farmer's daughter

Chapter 545 I have to come to be a bad guy

Chapter 545 I have to come to be a bad guy
Chapter 540 Six I Have To Be A Bad Guy

Just screaming, another granary also caught fire.Although it has snowed heavily, the winter air is still dry.The wind was strong that night, so it was considered that the dry wood had met a raging fire. After a while, all three grain piles were ablaze.And Fu Jinghao and Ren Fei took advantage of the chaos to sneak out.The two of them ran all the way back to the border town.

The soldiers on the wall of the border city also saw the flames soaring into the sky from the enemy camp, so they immediately reported it to the general. As soon as the general heard this, he put on his cloak and came to the wall. When he saw it, he knew that it was the granary of the enemy camp. There is a problem, he laughed loudly and said:
"This is a good move!"

Immediately recruited a capable lieutenant and said:

"Take someone there immediately, and show me our granary!"

"General, don't you organize your army and prepare to go?"

Behind the general, there was a voice, it was Fu Jinghao who had just rushed back!The general turned around and saw Fu Jinghao, he laughed and said:

"Jing Hao, you've done a great job!"

"This is a gift for you!"

Fu Jinghao picked up the big lump from Ren Fei's hand behind him and threw it on the tower. The general saw that it was a man who was tied up and was only wearing a middle coat. It seemed that he was tied up under the quilt.The general stepped forward and mentioned that person to come and have a look, he even laughed loudly and said:
"I didn't expect you to bring back the leader of the enemy! Good! This general will remember you as a great merit!"

"It's not me, it's our Flying Eagles!"

The general nodded repeatedly and said:
"Yes, it all works!"

The general laughed loudly and sent an order:

"Call the lieutenant general, everyone is there, get ready, attack tomorrow!"

He also asked someone to find a set of women's padded jacket, put it on the captured general, and then tied him up and hung him to the top of the tower.Let the people over there see where their handsome man is!
After a while, the entire barracks knew about it.Our people stole the enemy commander from under the bed.It is now hanging on the city wall.They all went up to the city wall to see the marshal who was frozen purple and red.

And the people in the enemy camp also found that their commander was gone!This time it was even more messed up.How could the handsome man disappear?Grain was burned again!Is it because of the meticulous work?
The chaotic camp is in chaos now. Some new recruits have just arrived and the veterans stationed here have not yet gotten along well, but now the commander is gone.The grain and grass are gone, not to mention the war, the weather is freezing, and there is not even food to eat.What to do?Will die of cold and starvation.Therefore, the most urgent thing is to save something first.Then we can only grab it early.So, after a while, more and more people had this idea, and naturally the barracks became self-defeating.

There were a few generals who rode on horses, commanded their followers, and took care of those who made a fuss.But the generals were not convinced with each other.So, after a while, it became a fight between several big teams.Seeing the people on Fu Jinghao's side laughing, it seems that they don't need to attack from their own side, after they fight each other, go to take advantage of the fisherman's profit!

The general also laughed happily, but at the same time, he also told people to be on guard, fearing that these people would become barbaric and go to some corners to harass the local farmers.Ready to set off to attack those skirmishers.

As soon as the army was sorted out and the sky was just dawning, the drums rang and the city gate opened. The general took the lead. Fu Jinghao guarded the general and led the soldiers shouting towards the enemy camp.After fighting each other in the middle of the night, the enemy camp was cold, hungry and tired. Naturally, they were defeated and dispersed as soon as they charged, and tens of thousands of enemies were captured at once.Some people also snatched the horses, and some of the lieutenants they recognized retreated.

Fu Jinghao led a team of men and horses, and chased them out with all his strength, because now these stragglers had nothing in their hands, and it was the best time to hit them. Sure enough, after chasing for twenty miles, a group of people blocked them. The next one caught all, and captured two lieutenants and two thousand households. This is a big deal!

Fu Jinghao stopped chasing after him.Going forward, you will reach a town on the other side, so no matter what, there is still a bit of a garrison.Generally, there is frontier defense in front, and the garrison in the rear is in charge of logistics.How many people are there.It's not good to chase any more.Bring back all who are captured.

These soldiers who were brought back only saw their own commander hanged on the city gate when they were escorted into the city gate.The Eastern Dynasty has won a complete victory in this battle!The opponent is not a big country.The troops here basically account for one-third of his country.He just wanted to entangle the strength of the troops again.Also guard against other border towns.Therefore, this time, Dongfang Dynasty has made a solid profit.Sit and wait for someone to come over there to negotiate peace, and take money to buy back the captives here!
After the whole army returned to the camp, the general said, tonight, reward the three armies!Fu Jinghao also returned to his tent, and looked at the letter in his hand again.He frowned, and then went to his grandfather's tent. Grandfather was also happily changing his clothes, preparing to be happy tonight. He knew that his grandson had made great contributions to today's victory!
Fu Jinghao went to his grandfather's tent, checked that there was no one around, pulled his grandfather to his side, and handed the letter to his grandfather. After seeing it, his grandfather was shocked!Fu Jinghao also told some things he saw, including the fact that he found his defense map in the handsome man's cabinet.Old Hou Ye was even more surprised, which shows that there is an inner ghost here!Just who is this ghost?

Fu Jinghao said:

"Grandfather, I think this ghost will show up tonight!"

Old Master Fu looked at his grandson, Fu Jinghao said:

"Think about it, the commander-in-chief was captured by us, and there are two lieutenants. Some of these people must know the ghost. Naturally, the ghost doesn't want to be discovered, and he will definitely kill them. Now everyone Look at it, then, tonight is the best time, because everyone is a little loose after drinking tonight."

"Yes! Then what are you going to do?"

Fu Jinghao hesitated and said:

"Grandfather, is the general trustworthy?"

Old Master Fu nodded and said:

"This person is trustworthy. First, I brought it out with my own hands. Second, I knew a long time ago that he is the Emperor's man!"

Fu Jinghao nodded, that's fine, as long as he belongs to the emperor.Therefore, Fu Jinghao said:

"Then I'll talk to the general about this matter? Tonight, you're just saying that I'm still a child and can't drink too much, and scolded me to leave the banquet. I'll go and protect those three people in secret."

Old Hou Ye laughed and scolded:

"Well, you have done a great job, and I have to be a bad guy! All right. Then I will be the bad guy!"

Fu Jinghao smiled and came back to this grandfather.Fu Jinghao became much gentler.It's different to have your own relatives by your side.

(End of this chapter)

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