farmer's daughter

Chapter 515 Who is cruel

Chapter 515 Who is cruel
Chapter 510 Who is the Sixth?

At the same time, there was a scream from another place in the yard.The miserable cry resounded through the manor, and after a while, the whole manor was lit up with lights.

Only a few people came to this small courtyard, and everyone else was blocked out of the courtyard.Shen Sanzhu and Liang Chengfang hurriedly put on cotton-padded clothes and came outside Xuejian's small courtyard.But he was stopped by Eunuch Xiao Lin who was standing at the door.Let them not worry, go back to sleep first.

Liang Chengfang was in a hurry. The tense atmosphere in Zhuangzi these days made her dare not vent her anger.I was afraid that something might happen.What worried me the most was Cher.Whether it's the little prince or not, it's my daughter.

Xue Jian also knew that her family would be worried, so she went out on purpose.Seeing my parents standing in the cold wind, I was so moved that I stepped forward and held each other and said:

"Father, mother, you don't have to worry, come on, go back to the house, I'm going to see my little aunt and little cousin, don't be scared. Take your little brother and little sister and they will be."

Turning around, I saw Chengwen standing behind his parents. Chengwen's cotton coat was unbuttoned. Standing there holding himself tightly, he saw his sister and called out:

Xuejian let go of her parents' hands, stepped forward to fasten Chengwen's clothes, and said lightly:

"Fool, when you hear abnormal noises in the future, first hide yourself and protect yourself. You are still young and cannot run out like this. We have caught the thief who came here. If you run out like this, if you are missed The thief caught him, what shall we do?"

Chengwen sucked his red nose, nodded, and said:

"Sister, I understand. I won't run out in the future. I'm just worried about my sister."

Xuejian took Chengwen's hand, turned to her parents and said:
"How about I send Chengwen to your room too, and let Chengwen and the others sleep with you today?"

Shen Sanzhu nodded, and also stepped forward to hold his son's hand, thinking that his son was also afraid.Hearing that kind of scream in the middle of the night would scare anyone.

Xuejian went to Xiaobai upstairs to see her aunt and the others.My aunt was sitting on the bed with my little cousin in my arms, and my grandma was also sitting in the room, with Yuewei and Chengwu leaning on my grandma's arms.Cheng Wu had a big heart, maybe it wasn't the screams that woke him up, maybe it was everyone who turned on the lights that woke him up.But after leaning against his grandma, with a familiar smell, he fell asleep again.On the other hand, Yuewei watched her sister come in with sleepy eyes.Called softly:

Seeing that her little aunt was frightened, Xue Jian stepped forward and said:

"Little aunt, don't worry, it's all right. Everyone who came here was caught. The noise was made by bad guys. We're all fine, you guys should go to sleep. It's all right. Don't worry, there are people watching from the front and back of this small building, and nothing will happen. of."

Xiao Hu was originally the daughter of a scholar, and she married a scholar again. How could she know that this kind of officialdom and these things in the world are so dark, so she was frightened.But after being comforted by Xuejian, she felt relieved and fell down and slept on the bed with her son in her arms.

Mrs. Zhang looked at it, and found that the bed was still very big, so she simply put the two children on it, and lay sideways on the side of the bed, and said softly:

"Third daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, Mother is here to accompany you. Sleep a little longer, it's still early before dawn, Xue'er and the others will take care of it, so we don't have to worry about that."

With Xue Jian's guarantee and her mother's company, Xiao Hu gave a soft hum, closed her eyes and fell asleep in peace.Xuejian exited the room, and saw her sister Xiaocao standing in front of the door of another apartment with her clothes on.Xue Jian said:

"Sister, go to sleep, it's okay."

Xiaocao nodded, she believed in Xuejian [-]%, and Xuejian said she was fine, so she was fine.

When Xuejian returned to the yard, the lights were on in the room.Bai Haoming and Qiu Yuan stood in the hall, and there were two people in the middle of the hall, both of whom looked injured.One is still in a coma.And there are two men in black standing on the corner of the room, they are the two people who came over from Fengyinglou in the afternoon, they are just people in their line of work, and they don't like to show their faces.So all stand in the dark.Xuejian also doesn't care about it.

Looking at the two people lying down, Qiu Yuan pointed to the man with blood on his leg and said:
"This is the man who came here during the day."

Xue Jian looked at it and said:
"It looks like they are foreigners. All right, you have found me here. Tell me, what are you here for?"

The man slightly raised his eyelids, looked at the luxuriously dressed little girl in front of him, and said in a hoarse voice:
"You are the little prince?"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:
"Yeah, didn't you come to take off the tiles on the roof of my house and see?"

The man was taken aback, "You know everything?"

"Nonsense, how do you think the little prince can be a little prince, and you are still showing off your indiscriminate martial arts here?"

The man gently closed his eyes and said to himself:
"Didn't it mean that the little prince is just an ordinary little girl who just knows how to farm?"

"Don't worry about whether I can farm or martial arts, you just need to tell me the purpose of your midnight visit?"

The man closed his eyes and said nothing.Xuejian said coldly:

"It's no use pretending to be dead. If you don't tell me, I can make the person next to you talk. There are many ways to ask you to speak."

Then he stepped forward and whispered several methods in his ear, Bai Haoming and the two people in Fengyinglou who had been listening all the time heard Xuejian's words, and couldn't help but gasped.This girl is so cruel!Can you think of such a way?

Xue Jian just talked about some methods learned from TV that he heard and watched in his previous life.In fact, after I finished speaking, I got goosebumps.If you really want to ask yourself to do it yourself, you can't do it.

But when those methods are said, no matter who listens, they will be terrified, let alone from a child.This is even more gloomy!

And the man was silent for a while, and said:

"No matter what you do, I won't say it."

"Really? I'm not a long-winded person, come here. Just take it away and do as I said just now."

Xue Jian was not procrastinating, and ordered coldly:

"Also, follow the same method for this person who pretended to be unconscious, one room at a time, and check what they said to see who lied."

When Xue Jian gave an order, where did the 'command' come from?As soon as Bai Haoming raised his hand, the two men in black stepped forward and each raised one.See you again:
"Remember, blindfold their eyes first."

The person who pretended to be unconscious had actually heard Xue Jian's words all the time, and couldn't hide from hearing that, he hurriedly opened his mouth and shouted:

"I said, I said!"

"You dare!"

Another glared.He roared hoarsely, "Quickly bite your tongue!"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:
"Want to die? Hehe, okay, why don't you start with you, you don't bite your tongue but let others bite, you are trying to kill others, and then you confess. Freedom? Don't forget, you are now in our hands."

"Take it down, take this one to heal the injury. Then ask again, this one, put it in room one. Let him bite his tongue slowly room by room."

"You! You are obviously a little girl, but you are too cruel!"

"Is it you who is cruel or me? You are obviously a big man, or a big man from a foreign country, but you entered my house in the middle of the night and killed people. You also kidnapped some children and wanted to kidnap some people, right? Who is this cruel? ?”

The man fell silent.After looking at Xue Jian for a long time, he said:
"you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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