farmer's daughter

Chapter 547 Who Agreed To Execute You

Chapter 547 Who Agreed To Execute You
Chapter 540 Who Agreed To Execute You

"Everyone! We are all together today to celebrate! Hahaha this year is almost the Chinese New Year. I didn't expect that we could make such a great contribution before the Chinese New Year, haha"

In the square, the general's resounding voice sounded.

"Today's first glass of wine, we are going to honor Fu Jinghao who has made great contributions today! Yesterday he led people to investigate and captured the enemy's commander-in-chief. Hahaha, not to mention, he led people Go and burn the food and grass. Everyone, this is the reason why Shan Shan is celebrating here today. Because of his contribution. We have the credit for capturing thousands of people later!"

"Respect Fu Jinghao!"

A lieutenant also stood up and gave a loud shout.Then, everyone in the square stood up and shouted, "Respect Fu Jinghao!"

Fu Jinghao was naturally pushed out by a group of his brothers and stood in the middle. Fu Jinghao, who was still a young man, was still a bit thin-skinned when he encountered this.His face turned red.But he still held the wine with a smile and bowed slightly to the people around him, then raised his hand and finished the bowl of wine.Everyone roared in response.Someone shouted in the crowd:
"Three toasts!"

Someone shouted, and someone booed.And Fu Jinghao seemed to be happy too, and he never refused to come.After drinking three bowls in a row, he also had a belch. It seemed that he seldom drank alcohol, and this belch made him a little uncomfortable.He frowned slightly.Choked.

The soldiers below are still shouting Captain Fu!At this time, Old Hou Ye put down the wine bowl in his hand heavily, and said with a sullen face:
"Jing Hao, if you don't know how to drink, don't drink. Wait a while and make a fool of yourself!"

Turning around and drinking again, those who made a toast said:
"Everyone is happy, everyone drinks, he is still a child!"

Isn't it.Although he stood so tall and made great contributions to leading everyone, he was really just a child.Some people also rested.They toasted each other.

The general hurriedly stood up and smoothed things over:
"Okay, everyone, drink, today we are drinking celebration wine, everyone has a share! Old Hou Ye, let Captain Fu drink another bowl, how about a bowl for everyone."

Old Hou Ye still had a cold face, looking straight at Fu Jinghao, I will not give you face if you drink too much.Fu Jinghao was also on top of the wine, and he put down the wine bowl in his hand heavily, then turned around and left the square.He also shouted:

"Ren Fei. Lead the horse!"

Everyone looked at each other, Ren Fei really put down the bowl, caught up with Fu Jinghao, and then the two went straight to the stable.The general frowned slightly, as if everyone could see that the general didn't like Fu Jinghao's pride in his achievements!I just saw that the general glanced at the old Hou Ye, as if he was looking at the old Hou Ye's face, so he didn't bother with him!
A lieutenant stepped forward and said:

"General. It's okay. Captain Fu is still a child, and his temper is understandable, and he will be adjusted slowly in the future. However, everyone is drinking here, and I still have to check the safety of the place! I will accompany the general later!"

The general's eyes flashed.Didn't say anything, just sighed.He nodded and sat down.The lieutenant clasped his fists and walked away.

As soon as he turned around and left, the general took a look at the old Hou Ye, who was calm and leisurely still tasting the wine, as if he didn't mind the grandson's anger just now.He didn't seem to notice someone leaving the table in front of him.

The general calmed down secretly, it seemed that his cultivation level was still not as good as that of the old Hou Ye.That lieutenant general is probably going to carry out his work.He might think that the general sighed because Captain Fu was ignorant, but in fact, the general sighed because he jumped out in such a hurry!
From the news sent back by Fu Jinghao, the general has confirmed this person, but there is no evidence, but if he is going to jump into this pit now, then he will be confirmed.It seems that he is the prince's man!

the other side.Fu Jinghao called Shang Ren Fei, and as soon as they turned around a tent, the two changed directions.Fly away to the other side.Then he brought the few people who had been waiting there a long time ago into the tent where the enemy commander was imprisoned.Then quietly took the person away from behind the tent.Leave a replacement.

As soon as Fu Jinghao and the others left here, the deputy general came.He also brought a few people behind him.As soon as I came here, I greeted the guards here:
"Captain Wu. Let's have a celebration wine today. You bring people from your squad, and I will bring people to replace your squad. The general agreed."

Obviously, Captain Wu was a little puzzled, and he agreed that his group of people would be guarded, and the celebration wine would be reserved for his group, and they would eat it tomorrow.Why did you change it halfway through?Captain Fu's hint just now seems to make sense.

Captain Wu was still puzzled, and the lieutenant brought people forward.Just put the team leader away and let him go to the celebration banquet.The captain left, and the remaining soldiers heard that there was wine to drink and meat to eat, anyway, this was the order of the deputy.Naturally followed.Then the people brought by the deputy general put the tent on guard.

Then he took the two of them into the tent.The light in the tent is not very good.And that handsome man was still wearing that woman's attire, as if he was shivering from the cold.The hair is all loose.The mouth was also tied.I can only yell.

The lieutenant stepped forward, and before he got close, he took a step back while covering his nose and said:

"Marshal Shi. I didn't expect to meet again here. You are really, you can be captured by someone even if you sleep. Think about it. You are also a dignified lord in your dynasty. Why are you so careless. But. I Let me ask you. When you were taken, you wouldn't leave anything behind, would you?"

The man who tilted his head murmured twice.

"Marshal Shi, I don't dare to save you. I have to stay in this barracks. However, when you were fighting among yourself that night, your big tent was burned. I just wanted to leave something behind. It’s nothing. So, I’m here today because of our friendship in the past, I want to save your life. However, you have to suffer a little. Someone. Cut off his tongue! Break his hand bones! Cracked his ears!"

As soon as the lieutenant turned around, he changed his face, turned over and told, and asked the two people who followed in to carry out.The handsome man kneeling on the straw seemed to be very excited and screamed.But the people here didn't give him the slightest chance.He just stepped forward and untied the belt that tied his mouth.Just as he was about to have his tongue cut out, the curtain of the tent was opened.It was the general and the old general who came in!
"Vice General Lu, why did you cut his tongue? Afraid he will say something? Didn't you go to patrol the city? Why are you here? Who agreed to your execution here?"

(End of this chapter)

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