farmer's daughter

Chapter 511 The little prince's guess is correct

Chapter 511 The little prince's guess is correct
Chapter 510 The second guess of the little prince is correct

Hearing this, the emperor smiled lightly and said:

"Are you also afraid of beheading?"

Xue Jian lowered his head and said:

"Who wants to die? But what I'm most afraid of is not killing my head, but the Zhulian Nine Clans. You can't make everyone else turn around because of me."

The emperor looked at the little blackhead in front of him speechlessly, and sighed:
"Get up. I won't take your head. Since you became a little prince. Your head has been steady."

Xuejian got up and stood behind the master.It seems that it is better not to talk too much.If you can't say a word, you can say it wrong.

But do you pass it without saying it?If you don't tell me, there are still people asking you.Sure enough, the emperor turned his head and asked:
"Why do you and your senior brother have this opinion?"

Xue Jian looked up at the serious emperor and said:
"Can I tell a lie?"

"Let's tell a lie first?"

The emperor also answered casually.This dialogue left King Liang speechless.

Xue Jian also said:
"The lie is: the crown prince offended me, and I'll make it worse."

The emperor was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said:
"Interesting, how can anyone say that they are making trouble for others? Hahaha, tell the truth now."

Xue Jian looked at Master this time, but Master had a calm face.Looking at the emperor again, the emperor also looked directly at her.Even the king of Liang listened attentively.Xue Jian said:

"I said, don't you be angry, Your Majesty?"

"Let's talk, I'm not angry at what I said here today, and I don't care about it."

Look, the emperor has used me, not me.Xue Jian also cleared her throat a little, coughed lightly and said:

"It's like this. I think there are three reasons why the prince should not be allowed to supervise the country. First, the assassination of the emperor just happened on a frightened horse. The emperor should not have left Beijing. The person who caused this matter was very thoughtful, although It didn't really stab the emperor. But it hurt the prince Lian who the emperor used more conveniently. Your majesty, am I right?"

The emperor nodded solemnly and said:
"That's right, I used it fairly handy."

Xuejian said again:

"No matter what, this person's original goal may be Prince Lian. The chance of assassinating the emperor in public is not great. But the chance of harming Prince Lian is great. Besides, Prince Lian may not have thought that someone was on his horse. I moved my hands and feet."

Xuejian's analysis made the emperor nod his head.

"The emperor ordered the princess's mansion to be surrounded in order to protect the son. For this, we all have to thank the emperor. Because the eldest brother is in Beijing, the only one who can be relied on is the emperor. We all know this!"

King Liang's eyes lit up when he heard Xue Jian's words.This little prince is only a child.Can you think so much when you hear these things?It's like experiencing it yourself.

Xuejian said again:

"So, the emperor should think about it. If there is no rush by the son, what will be the result of the matter? The son killed the emperor? The son's family to the nine clans may not be exonerated! Who will benefit in the end? So, this is First, the emperor should not let the prince supervise the country!"

Seeing what Xue said, it was clear that the crown prince was the one who benefited.And now the crown prince is benefiting without any effort.It was sent by the emperor.

When the emperor heard this, his face darkened.Again:

Xuejian said again:

"Secondly, Your Majesty, have you been on the throne for decades? You should know the hard work and rights of being an emperor. But if you have never been an emperor, sitting on the throne all the time is the pinnacle of your life! With the power of life and death, Get whatever you want. Give the emperor whatever is good. These are just other people’s imaginations. In fact, being an emperor is restricted in many places, and you can’t travel freely. You can’t talk casually. You can’t eat and drink freely. You have to take care of all aspects, going to the harem. Right, Your Majesty!"

These words caused the emperor to let out a long breath, and sighed:
"Xue'er, how can you see it so clearly at such a young age? Yes, everyone thinks that being an emperor is a good thing. But it's not. Often I can't sleep because of some things. But you, a little girl, can think of being an emperor. bitter."

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:
"Why do you think my master doesn't do it? That's because he doesn't want to suffer!"


Xue Jian stretched out her hand to cover the back of her head.He turned his head to look at his master who was staring at him.Thinking about it, what I just said seems to be a bit too much.

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Master, am I not telling the truth?"

Liang Wang also looked at the two masters and apprentices wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.The emperor was speechless.Xue Jian turned around and said again:
"Your Majesty, you have experienced suffering, but others only see power. So, when a person longs for power and has the opportunity to gain power, what do you think he will do? Are you sure you can come out smoothly this time?" Go back again?"


"Master, don't cough, what I'm telling is the truth. Although telling the truth is a bit hurtful."

Yeah, the truth kinda hurts!A ruthless light flashed in the emperor's eyes.Although the throne is tiring, although the throne is bitter, even though the seat will be given to him sooner or later.But if he wants to be like Xue Jian guessed, then he is absolutely unwilling.No emperor would be willing to step down with such a gesture.

After a pause, the emperor said again:

"What about the third?"

"Third. Your majesty, how old are you? And how many years has the prince been a prince? I don't sound very good. Your majesty, you are still strong and strong. You will be the emperor for more than ten or twenty years." There is no problem, but if that day comes, the prince will also be old. He is old. How many more years can he be the emperor? So, even if he cares about the relationship between father and son, I am afraid that some people will not be able to wait."


The emperor stared at Xue Jian.Xue Jian said bluntly without fear:
"Don't you know that there are supporters for the prince? If not, where did the assassination of hunting come from? Those people want to take power, and only by putting their master on the throne will they have their own benefits!"

Hearing this, the emperor slapped the small table with a slap.The teacups shook.Xue Jian was not afraid of his anger.Instead, he said:

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid the prince was appointed as the prince when he was very young. He has been sitting in this position for too long. He will think about changing to another seat."

"He dares! I dare to hand it over to him, and I promise to control him! He must have two hearts. I will abolish him!"

Xue Jian had a bad impression of that prince.Say again:
"These are just my guesses, I hope it's not like this."

While talking, someone outside said loudly:

"My lord, there is an urgent report!"

The emperor glanced at Liang Wang, Liang Wang's eyes turned cold, he turned and walked out quickly.

After a while, King Liang came in.With a cold face, he held a purse in his hand.After coming in and standing still, King Liang said coldly:

"It seems that the little prince's guess is correct!"

He opened the purse in his hand, took out a small ball of paper and gave it to the emperor, the emperor was furious after seeing it!He slapped the table hard and said:

"This beast! How dare you do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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