farmer's daughter

Chapter 542 Let's Trust You,

Chapter 542 Let's Trust You,
Chapter 540 Three Let's Trust You,

Xuejian had no choice but to secretly think.This He Zijie's reaction was quite fast.But Xue Jian had no choice but to put up her airs and said:
"You also claim that you are a student, you are a scholar, don't you know what you did just now? You say you are sincere, and you are sincere, isn't it to avoid punishment?"

Shen Yuecao on the side didn't know what to do when she heard what her sister said.The younger sister is the prince, if he really said that because he was afraid that the prince would punish him, what would he do in the future?
And He Yuan, who had been standing by the side, immediately stood up and said:

"Little prince, our family really cares about this matter. We will invite Miss Shen over today. It is Zijie's intention. I heard that my mother went to your house that day and she violated the rules of the Shen family. I didn't expect to come back. Speaking of which, Zijie said that he had heard Shizi Lian talk about this a long time ago, and he said he accepted it. It was he who told the old lady that this happened today. I hope the little prince will be considerate. Zijie is not a good person That kind of naughty person didn't make the oath just to shirk!"

Xue Jian can tell what He Yuan is like after getting along with her for a year.Hearing what he said, Xue Jian believed that this Zijie really liked her sister, but Xue Jian also knew that it was not easy for people here to get along with each other. It would be nice to meet each other before getting married. .

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Let's just trust you, you get up first, I'm going to take my sister to change clothes."

He Zijie got up from the ground happily when he heard this.Pointing to the path of Namerlin:
"There used to be a side room here, which could be used for changing clothes."

It happened that Xiaocao's girl also brought clothes from the carriage.Xue Jian took her sister to the side room first, and there were indeed two charcoal pots burned inside.It seems that this room is rarely used, so it has not been converted into a floor heating room.

While waiting for my sister to change clothes, Xuejian asked softly:
"Sister, how do you feel about your visit today?"

Shen Yuecao's face turned red all of a sudden, she didn't know what to say.Xiaocao grew up in the countryside, and the girls in the countryside don't have so many rules, so I have seen all the boys in the same village.In terms of appearance, He Zijie may not be as good as Chengzu and Chengye in his family, but He Zijie is also handsome and tall, and because of his years of studying, his scholarly temperament captured Xiaocao's heart.

"he's good."

After a long time, Xiaocao uttered these three words, and Yixue Jian's understanding of her sister is very good.Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"That seems to be a play."

I changed clothes and came out.Xuejian accompanied her sister back to the front hall, and it happened that dinner was about to be served at noon.Liang Chengfang saw Xiaocao coming out after changing clothes, and asked:

"What's the matter with the grass?"

Even the old lady and Mrs. He who were sitting above looked over.Xiaocao didn't speak, Xuejian said quietly:

"My sister fell while looking at plum blossoms."

Just as he was talking, He Yuan also came in with his two sons.Mrs. He saw that the clothes on Zijie had also changed.His eyes flickered, but if Xiaocao didn't say anything, it would be difficult for him to ask in person.So everyone started eating lunch.There are two tables for men and women, separated by a screen, but the voice of the conversation is still clear and audible.

Usually this kind of guest should leave after the meal.But Yuewei still wanted to play with the new doll that Mrs. He specially prepared for her, and He Zichen also wanted Yuewei to play with it for a while.Because he is the only child in the family.No one plays with him.

So Mrs. He and Liang Chengfang took the children to watch them play in the side room for a while.But Xuejian wanted to say goodbye first.Because depending on the weather, there may be heavy snow this day.Xue Jian wanted to go to see what needed maintenance on her own village, fearing that the heavy snow would crush her.Some houses will collapse for fear of hurting people.

He Yuan personally sent Xue Jian to ride a horse. After Xue Jian met to ride a horse, he basically rode a horse.This is faster.

Xuejian left He's house with two guards.He went directly to his own Zhuangzi, found Pang Panghu and went through the safety of the houses in the Zhuangzi together. Those old people who were afraid of the cold and nestled in the house were all happy to greet Xuejian. They, if they want other owners, will only know whose house has collapsed after the snow, and ask someone to pay for it to repair it.It's not like Xue Jian who came to check and repair in advance.

In the afternoon, Liang Chengfang came back with her two daughters.In the carriage, Xiaocao just talked about the fall today.Liang Chengfang was a little unhappy and said:

"What can we do now? Since he said this in front of your sister, it depends on his future performance. Cao'er, don't worry, if he dares to bully you in the future, don't be afraid, you have Xue'er Woolen cloth!"

Xiaocao nodded and said:

"Mom, I'm not worried."

On the third day, the He family sent out three more carriages.This time, it wasn't just Mrs. He who came, the whole He family was dispatched, and they also brought an official media and a load of gifts.This time, he came directly to book the marriage.

Of course, Shen Sanzhu and Liang Chengfang also received them at home.With the previous things, the engagement naturally went smoothly.Xuejian didn't want to go home, but took a few people to the surrounding mountains to check.Yesterday I sent off my little senior brother and sister Murong Shan, and they are going back to the capital for the new year.Murong Xing said that he will come back after the new year.

Xuejian is waiting for the New Year here, while Fu Jinghao, who is far away on the border, is training hard!
The last time he received Xuejian's reply letter, Fu Jinghao had a clear goal in mind.There was something that Xue Jian mentioned in the letter that caught Fu Jinghao's heart.

The current Fu Jinghao, because he usually trains hard and has the background of his old grandfather and grandfather.I was very appreciated by my boss, and I made a small contribution once or twice.So, now Fu Jinghao has become a little celebrity in the garrison of this place.It's not because he is the young master of the Hou Mansion, but everyone knows that there is a young and desperate Saburo in this army!
Since Fu Jinghao joined the army, no matter the wind or rain, he has been training alone.Starting from him, a few young people gradually followed suit. Fu Jinghao surrounded himself with a few partners, and they trained together, even though everyone else had rested, they were still practicing.

After seeing Xue Jian's opinion, he said that he can train a small but good team by himself. This team must be fully developed, able to do anything, and endure hardships and suffer tiredly.And someone with a strong will.This team is sometimes the forward of the sneak attack, and sometimes the front team of the investigation.It can also be a team that cleared the tail after the big team withdrew.

Good practice.This team may plunge directly into the enemy's camp to take the head of the enemy's head.It may also be a team that sneaks into other countries to do something.This is the team that has always been strong and secret!
(End of this chapter)

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