is about to stand up.Liang Wang stepped forward and helped the emperor up.The emperor said:

"Prince, you have seen this too. This is the country of our dynasty! My son must remember, this Mr. Hu, a man of great merit, must not be hurt!"

Liang Wang bowed and said:

Xuejian was stunned, and turned around to fold up the picture.Put it on a small table next to the emperor and said:

"Your Majesty, this is just a map of the frontiers. Besides the frontiers, there is also the interior. If Mr. Hu completes his journey, it may take another year."

The emperor put his hand on the picture, feeling a little bit reluctant, and also had some strange emotions.road:

"Xue'er, I'll put this here with you first. When Mr. Hu comes back, I'll ask Mr. Hu to donate it. Find some time and give me a copy of some border maps of the northwest and north. Recently, there has been some confusion over there. gone."

Xue Jian's heart skipped a beat, sure enough, the emperor's going out of Beijing is not a trivial matter, it seems that it is a side matter.

Xue Jian agreed.Looking at the emperor who was drinking tea, he said again:

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with my elder brother? Is the injury serious?"

The emperor sighed and said:

"I got some injuries, I got hurt to save me, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep one foot!"

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, old man Mo snorted heavily.Xuejian was surprised and said:

"Who can hurt senior brother so badly?"

The emperor stopped talking, and Liang Wang coughed lightly, and said softly:
"Don't worry, little prince. Everyone was going out to hunt in the city that day, but for some reason, even the son's horse was startled. He didn't say anything when he was startled, but he went at the emperor's horse. But someone shot and killed the startled horse. He shot arrows in the same direction before. Prince Lian had no choice but to slap the horse to death with one palm, and then flew towards the emperor. Prince Lian was hit by two arrows in the leg. After throwing the emperor down, he didn't want someone to shoot the emperor's horse to death again. The horse fell down and crushed the bones of Shizi's injured leg! The father was not injured because of Lian Shizi's save, but was a little frightened. But when everyone lifted the horse away, Lian Shizi's right leg was seriously injured That’s right. The people in the Tai Hospital said they couldn’t keep that leg.”

Having said this, King Liang raised his eyes to look at the emperor, and then at old man Mo whose face was even darker by three points, and said:

"Now Lian Shizi is recuperating at home. After the investigation, some people took the opportunity to make trouble. But the mastermind has not been found out, but some people in the court attacked, saying that the purpose of Lian Shizi rushing to the emperor was unknown, and some people even stole it. Sneaking into the princess mansion, in the name of finding out the son, and releasing the evidence of framing. For this reason, the father was deliberately furious, and ordered the princess mansion to be quiet. Therefore, now the son is being protected and recuperating."

Xue Jian was a little confused.We all know this is evidence of framing.Why did you use this to lock up the princess's family?

Liang Wang said again:

"The emperor is here now. First, I want to remind you that everyone knows that the little prince is the eldest son's junior sister. Therefore, I am worried that something will implicate you. Second, something happened in the border area, and someone secretly opened the border town. A barbarian army was put in through the door, and once the people of this army entered my court, they disappeared. They didn’t know where they went. Under the reminder of Lian Shizi, Father Huang wants to come to you to have a look Find out if there is anything suspicious about this picture. Three times, "

When Liang Wang said this, he stopped for a while, didn't speak again, just looked at the emperor.The emperor's expression is no longer the gentle and relaxed one it was before. Following what King Liang said, his expression just became more and more serious.Hearing that King Liang said this, he stopped talking.The emperor looked up at King Liang.Cai said:
"I came to you to talk to my uncle about something. Now in the capital, it is very delicate. I can no longer invite you and your master to come to the capital to show me things or discuss things. Like that. Maybe even more There is no way out. I ordered the crown prince to supervise the country. I took King Liang out to inspect the country, and now my car is still in Yangcheng. King Liang and I rode here with light clothes. We have to go back later."

"The crown prince supervises the country? Are you at ease?"

After hearing this, Xue Jian replied directly.When I came back, I found three eyes looking straight at me, and then I realized what I said just now, my face turned pale, and I knelt down with a plop and said:

"Xue'er said the wrong thing."

After a long time, the superior emperor smiled wryly, then signaled Xue Jian to get up and said:
"It seems that I did not make a mistake in coming here! Before I set off, I visited your elder brother, and then your elder brother said the same thing. Finally, he said that I would come this way. He said that if the matter is given The little prince said that the little prince would not agree."

The emperor stood up, sighed and said:
"I'm really old. It seems that you all see it more clearly than me. You all know it, but I don't know it!"

Seeing and hearing the words, Xue Xue didn't dare to get up, and knelt straight.Old Man Mo snorted and said:

"You are faithful, why don't you get up if you are told?"

"Master, I said something wrong. That is the crime of beheading!"

(End of this chapter)

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