farmer's daughter

Chapter 536 My Worries Are Others' Desires

Chapter 536 My Worries Are Others' Desires

Chapter 530: My Worries Are Others' Desires
This was an excuse to distract the blushing Xiaocao.After Xiaocao bowed to the old lady, Mrs. He and her aunt, she gently backed out.But Xuejian stayed with the thick skin.Xuejian didn't take herself seriously either, and sat behind her mother, apparently intending to listen to what they had to say.

After sending Xiaocao away, Liang Chengfang said:
"My three daughters, if you want to say, Cao'er and Xue'er are children who have suffered. It's just that because of Xue'er, our family is much better now. I think the old lady and Mrs. He both understand, Our family used to be a poor family. What can a poor family teach their children? They don’t have enough to eat three meals a day, but fortunately, these children are sensible children. Especially Xiaocao, who has been struggling all these years It’s also uncomfortable to wake up.”

When Liang Chengfang said this, he really thought of Xiaocao's past.He picked up the handkerchief and wiped the corners of his eyes, then coughed lightly and said:
"If you think about it, the two ladies don't know that this Cao'er is not the biological daughter of Sanzhu and me. But in our family, she is our biological daughter! We have never separated the children, the eldest Xue'er He Chengwen knows, but the younger two don't know that Sister Cao'er is not our own."

"We value her because this child has a hard life, but she is a very sensible child. We also understand the purpose of the two ladies' visit today, but I have to explain some things first. I don't want me to The child of the child will be pointed out to say something bad in the future."

The old lady nodded and said nothing, Madam He said with a slight smile:
"That's the way it should be. We came here because we fell in love with this girl from your Shen family. We want to get married, not enmity."

Liang Chengfang turned to look at Xuejian.Xue Jian pretended not to see it, and was looking down at a pattern on the sleeve of her clothes. Liang Chengfang looked at it and said:

"My grass is actually the daughter of my eldest brother and sister-in-law in the Shen family. When we first got married, this child was born. But the time of her birth was not very good. It was midnight. Relatives. And my old sister-in-law was originally a person who valued sons over daughters, so naturally she didn't like it even more. The child was thrown out of the village less than an hour after it was born. It was also my mother-in-law who thought it was a life and knew They lost the child, and went to pick it up overnight. Fortunately, the wolf hasn't eaten it yet."

"Afterwards, my mother-in-law was raising the child. The child had never had a sip of milk since he was a child. He grew up eating rice soup. When they registered for the child, they did not recognize it. Later, we recognized the daughter. We are not afraid of her bad timing. At that time, our Xueer was in poor health, and this elder sister accompanied us Xueer since childhood. Later, due to some accidents in the family, Xueer was saved by a passing fairy, and this is how Xueer is now. Er. But the passer-by god said that Xueer survived because of the care of this sister! So it is right to say that Caoer is the savior of Xueer in our family. The god said back then that in Xueer When Xue'er's life was not stable, Cao'er couldn't stay away from her. Only this year, Xue'er slowly left her sister so she wouldn't feel dizzy."

After Liang Chengfang said this, she turned her head to look at Xueer, and saw Xuejian looking at her with a smile on her face, as if she thought she was right.Liang Chengfang turned her head again and said:

"It's inappropriate to say this to the two ladies today. Who doesn't want a girl to marry a good family, but if we, Cao'er, come to your house, it would be really good! Mrs. He is also good, and Mr. He is too. Well, we have all seen it, people who have nothing to say when dealing with people. But if we don’t explain these things, it’s our fault.”

As far as Xue Jian knows, the birth time of Sister Cao'er is her knot, because in this era, no matter if it is a man or a woman.I don't even want to be born at this hour, people at this hour are disgusted!They all believe that people at this time will prevent their parents from harming their relatives.There are also people who directly suffocate children born at this time.

So, yesterday, Xuejian made it clear to her parents that she should tell this matter before others open their mouths. Even if Sister Caoer never gets married, Xuejian is willing to raise this sister, but she cannot let her marry off. Later, her husband's family used this to bully her sister.

After Shen Sanzhu thought about it, he agreed to let Liang Chengfang talk about it face to face.Shen Sanzhu didn't want to say it at first, because he thought that the He family was a big family, and it would definitely not be possible to talk about such a thing.But if Cao'er's secret is revealed.It will be difficult for Cao'er to be close in this prefecture from now on.

This is also the reason why Liang Chengfang spoke uneasy today.She was also afraid that if others refused to kiss her because of this matter, what would Cao'er do in the future?
Unexpectedly, as soon as Liang Chengfang finished speaking, Mrs. He who was sitting above laughed loudly and said:

"Mrs. Shen! This is a great marriage! Hehe, come on, I won't tell you, let her tell you!"

Mrs. He's smile is really happy, it can be seen, it's joy!Mrs. He pointed at Mrs. He, and Liang Chengfang turned to look at Mrs. He, who knew that Mrs. He also smiled happily and said:
"This matter! Don't talk about it, it's settled like this! Sister Liang! The old lady is right, this is a great marriage! No, this can be regarded as a heaven-sent marriage! My eldest son, Zijie, was also weak since he was a child. At that time, I also sought medical treatment everywhere, but unexpectedly, in a temple outside the capital, I met a wandering monk. The monk did nothing but drink a bowl of water for my son, and then said, "My son is sick." His fate is a bit strange, and the time he occupies is also weak, so he has been weak all the time. The talisman water he gives the child can guarantee the child's marriage until the age of 16, but if the person to be married is a person with strong horoscope and fate, then This couple will be consummated. If the wife is also weak, then the children may be poor."

Having said that, Mrs. He stood up, turned to sit beside Liang Chengfang and said:

"Sister Liang, do you think this is a match made in heaven?"

Without waiting for Liang Chengfang to reply, Mrs. He said again:

"Sister Liang, after hearing what you said just now, we feel sorry for this girl. If I hadn't met parents like you and Master Shen, this child would not be what she is now. Look at this child, who has been taught so well by you now. How wonderful. I, I just fell in love with it! That's why I brought all the old wives of our family here, and asked my sister to give me this daughter to be the eldest daughter-in-law of my He family! Don't worry, we won't I've treated her badly! It's too late to feel sorry for her!"

Liang Chengfang was startled by Mrs. He's words.I didn't expect that my worry was the desire of others!
(End of this chapter)

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