farmer's daughter

Chapter 541 I just want the little prince to do it!

Chapter 541 I just want the little prince to do it!
Chapter 540 The second only asks for the little prince to be fulfilled!

Then Xiaocao raised her hand and took off the bead on her head, but Xue Er and Murong Shan helped her put it on in the morning, fearing that it might fall off, she rolled her head before locking it. once.To get it down now, you have to loosen all your hair.When raising her hand, she accidentally touched He Zijie's face, and Xiaocao put her hand down again in shame.I can't put my hands down, I still have to raise my hands to loosen my hair.Then he took off the bead ornaments, and the hair knot of the two of them was untied.It's just that the grass on the head was scattered, and when it fell to the ground, there was some snow and wet mud on the ground, so the clothes were all dirty now.

But even if the grass is disheveled and her clothes are muddy, in He Zijie's eyes, she is the most beautiful!The fall just now will be remembered forever by him!
But Xiaocao looked at her clothes and thought to herself:

"Too bad, Xue'er asked me to bring an extra coat, and I didn't bring it because I was thinking about it for a while. This is good."

Shanfeng, the girl who came here with Xiaocao, hurried forward and said anxiously:

"Miss, what should I do? I have to change my clothes, or I'm afraid I'll catch a cold. The snow water is very cold."

Only then did He Zijie realize that Xiaocao's clothes were wet.He hurriedly asked a woman behind him to get her own cloak, because it was relatively leeward here, and several people walked over without bringing out their cloaks.There was a girl who came with a cloak long ago, He Zijie first unfolded his big cloak, and wanted to go forward to put it on Xiaocao, Xiaocao stretched out his hand and said:

"No. My body is covered with mud and water, which will stain the cloak. Shanfeng, go to the carriage to have a look. There are spare clothes in the carriage, just bring me a change."

Shanfeng left in response.These plum blossoms were planted in the yard behind the study. When the mountain wind turned around, I saw Xue Jian coming out of the study.hurriedly shouted:

"Little prince."

"Why are you here?"

"Missy, Missy, and Mr. He brothers were enjoying the plum blossoms in the back. In the end, Missy and Mr. He both fell down. They were covered in mud and water. I will go to the carriage and get some clothes for the young lady."

Xue Jian was taken aback and said:

"Why did you fall? Go find it, I'll go and have a look."

He Yuan, who followed Xue Jian, also heard Shan Feng's words, and said anxiously:

"I'll take a look too, and I don't know if there is any injury from the fall."

Turn around and call the long follower:
"Go ask someone to bring two charcoal basins to the side room in the plum courtyard, let Miss Shen and the others warm up."

The man ran off to work.Xue Jian also hurried to the back, when Xue Jian and He Yuan arrived, they happened to see He Zijie put his cloak on Xiaocao, and took her long hair out of the cloak.It's over the cloak.Xue Jian was taken aback, when did men and women become the same here?Is this the first time we've met?

In fact, it was He Zijie who insisted on covering Xiaocao, but He Zijie didn't care whether it would stain his clothes or not.

"No, you must put it on. If your clothes are wet, you will catch the wind and cold."

Having said that, I forced myself to cover Xiaocao.Xiaocao was startled by his actions, and let him put on the cloak and take out her hair without moving.But when his fingers accidentally touched Xiaocao's neck, Xiaocao was startled.Taking a step back, he lowered his head.A heart was pounding, as if it was about to jump out, and her face was burning red.

And Xue Jian happened to see it at this time.Just called out:

Xiaocao was startled again, looked up to see Xuejian and He Yuan who was following Xuejian, her face turned slightly pale, but she turned around quickly, because she was wearing He Zijie's cloak and loose Hair is really not suitable for meeting people.

Xue Jian knew that her sister was very embarrassed right now, she frowned slightly and stepped forward, reaching out to pat the little girl who was still sobbing, when Yue Wei saw Xue Jian coming, she threw herself into her sister's arms, crying and saying:

"Second sister, the eldest brother defeated the eldest sister, and even suppressed the eldest sister. Wow"

As soon as He Zijie heard the title, he thought that this little girl came here with her father, so he knew that this was the little prince who existed like a god.Hearing Yue Wei's words again, He Zijie's face turned pale, he shook his clothes lightly, tidied them up, and was about to kneel down to meet the little prince.

It was impossible for Xue Jian to make him kneel down, so he stretched out his hand and lifted it luckily, but He Zijie couldn't kneel down. He Zijie was startled, took a step back, and hurriedly bowed and said:

"Student He Zijie, I met the little prince!"

Xuejian responded lightly, then looked at her sister and said:
"Sister, did you get injured?"

Xiaocao shook her head and said softly:
"No. I'm fine."

He Zijie on the side was a little scared when he saw Xiaocao's appearance, thinking that this was the little prince, he hurriedly stood up and responded:

"Little prince, it's all the students' fault. Shen Xiaocao walked in front. The student was so nympho that he didn't notice the protruding root of the flower. He kicked it and then fell down. Miss Shen was also implicated. It's all the student's fault." fault!"

Xuejian snorted coldly, no matter how she saw her sister come to be a guest, she looked disheveled and disheveled like this.This is a taboo in this day and age!What about the reputation of this daughter's family?Although I don't care about this, but the world sees it this way, and my sister thinks so too!Don't say anything else, let yourself and He Yuan see it now.This makes my sister how to deal with herself in the future.

Thinking of this, Xue Jian's eyes became a little cold.So, just snorted.He Zijie's face turned pale, and he couldn't care less.Kneeling down with a plop, he said:

"Little Prince, the student really didn't mean to offend Miss Shen, student, the student is willing to take responsibility!"

Nothing to say, this sentence made Xue Jian angry.

"Hmph! Will you be responsible? What are you responsible for? Just because you accidentally fell my sister? Are you going to take responsibility for your life? You dare to be responsible, but we dare not take it!"

Xiaocao, who was shy at first, heard the words, hurriedly turned her head, pulled Xue Jian, her face turned pale, and tears filled her eyes and said:

"Good sister, let's, let's go back."

Xuejian raised her hand to wipe away her sister's tears, and took out a hair from her sleeve pocket.Xuejian always carries this thing with her, because she has to go up the mountain from time to time, and sometimes there are branches on the mountain, so she needs to tie her hair up for convenience.

Xuejian raised her hand and tied her sister's hair.comforted:

"Sister, it's okay. I'm here."

Then he turned his head and said to the people around him:

"What I saw here today is rotten to the stomach. Who wants to go out and talk nonsense. As long as I hear a little rumor, I will pull out everyone's tongue!"

Maybe Xue Jian said it a bit harshly.Those individuals all took a step back and immediately knelt down and said:

"The slave (servant) didn't see anything!"

"Little prince, no, it's not like this, little prince, I'm not responsible because I fell Miss Shen, I, I'm Xinyue Miss Shen, I, I was walking behind Miss Shen just now. Look at her The younger brother brushed the snow off his head. I was stunned for a moment. I stumbled over it. That’s when I hit Miss Shen. I hope the little prince will help! The student is willing to swear here. The student is willing to grow old with Miss Shen in this life. For the rest of my life , will never leave! I am willing to abide by the rules of the Shen family!"

He Zijie, who was kneeling on the ground, became anxious when Xue Jian ordered his servants like this.This is to take Miss Shen away and protect her.After that, there will be no chance for him, and he doesn't know how he thought of it, so he quickly swore to express his heart, and only ask the little prince to help him!
(End of this chapter)

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