farmer's daughter

Chapter 551 Aimed At Old Man Qin

Chapter 551 Aimed At Old Man Qin

Chapter 550: Going For Old Man Qin

Xue Jian rolled her eyes, this master always had trouble with Grandpa Qin, but the relationship between the two was very strange, they probably didn't like each other, but they couldn't tolerate others talking about each other.It was all based on the idea that he could only bully him, and the two of them had a very happy time being noisy.

But it's okay, it's good to have a good friend to quarrel with when you're old.In fact, people who are all over a hundred years old, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.But they take pleasure in such a life, and no one can say anything!

Xue Jian looked at the remaining paper.Ask someone to cut the paper into squares of different sizes.Then Xuejian picked up a pen and wrote a character "Fu" on a piece of paper, and wrote the character "Fu" in different shapes and strokes.This time, it really attracted old man Qin to come and watch.Because Xuejian asked someone to take the written blessing characters, line them up in a row, and count them, Xuejian wrote twelve blessing characters big and small, and the characters were different.

Old man Qin looked over one by one, stroked his beard, and then nodded repeatedly:
"Odd, these writing styles are new ones, how did the little prince come up with it?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"No, it's just that some strokes are arranged differently, and it doesn't make any way of writing. I only have some ideas when I write this character. If you want me to write something else, I don't even know how to write it."

Then, Xue Jian called two boys over, looked at the characters, and selected two characters of "Fu" for help to stick on the door.Xiaocao called from behind:
"Xue'er, it's stuck down."

Xue Jian smiled back and said:
"What fell?"

Shen Chengwen called out:
"Second sister, it's a blessing."

Xue Jian laughed and said:

"That's right, it's the Chinese New Year. The blessing has arrived. Look, is the blessing here?"

It was old man Qin who reacted first, laughed and said:

"Yes, the fortune has arrived, the fortune has arrived! The little prince is really smart!"

Xuejian pasted up the words and slandered.Am I smart?In modern times, five-year-old children all know that the word "Fu" should be pasted upside down, and this is the arrival of blessing!
The others also slowly figured out this truth, and laughed one after another:
"Yes, yes, luck has arrived."

Shen Chengwen first went to choose two, and said:

"Come, come, come. Let's go and paste these two posters on the doors of Grandpa and Grandpa Seven, everyone will be blessed."

The remaining few blessing characters were all divided up in a while, and it was not enough, so I had to find another red paper.This time old man Qin stepped forward, picked up a pen and began to write, he wrote the character "Fu" and learned some of Xue Jian's writing methods, the more he writes, the smoother he writes.

At the end of the writing, on the door of Leisurely Villa, and on the outer wall, there were stickers of different sizes and shapes of blessing characters everywhere, and finally everyone wrote a blessing character and pasted it wherever they wanted.

Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year.This night, Xue Jian couldn't sleep a little bit, everyone said that the New Year's Day is a time for missing relatives, but for some reason, Xue Jian suddenly remembered her daughter from the previous life today.But to her horror, she found that she couldn't remember what Lin Jiadong looked like at all.The daughter's impression is also very vague, it seems that she only remembers some things related to them, but she doesn't remember what this person looks like.

Xuejian suddenly wanted to cry, how long it had been, only two years ago, she couldn't remember what they looked like, it was because she was accepted into this family.Do you only remember the family members?
I didn't sleep all night, but because the next day was Chinese New Year, Xue Jian cheered up and got up early.I went with my sisters, younger brothers and sisters to pay New Year's greetings to grandparents, seven grandpas and seven grandmas, master, and Grandpa Niu, and then accepted New Year's greetings from the girls and boys in Zhuangzi.Anyway, the whole morning was spent in saluting and receiving gifts.

At noon, it's time to eat the New Year's dinner.Because of Xue Jian's request, old man Qin finally complied, and came down to eat, and everyone had a reunion dinner together.but.Old man Qin is not like old man Mo.Old man Mo and everyone in the Shen family can get along well, but old man Qin, who has been sitting there in a good manner, will answer when someone asks him, but he never takes the initiative to talk to others. No one wanted to talk to him anymore, and it wasn't right, there was one person who just leaned against him and wouldn't leave.It is Shen Chengwu who can walk in the Shen family!

I don't know why this Shen Chengwu has a crush on old man Qin.Old man Qin was rigid and quiet, but it made Shen Chengwu happy. As long as old man Qin was there, he would crawl and sit at his feet.Then play with your own, even if you don't have to play, you can just play with your own fingers.Old man Qin also blamed him, and neither chased him nor reprimanded him.let him!
Just as the table was set, old man Shen took Shen Sanzhu to worship the heavens and ancestors, and when he was calling everyone to sit down, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the courtyard door.

Xue Jian was a little startled by this sudden visitor.Often visitors just give something.It's a big New Year's day, who doesn't come here to celebrate the New Year at home.

Wu Qiming was going to greet him, but Xuejian stopped him and said:
"I gonna go see."

When Xue Jian came outside the house, she saw six or seven horses outside the yard, and all of them sitting on the horses were covered in snow.As he was looking carefully, a man on a horse dismounted and whispered:


Shocked!Fu Jinghao!
Xue Jian took a closer look, and it was really Fu Jinghao. He had grown a lot taller. I don't know if it was because he wore a lot of clothes in winter, so he seemed to have grown a lot stronger.

Xue saw it and laughed at once!
Seeing Xuejian's smiling face, Fu Jinghao smiled dotingly, then waved his hand and said:
"Come down. I have seen the little prince!"

Then the six people dressed as soldiers behind them also got off their horses together.Fu Jinghao took it with him, bowed to Xuejian and said:

"Meet the little prince!"

The person behind him was obviously taken aback for a moment, and followed suit slowly.Xue Jian said with a slight smile:

"Get up, it's Chinese New Year, I thought it was someone who came. I didn't expect you to come, please come in quickly. Brother Jing Hao, these are all your comrades?"

Wu Qiming, who came out after him, had a wink, and hurriedly asked two people to lead all the horses to the stable on the other side.Xue Jian led everyone in, Xue Jian said:

"You came just in time, Brother Jing Hao, Grandpa Qin is also celebrating the New Year with me."

Fu Jinghao said in surprise:

"Really? Since Master left last time, I haven't heard from him. I didn't expect him to come to you."

While talking, Xue Jian led Fu Jinghao into the main room. Who is the old man Qin sitting in the main room?
Fu Jinghao looked at the people in the room, stood at the door, and bowed solemnly:

"Fu Jinghao meets Prince Rong!"

The soldiers behind were also surrounded, and knelt down after them. They couldn't figure it out. They obviously followed the captain to deliver a letter for Prince Lian, but they didn't expect that in this small family village, , live in a larger than one person ah.

The one who opened the door was a little girl, but it was the little prince.Well, I did hear that the little prince is a little girl.But I have never seen the prince who came to welcome the guests in person.Well, even if this is the little prince, it's obviously a reunion year in this room.

Who is this Prince Rong?There are three tables, and the three upper seats are all occupied by old men. Well, the one who looks neat and tidy is probably Prince Rong.So, although the six behind him knelt down, they went towards old man Qin.Those eyes were all looking at old man Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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