farmer's daughter

Chapter 546 As long as you know it well.

Chapter 546 As long as you know it well.

Chapter 540 As long as you know it well.

Fu Jinghao helped the old Hou Ye who had changed his clothes and walked towards the tent of the Chinese army.The general is sitting in the middle, there are several lieutenants, but the other generals are all in the tent.Seeing the old general and Fu Jinghao coming, even the great general stood up.

"Hahaha, old general! This is indeed a tiger father without a dog! Jing Hao has made a great contribution this time!"

Old Master Fu laughed and said:
"This is all the result of the general's support. If it weren't for your support, how could he be where he is today?"

The general listened to this, no matter how much he respected the old general, but now he is a general.People in high positions still like to hear some happy words.

Other people also gave up their seats to the old Hou Ye. The status of the old Hou Ye here is still very unusual.Although Fu Jinghao has made great contributions, he is still considered a person of insufficient status. If he can enter the big tent, it is fine.Of course, only standing behind the old Hou Ye.

Fu Jinghao stood up.Gently winking at the general, the general knew that Fu Jinghao had something to tell him, so he stood up and said:
"Everyone, everyone should be happy today. We have made great achievements. This time, just wait for me to reward the emperor! But now, everyone has to get busy and see how the celebration banquet is prepared tonight. gone."

Everyone present could hear that the general was chasing someone away.It seems that the general is going to say something to the old general.

So each of them found a reason to resign.Only Fu Jinghao's grandson and the general remained.See if there is no one around.The old general said softly:

"Jing Hao, take it out and give it to the general."

Fu Jinghao took out the letter.Handed it over to the general, the general raised his head and glanced twice, stood up immediately, and said in shock:

"Where did this come from?"

Fu Jinghao said:

"It was on his desk when we went to capture the general. It looked like he had just read it. Also, General, we looked through his things at that time. There was a picture in the cabinet, which is similar to ours. The defense on the side is the same. I wanted to take it back, but the picture was a bit big, and I wanted to arrest people, so I didn’t bring it. Later, I went to burn food and grass because I saw the picture, and I thought they might increase their troops just to This, that's why I sneaked back and burned the food and grass for him!"

The general turned black, which means that there are traitors here.And if this traitor can get the defense map, then he is not an ordinary person.Be careful about this!
The general looked at the old general.The old general sat calmly without saying a word.It seems that all is not a big deal.The general still carefully took out the defense map in his hand.Show it to Fu Jinghao and say:

"Look, this is the latest, is it like this?"

Fu Jinghao stepped forward to take a closer look and said:
"It's a little different. There's no one in the hole."

The general thought for a while and said:

"Old General. I know who it is. He wasn't there when I changed the defense. So, it might be him."

The old general nodded and said:
"Yes, but it's good that you know it in your heart. Hao'er said that someone might go to assassinate the captured commander and the two lieutenants tonight. For some things, it's better to die without confrontation."

The general thought for a while and said:
"The person who armed the defense should strengthen it again."

Fu Jinghao said:

"Probably not, think about it, no matter who you are defending, if this person goes. Who doesn't recognize him? Who doesn't give him face? Or obey his orders? Although I don't know who this person is, but This person must be a high-ranking person here. Right?"

The general thought for a while and said:
"Yes. Then what do you think?"

Fu Jinghao said:

"Change the people. Change the commander and the two lieutenants, and replace them with our people to go in and sit. Anyway, the light inside is not good."

The general thought for a while and said:
"Okay, just?"

The old general said:

"He said, he will guard it. Let him guard it."

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:
"Yes, I think the celebration banquet is a good time. If I don't participate, I can't do it. I'll be scolded by the old man. Then I'll come here to guard."

The general smiled and said:

"Today's celebration banquet can be regarded as held for you, and you haven't attended yet!"

Fu Jinghao's face was a little red and he said:
"It's not a feat, it's just a coincidence. Originally, I just wanted to catch that commander and test the ability of our Flying Eagles, but I didn't expect to find this. That's why I took Ren Fei back to burn the granary, and then they Infighting. Then we captured these people. It's all a coincidence, I guess."

The general laughed and said:
"Look, you don't want to take credit. Sigh, tell me something from your heart. Old general, you can feel relieved! Brother Shoucheng has been away for these years, and you have a good grandson to succeed you. The Fu family will never fail. Your family! It is the blessing of my dynasty!"

Old Hou Ye said seriously:

"The man of the Fu family should do his best for the dynasty!"

After deciding, the general said:

"To tell you the truth, a major event has happened in the capital recently. If the old Prince Rong did not come forward, the capital would have changed owners. Now it has settled down. Regarding this letter, Jing Hao, after today's incident, tomorrow, you will bring two Personally, take this with you, take the secret report I gave to the emperor, quietly return to Beijing, and report what happened here. Looking at it now, I don’t dare to trust anyone casually.”

Fu Jinghao bowed and cupped his fists and said:


Old Hou Ye seemed to have thought of something, and said:

"Old Prince Rong? Is this old man still alive?"

"Yes, I heard that it was he and an old man from the Qin family who took action, and the two of them put an end to the rebellion in the capital. They didn't hurt many people. It was settled peacefully. Now the prince has changed, and the current prince is the original Liang. King."

Old Hou Ye sighed and said:
"We won't talk about royal affairs. When Jing Hao goes back, he just goes to see the emperor. After finishing the business, if it's not Chinese New Year yet, he can go and see your master before coming back."

As soon as the old master heard it, he knew that the old man of the Qin family was Fu Jinghao's master.I thought that if Jing Hao went to visit him, he might be able to know the real reason of the matter.

At the end of the application period.There was a big drill field in the middle of the barracks, and then some tables piled up with things were placed.Then someone put some wine jars and a large pot of broth on the table one after another.

The celebration banquet is about to begin.everything's ready.All the soldiers were full of enthusiasm, and they went to find their compatible ones, or fellow villagers, and prepared to fight for wine together. Today is a day that should be happy.

In the middle, there is an upright table, and there are naturally eight chairs around the table.Everyone knows that the people who are going to sit down here are the general and others.

Sure enough, when the time came, it was said that it was time for dinner.The general came out with a group of lieutenants and others.The general supported the old general Fu to sit in the chair.But old general Fu didn't sit down anyway, and finally the general sat down, but old general Fu and the general sat together.Then the rest of the people sat down one by one. Fu Jinghao is not qualified to take the chair yet.

Once they are seated.The people below naturally sat down.It's just that there are not so many chairs, most of them are sitting on the ground.Because the snow was shoveled.Everyone sit down, most of the people who can come to eat in this square still take some nods, not to mention thousands of households, and then there are some capable people.Other ordinary soldiers ate in their tents, but the food was the same.

(End of this chapter)

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