farmer's daughter

Chapter 535 Look at this greedy

Chapter 535 Look at this greedy

Chapter 530 Six Look at This Greedy One
Therefore, when Mrs. He Yuan wrote this matter to the capital, she received an urgent letter within a few days, telling her to wait. attention to this matter.

On Xuejian's side, early in the morning of the second day of the birthday banquet, Xuejian sent off her eldest grandson Xiong and Shi Chun.Sure enough, Xue Jian knew that the eldest grandson Xiong was going to take away the young prince, so besides preparing many gifts, she also called Shi Chun, asking her to protect the young prince along the way.I also brought some things back to the little princess at home. As a result, a carriage full of gifts came, and it was also a carriage of gifts when I went back!
After sending these people away, those big merchants in Fucheng and merchants who have some contacts with Leisurely Villa will be entertained the next day.For example, Boss Yang and others!

The third day was actually the most down-to-earth day. On the third day, the tenants in Leisure Villa and the fashionable workers of the mine were invited.

After three days of hospitality.Xiaocao and the others were as tired as dogs.We have to pick up this guest every day, and we have to send that guest away.Very busy and tired.But fortunately, Xiaocao persevered, and the three-day birthday banquet did not go wrong.

On the fourth day, when everyone sat down to settle accounts and summarize, Xue Jian stood up, holding a cup of tea, and personally toasted Sister Xiaocao and said:

"Thank you sister. I have exhausted my sister these days!"

Xiaocao smiled and said:

"Are you stupid? I'm your sister. What can I thank you for? I'm tired and a little tired, but I'm very happy."

Wang Shi and Lan Shi also looked at each other, and Wang Shi sighed:
"Oh, who would have thought that Xiaocao'er could arrange such a big thing now. I heard that Xiaocao'er was asked to handle this matter a few days ago, and I scolded her, telling her not to be ignorant of the seriousness, not to be brave, But I don’t want Xiaocao’er to grow up.”

Ever since the little granddaughter was made a prince, Mrs. Wang and old Mr. Shen didn't dare to come here. They were not unhappy or didn't want to share this honor, but they always felt that it was wrong to salute in front of the little prince, and it was embarrassing.So I never mentioned coming to Fucheng to live again.

If it wasn't for Xue'er's birthday this time, they wouldn't want to come here again.Now in this family, it is no longer a place where I can speak and make decisions, and I can just go back and guard my own few rooms.

Therefore, after the incident, they were taken back to the countryside by Shen Erzhu.Xue Jian kept them there again and again and they were unwilling to leave again after the Chinese New Year.Xuejian had no choice but to send some more things, and let a few people go back to the countryside.

Once the birthday is over, it will be completely cold in winter now.These days, Xuejian still goes to the mountain over there every day. Two days before her birthday, Xuejian sent off the second senior brother and Mr. Hu again, and they still have to continue the unfinished business.After a long talk with Mr. Hu, Xue Jian decided to use some of the newly bought fruit trees on the mountain to do splicing and see if they can support them and produce fruit.

As soon as Xuejian gets motivated to do something, she doesn't care about it, and naturally she can't take care of the family affairs.Ten days later, on another sunny day after the snow, the He family came.This time, Mrs. He brought He Yuan's wife along.And brought a heavy load of gifts.

Yesterday, I received a greeting from the He family, saying that Mrs. He was coming to the Shen family today, and Xue Jian talked to Liang Chengfang and Shen Sanzhu last night, maybe it was about Xiaocao.Generally speaking, a matchmaker will be used to pave the way for this kind of marriage, and first visit the meaning of both parties. If there is no objection, then the parents of both parties will meet.Then walk according to various etiquette.

But it seems that Mrs. He is not looking for a step-by-step approach.I came here by myself, which also showed the importance I attached to this person.So, at the end of the second day, as soon as Mrs. He's carriage arrived, Liang Chengfang and the little Hu family who were still here welcomed them to the gate of the village.Xuejian didn't come out to pick it up.Firstly, this is a matter of marriage, there are elders in the family, it is not Xuejian's turn to talk about it, secondly, Xuejian is a prince, if she is asked to come out to meet Mrs. He now, Mrs. He will be shocked.Instead, I feel uncomfortable.

Apart from going up the mountain these few days, Xuejian just stays at home with Grandma Seven to look around.This time, I picked up Seventh Grandpa and Seventh Grandma, and Xue Jian didn't plan to let them go back, let them spend the New Year here this year before going back. Seventh Grandpa has stayed in this Fucheng for a while before, so he is naturally familiar with Fucheng .But I was very interested in seeing the various differences in Xuejian Zhuangzi.So the two elders really stayed.Just walk around every day if you have nothing to do.

Welcome Madam He in.As soon as the guest of honor sat down and started chatting, Xue Jiancai and sister Xiaocao came over to greet the old lady and Mrs. He.Today's Xue Jian is naturally dressed plainly, but she tidied up her sister well.

The appearance of the members of the Shen family is not bad, and all of them can be regarded as handsome and elegant.When this little grass was malnourished before, it looked like her eyes were bigger than her face, and her complexion was sallow and emaciated.But more than a year of good life has passed.In addition, Xue Jian paid special attention to the diet of the brothers and sisters at home, which changed everyone's appearance.

The current Xiaocao is tall and tall, with white skin and big eyes, and a straight body. In addition to the strong body that has been tempered by years of hard work, she looks particularly healthy and energetic.These days, I have learned some etiquette with Mother Tang and the others, and I have learned a lot of words with Mrs. Hu every day, and I have learned a lot. Therefore, when the specially dressed Xiaocao and the intentionally hidden Xue Jian came out, everyone was amazed. The bright one is naturally the grass.

Mrs. He had never seen Xiaocao before, but when she heard that this generous and decent looking girl was Xiaocao, she couldn't hide the admiration in her eyes.Looking straight at Xiaocao, he laughed loudly and said:
"This Shen family has a beautiful woman. I met the little prince before. At that time, I thought the little prince was very eye-catching, but I didn't know that there was such a beautiful woman hidden! He was taught so well by Mrs. Shen! Good, good, good. Look at it, it makes my daughter-in-law jealous."

The old lady made fun of her daughter-in-law.Mrs. He also took advantage of the situation and said:
"No, but I'm so envious! Look at this, two, three, all of them are very lively. And all of them are sensible and caring! I'm not afraid of Mrs. Shen's jokes, I can't wait to bring all your daughters go home."

"Look at this greedy person! I want it all! There is really a little prince here, you don't dare to ask for it. I agree with these two, and I like them, but we took them away. Mrs. Shen I'm in a hurry with us. I see, our He family is blessed to take away one, and my He family burned high incense."

Mrs. He's words are too straightforward.Girls at Xiaocao's age can't understand.She blushed with shame, lowered her head, and stood behind Liang Chengfang.Liang Chengfang was very happy to hear people praise her daughter.But to make an appointment with Xiaocao, although Liang Chengfang discussed with Shen Sanzhu last night, Shen Sanzhu said that it was feasible, but Shen Sanzhu said that he wanted to hear what Xueer wanted, and he hadn't had time to ask Xueer.

Liang Chengfang smiled slightly and said:

"The girls in our family can't be praised by the old lady. Cao'er, go and see the kitchen. I ordered the old lady to prepare a soup and see if it's ready."

(End of this chapter)

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