farmer's daughter

Chapter 534 Cher's Birthday

Chapter 534 Cher's Birthday

Chapter 530 Xueer's Birthday
The eldest grandson Xiong laughed loudly and said:

"The old slave has greeted the little prince! The old slave has been in the capital for a long time, and he hasn't come out for a long time. This time, the old slave asked the princess for this errand to pay for the little prince's birthday. The little prince has brought gifts."

After speaking, he turned to one side and waved his hand, and the dozen or so people who followed him began to unload things from the carriage, each one covered with a box or red cloth, and a younger man was singing over there with a list thinking:

"A pair of three-foot-high red corals, and a pair of warm jade bracelets."

Well, it's a wagon thing again!Also everything is not ordinary.Everyone around was jealous.Xuejian sighed inwardly, it seemed.You need to get yourself a bodyguard.Otherwise, if these things are left at home, isn't that attracting thieves?

Well, things are accepted.All the visitors were invited into the house.Six tables were set up in the main room, and it happened that these people with some status from the capital and some officials from this prefecture and the two surrounding prefectures were arranged there.Of course, the one sitting in the middle was old man Mo.

Although old man Mo doesn't like this kind of restrained banquet, isn't it Xue'er's birthday?So I had to endure it, but with a cold face, people didn't dare to go up to him and talk to him casually, but when he saw his eyes sweeping over, he got up and saluted him.

In fact, old man Mo was uncomfortable, and the others were even more uncomfortable.The people from the capital are naturally afraid of him more, after all, the act of calming the chaos that shocked everyone still made the people of the capital feel awed!
Old man Mo left the table by himself after drinking for three rounds.He didn't want to make trouble with these people.I feel uncomfortable.After he left, the people below were much more relaxed.Xue Jian only offered a toast to everyone, and then withdrew to the family group, but Liang Shengyue finally became the host to accompany the guests.He took good care of the adults and eunuchs from Beijing.

Xue Jian found that my uncle was becoming more and more like an official. Apart from being fair in dealing with some common people's affairs, he was also very tactful in dealing with these official affairs!Now even the persuasion on this wine table is a set.Xuejian discovered that my uncle has really become an official!
After drinking, Liang Shengyue accompanied the eunuch Chuanzhi to visit Xuejian's home. The eunuch also saw something he had never seen before, so he could only sigh in his heart:

"No wonder the little prince is favored by the emperor, it seems that he is really special!"

After the eldest grandson, Xiong, was taken to the backyard by Shi Chun, who was called by Xuejian, after eating.He went directly to see his little master, Lian Shizi and the son of the princess.In a room specially prepared for children at the back, the eldest grandson Xiong saw the little master having fun with another kid there, crawling around grabbing things for a while, and sitting up again for a while.This room is a warm room, and Xue Jian asked someone to wrap a thin layer of cotton around all the walls, so that even if it falls or hits, it will not hurt, so children like this place.

The eldest grandson Xiong also smiled happily when he saw the young master here in good health:

"It seems that he doesn't miss home at all. It's better to stay here."

"That's right, his aunt, the little prince, took good care of him. Look over here, these toys were designed by the little prince himself and asked Mr. Liang's father to make them. They said they were specially for children to play with." , the other child is Mrs. Liang's child. The little prince is here to eat Mrs. Liang's milk. When he first arrived, he lost a lot of weight. After only a few days, he grew back."

The eldest grandson Xiong looked at the little master and said:
"Well, it's grown, and I can sit comfortably. I can't sit at home. Hehe. Now I can compare the little princess. This small house is well built. When I go back, I will also give lectures to the prince and the princess. , build one for Xiaoshizi and Xiaojunzhu."

Shi Chun smiled and said:

"It just so happens that the little prince has also finished some blueprints and a set of toys for the little princess. You can take it back with you when you go back. But are you going to take Xiaoshizi away this time?"

"Yeah, I have to take it back. It will be Chinese New Year soon after I go back this time. You also know that his status is different now. But others don't know that Xiao Shizi is here."

Shi Chun nodded and said:
"Okay, I guess the master will ask me to follow you back to the capital."

The eldest grandson Xiong laughed and said:
"That's great! It's great to go with you."

Hearing the eldest grandson Xiong's laughter, Xiao Shizi immediately turned his head to look over.It seems that he recognizes the eldest grandson Xiong, but he doesn't seem to remember much and is thinking about it seriously. It looks so cute!
After lunch, the gift-giving eunuch led the team away. Naturally, before he left, he got a big red envelope from Xiaocao. Although he held a small one in his hand, the eunuch knew that the contents inside were bank notes!It seems that the reward for the little prince is not small!
The eunuch who won the reward left happily.The eldest grandson, Xiong, was left behind by Xue Jian, saying that they were to leave the next day.The eunuch who originally wanted to get close to his eldest grandson Xiong had no choice but to leave.

Xue has seen this birthday and is eight years old.But this birthday is very lively.The banquet took three full days to finish, this time Xuejian didn't care at all, it was all done by Shi Chun and Xiaocao, and another important person was He Yuan's wife, who came early to take care of this matter up.One is because he wants to earn a performance in front of the little prince, and the other is to take the opportunity to get in touch with Xiaocao again.So, get busy in these three days.Mrs. He is the happiest one.

Usually looking at Xiaocao who doesn't talk much in this family, she only said that she is not the sister of the little prince's parents, but in this family, she is the elder sister.I heard that the Shen family dotes on Xiaocao very much, and the little prince is also very close to Xiaocao.

In addition to Xiaocao's status in the Shen family, which Mrs. He valued, after this birthday celebration, Mrs. He also attached great importance to Xiaocao herself.At first, I thought it was just a girl from the country, maybe I didn't know some etiquette, but I didn't want Xiaocao to do this thing with style.

It's just that she didn't know that after Shi Chun came here, Xiaocao learned a lot from Shi Chun, and then came to Madam Tang and the others. Xiaocao also asked questions if she didn't understand. She also taught her selflessly, otherwise, how could Liang Chengfang's cowardly temperament teach such a grand girl.

After Mrs. He Yuan returned to her home, the first thing she did was to write a letter to her sister-in-law in Beijing, expressing her thoughts on ordering Xiaocao to her eldest son.

The He family was not affected by the change in Beijing this time.Ever since He Yuan took the line of Xuejian, He Qing has automatically leaned towards Lian Shizi in Beijing. The old lady of the He family also has a good vision. After Xuejian was named the little prince, she was the first to She personally brought people to give gifts to the outside of the princess's mansion, but she stood there without moving, but waited for those who were one level higher than her official to enter first, and then went in by herself, but what she did outside.Everyone in the county owner's family is clear at a glance.Xue Jian naturally understood.

Therefore, He Qing can also become a guest of Lian Shizi's family now, which has a lot to do with He Yuan, Xue Jian and his mother's ability to handle affairs.

 Thank you book friend yh1166 for your reward!Thank you book friends for your votes!Working hard!
(End of this chapter)

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