farmer's daughter

Chapter 553 Waiting For Me To Make Contributions

Chapter 553 Waiting For Me To Make Contributions
Chapter 550: Wait For Me To Make Contributions

Then old man Qin asked.

"Then why are you here?"

Fu Jinghao let out an oh, and then took out two letters from his arms, both of which were for Xue to see.One is from King Liang, and the other is from Prince Lian.

Fu Jinghao said:

"This is the letter that Shizi Lian and King Liang asked me to bring to Xue'er."

Then Fu Jinghao talked about some things about his trip to Beijing.

That day, Fu Jinghao took the general's token and took Ren Fei and a few others directly, leaving Wu Lin and the other half to stay behind.

Along the way, Fu Jinghao arrived in the capital without encountering any obstacles.Fu Jinghao, who entered the capital, naturally sighed a little.I didn't expect to come back after more than a year.It's just that coming back now is quite different from before.When he arrived in the capital, Fu Jinghao followed the procedure and reported to the Ministry of War first.Then he said that there was a letter from the general, and he wanted to face the emperor directly.Because he has the token of the general.Therefore, Fu Jinghao didn't wait long before the news came back.The emperor summoned.

Fu Jinghao went directly to the palace to meet the emperor, saying that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and it was true.A young man of twelve or thirteen years old, although he was tall, he could still see the immaturity on his face.The emperor did not expect that the general would send such a boy to deliver the letter.laughed:
"Are you a baby soldier? What's your name?"

Fu Jinghao was a little unhappy.What's wrong with me being young.After Fu Jinghao saluted seriously, he stood up and replied:
"Back to the emperor, my subordinate's name is Fu Jinghao. I am 13 years old this year. In the border town, I am the captain of the Flying Eagles!"

"Flying Eagles? Oh, I'm 13 years old, and I'm still the captain. What did you say your name is?"

As if thinking of something, the emperor widened his eyes and asked:

"Fu Jinghao."

Fu Jinghao was not afraid that the emperor would stare at him, but calmly looked up at the emperor and said.

The emperor got up and walked out of the dragon case, stepped forward and said:
"Sure enough, it looks a bit like that. Are you Junzhi's son?"

"Back to the emperor, yes!"

The emperor raised his hand and patted Fu Jinghao on the shoulder.laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, it really is the tiger father who has no dogs! Good! Good! Good! Has your grandfather found you?"

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:
"Back to the emperor, Jing Hao went to learn art with the teacher. Four months ago, the teacher sent me back to my grandfather."

The emperor laughed and said:

"Okay, okay. Old man Fu is relieved now. Master? You mean your father's master?"

Fu Jinghao nodded.

The emperor was overjoyed and said:
"Okay. Why did the general send you to deliver the letter?"

Fu Jinghao took out the letter and didn't want to talk anymore.He knew what the general wrote, so he didn't need to explain it himself.

The emperor took a look at Fu Jinghao, took the letter and sat down to read it. When he saw it, he couldn't help being furious. It seemed that the prince's son had done a lot, and his hands were still stretched out so long!The emperor read the letter.Staring at Fu Jinghao, he said:

"Is everything in the letter true?"

"I don't know what the emperor asked about. What did the general write?"

"You caught Dashuai Shi!"

"It is true. Your Majesty."

What was said in the letter was just a general idea, so Fu Jinghao recounted the whole story of the day again.The emperor was sometimes amazed and sometimes applauded.But when he heard that he saw the letter, the emperor's face turned black three times.Ask Fu Jinghao to show the letter to himself.Fu Jinghao handed over the letter.After seeing it, the emperor slapped the table heavily and sighed.I didn't speak for a long time.

Then turned around, looked at Fu Jinghao, sighed, patted Fu Jinghao on the shoulder and said:
"Then tell me again, about the team you built."

Naturally, Fu Jinghao couldn't say that Xuejian came up with the idea, he just said that he came up with it over there, and then he told his grandfather about his idea.I also told the general, but I didn't expect to get the support of the two, so I built this Flying Eagle Squad myself.Then there are these things that are won without a fight.

The emperor laughed and said:

"Your boy is a lucky general. How about this? Your general said that you want to build another team like this and expand this thing. It seems that it is really useful. I will leave this matter to you. This time, you don't have to Go to the army to build this team. I will give you a task, you go to Qingyang and find the little prince. Do you know the little prince?"

Fu Jinghao blushed naturally when he thought of Xuejian, and said shyly:
"Go back to the emperor, of course you know."

The emperor looked at his expression and guessed:
"Oh? You know him?"

Fu Jinghao thought for a while and replied:
"To tell you the truth, yes. The year before last, the little one was beaten unconscious and thrown into the river, where he was washed to the river's edge dozens of miles away. It was Miss Shen, the current little prince, who rescued me. At that time, I I just hid in their house. Some people even came there to look for me. Later, the little prince had a master. He is now Prince Rong. Prince Rong said he knew my master, so he sent me to the master. Then. "

Fu Jinghao scratched his head as if he felt a little embarrassed when he said this.It's a bit like I don't want to say it.The emperor laughed and scolded:

"Say it, why didn't you say it?"

Fu Jinghao knelt down with a plop and said:

"This matter, the master said, you can't say it casually."

Then he looked at the two eunuchs standing behind the emperor.The emperor thought it was interesting, and as soon as he waved his hand, the two eunuchs withdrew.

Then Fu Jinghao whispered:
"Back to the emperor, because when the little prince rescued his subordinates, it is said that the subordinates had no breath. They only vented a little. The father of Mr. Liang at that time is the father of the current Lord Qingyang Futai. They all said that I It’s hopeless. Yes, the little prince didn’t give up. The little prince blew mouth-to-mouth, and then he saved me. Master said, I ruined the little prince’s innocence. So I told the little prince’s master, and then The two of them planned to get married for us, but I wanted to find my grandfather. I wanted to tell my grandfather, so I was sent to my grandfather first. Xueer said, I will join the army when I make great achievements. "

The emperor was startled when he heard this, he didn't expect such an experience in the middle.Look at Fu Jinghao's buried head and red neck.Can't help but smile.This kid seems impulsive.But this trick has to be said to be a good one.This booked the little prince away?I still want to keep that girl in the royal family!
The emperor looked at Fu Jinghao again. This kid is brave and resourceful. This is to block his own way first, and then make plans.OK!No wonder he is Junzhi's son!Think about the powerful general Fu Junzhi that I lost!The emperor also had nothing to say.never mind.From the present point of view, these young children are people who have made great contributions to the dynasty, so let's just acquiesce.

The emperor laughed and said:

"I didn't expect you to have such a blessing! The little prince is a rare girl. You have to be kind to others! How about this. We will talk about your affairs later. You are still young now. Now I want to leave it to you." The thing is to go to Qingyang, where the little prince is. Slowly, it may be a little dangerous. Because she is now vigorously planting some food. I have also heard about it. Some people want to get her ideas, mainly from the south Some of the big grain merchants, the little prince is young, and the prince is old. Someone needs to go over there to watch. It’s just in time for you to come back. I will arrange for the general. I will send you to take your people there, It can be regarded as a guard for her for a year. At the same time, you go to the garrison over there to select people for me. Then get me a second and third team of Flying Eagles."

(End of this chapter)

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