farmer's daughter

Chapter 552 The Daughter's Family Has Hearts

Chapter 552 The Daughter's Family Has Hearts

Chapter 550 The Third Daughter's Family Has Hearts
This is my thanks, but there is no response.The old man in plain clothes who was sitting upright was serious and didn't even look at them.But another old man with white hair and black clothes was glaring at him.Here, what's the situation?
Fu Jinghao didn't look back, and didn't know the situation of the people behind him, but Xuejian saw it.Can't help laughing.

Old man Mo looked at old man Qin with a look of resentment.Unhappily scolded:
"Look at how serious you are. Do you look like a prince? Are you a prince?"

Old man Qin slightly slanted his eyes at old man Mo, then turned to Fu Jinghao and said:
"How did you come here? Looking for me?"

"Hey, you should make it clear to them that I am Prince Rong. Look, everyone is treating you, a rigid old man, as a prince."

Old man Mo jumped up unconvinced.Fu Jinghao was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look at the few people behind him, only to find that they were embarrassed, it seemed.They took Shigong as Prince Rong.And the real Prince Rong is not happy, is that so?
Fu Jinghao glanced at Xuejian.Xue Jian laughed and said:
"I forgot to introduce you. This is Prince Rong. It's just that he is usually very low-key. This is called being close to the people. Master. It's a great thing for the prince to be close to the people. You are too low-key. That's why they admit their mistake. Otherwise, you should put your Put on your prince's outfit?"

Old man Mo was extremely satisfied when he heard Xue Eryuan's speech.But when he heard that he was asked to put on the prince's clothes, he hurriedly jumped down and sat down, waved his hands again and again and said:

"No, no, no, I don't want to wear it! It's uncomfortable to wear."

After seeing the ceremony, Xiaocao ordered another table to be set up, so that the few people who came also sat down to eat.This road is full of people sleeping in the open air, so they are naturally happy to be able to eat hot food, but everyone is worried, they must have offended Prince Rong just now.How to do?
Therefore, although there are delicious foods, everyone still feels a little bit unable to eat.Xuejian brought them a pot of scalded wine, and she could see the nervousness of these people, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, my master has this kind of temperament. He won't be angry with you. You eat well. After eating, go around and have a rest. I'll ask someone to prepare the room for you. No matter what, Let’s talk about it after a good year.”

Fu Jinghao was arranged to sit at the main table.This table is actually Old Man Qin and Old Man Mo, as well as Old Man Shen and Shen Sanzhu, even Grandpa Niu and Grandpa Shen Qi will never go to the main table.So they took the top seats at the other two tables.

The people who ate here were all people Fu Jinghao knew.Naturally, they greeted the elders one by one.Then sit down.Old man Qin's refusal to speak was well executed.With him around, I really can't talk while eating.Of course, except for old man Mo.

Old man Mo was very curious, he just got angry with those people who didn't wink, he turned his head to look at Fu Jinghao again and said:
"Why did you come here? Don't tell me that you missed someone so you came back for the New Year? You brought so many blind people. By the way, you have brought people with you? What are you doing now? See your family Are there any old antiques?"

Fu Jinghao was stopped by old man Mo's long series of questions.Xuejian called across the table:
"Master, is it okay to let someone eat the food? The food is cold!"

Old man Mo turned his head and glared at Xuejian, and said gleefully:

"Hmph, my daughter's family has ulterior motives and is unreliable. Qiu Yuan. Pour me some wine."

Old man Mo's words made both Fu Jinghao and Xuejian's faces flush with embarrassment.Fu Jinghao murmured:
"Prince Rong"

"King what king? There is no king here!"

Before Fu Jinghao finished his sentence, he was choked back by old man Mo.Xuejian took a chicken leg from the table, put it in front of old man Mo and said:

"Come here. Master, you have worked hard this year. For me, Zhuangzi, you have worked hard. Disciple honors you with a drumstick, okay? It goes well with wine!"

"What's the matter? You don't even give me wine!"

Xue Jian restricted old man Mo's alcohol, and it was also for the sake of his health.So he complained in a timely manner, but Xue Jian pretended not to hear it.However, old man Mo had chicken legs, so he didn't say anything else, he just lowered his head and started eating, and everyone ate in silence. After some servants came to clean up, everyone sat down again.

This time, Mrs. Wang and the others took their children to play in the yard, but what did they do in the backyard? Even the few soldiers they brought were arranged by Xue Jian and Wu Qiming to live there.They also went to rest.Only Old Man Qin, Old Man Mo, Fu Jinghao and Xuejian were left in the main room. Everyone knew that they must have something to say, so they all left one after another.

As soon as he sat down, Fu Jinghao told everyone what happened in the border town recently without waiting for them to ask.Hearing that, Xue Jian was stunned for a while, and after hearing it, Xue Jian shouted:
"You're a fool. You also entered the enemy's camp like this. You don't want to think about your own safety. Although it's good to have such a team, but it's a minority against a minority. The most important thing is to be smart!"

Fu Jinghao knew that Xue Jian was worried about him, so he smirked and said:
"At the time, I didn't think too much about it. I just wanted to see if the soldiers we had trained for several months would work. I didn't expect to succeed after just one try."

Old man Mo pondered for a while after hearing this, and said solemnly:

"Your team's idea is really good. There should be two more teams like this, but your force value is still too low. If the force value is too low, the first problem is self-protection. Doing this kind of thing, if If Zha cannot protect himself, it will be difficult to proceed to the next step."

It was rare for old man Qin to nod in sync with old man Mo.After thinking about it, old man Mo said:
"Xue'er, talk to that guy surnamed Bai to see if he intends to join this team. With him around, your little husband's life should be safe."


This old man Mo joked about Xue Jian whenever he had nothing to do, no matter how free Xue Jian was, he couldn't be laughed at like this in front of the other party.So he blushed and cried out in embarrassment.

Fu Jinghao was really happy.When Prince Rong said this, he thought it was a kind of affirmation of himself.Taking a light look at Xue Jian, Xue Jian was so ashamed that her ears were red.

Old man Qin coughed lightly and said:
"You have a good idea of ​​building this team, but Xueer is right. Although you won this time, you were too aggressive. Apparently, Marshal Shi had people from the martial arts in his hands. He was just sent to our mainland Yes. If you keep one or two around, you will be in trouble. If you want to withdraw from the army, you are not skilled enough."

Fu Jinghao listened very carefully, but when he thought about it later, his back broke out in cold sweat.You have to pay attention in the future, Fu Jinghao replied:

"Master, in fact, I didn't come up with the idea of ​​building this team, but Xueer. Xueer wrote to me and told me about it. To build a special team with strong combat effectiveness and flexibility, it is also easy to do." It’s much more convenient. Many of my training methods are based on some of Xue’er’s ideas.”

Old man Qin was very surprised by these words. He didn't expect Xue Jian to be outstanding in all aspects, and he didn't expect to have some unique ideas of his own in military affairs.

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"I just thought that the second senior brother has set up a Fengying Studio in the martial arts. It can do a lot of things. There are not many people, but it is good. Brother Jing Hao can also form a team in the army. He can also do a lot of things that the army can't show up. What you do."

(End of this chapter)

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