farmer's daughter

Chapter 516 Don't Displease The Little Master

Chapter 516 Don't Displease The Little Master

Chapter 510 Seven
"Joke, why didn't I know? Why do you think I caught you? Didn't I just wait for you to come?"

The man was speechless.Dare to feel that what you do is in the eyes of others.Can't help but wonder if I underestimated the little prince, the man fell silent, Xue Jian waved, the man in black took the man down, and after a while, he heard another cry of panic, just This time the sound was muffled and would not spread very far.

And Xue Jian and the others sitting in the hall let out a few muffled laughs, and even Qiu Yuan, who was always aloof, twitched at the corners of his lips. He really couldn't do anything about this little junior sister. What about the horrified screams in Room No. [-]? Actually, there was only one tank in that room, and there were two holes at the bottom of the tank. When a person was put down, his feet were in the holes, and he could not even bend his knees, and his hands were hung up. If no force is needed, the person can only stand upright in the tank, or just stand.

When I was sad, as soon as I tied myself up, I heard a squeaking sound around me. People who were running outside knew there was a snake when they heard it.People got goosebumps, and then there were two people asking and answering.

"Why did this basket get out? Do you want to catch it?"

"I want to catch you, it's poisonous."

"Then what should we do? Put this basket or this one."

"Oh, why are you so stupid, whoever the guardian sent here got out alive. Put the two baskets together, don't make the little master unhappy."

Then, I felt something fall on my head, cold and slippery.It fell from the face, one or two fell into the torn clothes, and some on the ground got into the torn trousers, all kinds of feelings made people chill!Then, when a slippery one slipped into the collar, the man couldn't help screaming.

He was screaming, but in fact, what fell on him was not a snake, but a yellow weed that Xuejian had asked someone to catch.Sure enough, now Xuejian was sighing.

"Oh, it's a pity that I have a good bucket of yellow weasel. If it smells like him, I really can't eat it."

Qiu Yuan was a little speechless, but if Murong Xing was here instead, he would definitely be jumping with anger, that's a good thing!Especially when Xueer brought something delicious, it was ruined!

After a while, I heard someone dragging someone in from outside the door.Here comes the one who wants to bite his tongue.This time it was really like a boneless person being dragged in and thrown in the middle of the hall, the man said weakly:

"I said, I said!"

"We are indeed from Hu Bang, but we didn't want to come. Yes, one of your masters invited us to come. I don't know who it is. We are also following orders."

"By whom?"

It was Bai Haoming who asked the question.

"It is the order of our master, and our master is Hu Bang's third prince. I will only say this once, and if I say it again, I will not admit it. Just give me a happy time!"

"What are your orders?"

This time it was Xue Jian who asked the question.

"As you said, the children of those state government officials were kidnapped, and there were also a few children of the guards."

"Then you came to me because you wanted to find a child?"

Xue Jian wanted to ask if it was the uncle's son who was targeted.

"No, this time, I made my own decision. When I went to Qingyang, I heard that there was a little prince here. At first I thought it was someone else's joke. How could there be a prince in such a place? Later, I asked several people and they all said There is a little prince, everyone says it differently, some say it is a girl, some say it is a boy, and some say it is a little fairy, but it is definitely the same, it is a child. It is very good at farming. I will Thinking, wouldn't it be better to have a little prince than a child? So, I brought someone here."

Hearing that she didn't come with my uncle's child, Xue Jian heaved a sigh of relief.but heard:
"However, we have received an order that the children of Master Qingyang Futai must be obtained. They went tonight. I brought two people here."

Xue Jianteng stood up suddenly.road:

"How many people went?"

"Three, the six of us who went to Qingyang Mansion were taken away in two."

When Xue Jian heard this, she immediately stood up and hurried a few steps:
"Senior Brother Third, why don't you go there now? I'm afraid those people won't be able to find the child and hurt my uncle!"

Of course Xuejian was anxious, only thinking that those people wanted children, but now that she was here, she didn't care about children so much when she thought of looking for her little prince, so those who went to Futai might hurt others.

And according to Yi Dexuejian, she didn't want to let there be three more people who didn't get her hands.

At the moment, ask a man in black to lock this person up as well.The place where he was locked up this time was still that kind of place, only without the yellow scorpion, but it made him unable to move.Because there is an iron cage outside.Next, not only Qiu Yuan went, but also three of Bai Haoming's people.Only Bai Haoming remained in Zhuangzi.

Xue Jian was even more anxious at this time, because besides the two emperors who quietly gave people to the uncle, there were only government servants, and those government servants were useless in front of these Jianghu people.

Finally, when it was almost dawn, there were people in Zhuangzi who got up early, such as the people in the kitchen.Also got up.There was a sound of horseshoes outside the villa, and after a while, Wu Qiming shouted outside the yard:
"Master, Chen Shoubei has brought people here. Master Liang is also here."

Xue Jian immediately flew out and went straight out of the villa gate. Outside the gate, Chen Shoubei and Liang Shengyue were standing there talking, as soon as Xue Jian came out.The two stepped forward and bowed to salute, no matter what, this is the little prince.Xuejian raised her hand, signaling that everyone does not need to salute, and then stepped forward and asked:

"General Chen, brother-in-law, are you all right? The people I arrested said that they also went to your two families just to arrest the children. I know that my cousin is playing with me, but I am worried that they will jump the wall. And Chen General's house."

Chen Shoubei cupped his hands and said:

"Thank you, little prince, for your concern. Don't worry, our family is fine. If someone comes, it will be broken on the stage."


Xuejian was very surprised and turned to look at her uncle.Liang Shengyue said:
"It's also fortunate that your people came in time. Only two of my yamen servants were injured. Fortunately, there were two guards given by the emperor. Those people couldn't fight for a long time and wanted to leave. It happened that Mr. Qiu brought people here. This No, caught them all."

"That's good. That's good!"

Xue Jian smiled, then welcomed the two of them in, and said:

"I caught three here, one was seriously injured, and the other two were captured alive. Now they are locked up. They are all from Hu Bang, and one confessed, saying that they belonged to the third prince Hu Bang."

After sitting down, Xue Jian told the two of them about the situation, and the two adults felt that this was not a trivial matter. It seemed that there were not only these six people, but there were only six people who came to Qingyang Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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