farmer's daughter

Chapter 554 The Emperor's Carefulness

Chapter 554 The Emperor's Carefulness
Chapter 550 The Emperor's Thoughts Are So Close
In this way, Fu Jinghao came here with an imperial decree. Of course, the imperial decree will not arrive until some time later.And he just wanted to come to celebrate the New Year first, but he didn't expect that Shizi Lian and Prince Liang knew about it, and each of them gave him a letter and asked him to hand it over to the little prince.

Therefore, Fu Jinghao, who was in a hurry, became a messenger.He took the few people he brought to the capital, and traveled all the way, and finally arrived at the New Year's dinner!
Xuejian opened the letter bag, and took out the letter from Lian Shizi to read. This was the first letter written by the elder brother to Xuejian after the accident in the capital.Xuejian opened it and looked, and didn't say much, just a few words on one page:

"Get engaged to Boyle Fu as soon as possible, lest things change! Find Master!"

What kind of letter is this?

Old man Mo looked at Xuejian in a daze, and stretched his head to see what was written, but Xuejian's hand moved very quickly, but turned the letter backwards and pressed it under the palm of his hand!A small face is still flushed with excitement!

As if he was going to get angry, old man Mo backed away silently. This is the Chinese New Year, and he wants to drink two more jugs of old wine. The wine made by the Wei family is called wine, but I heard that Xueer taught it.Then it's better not to provoke Xue Jian, otherwise, there will be no wine to drink.

Old man Qin naturally looked down on someone, but he also wanted to know what letter Lian Shizi wrote to this little junior sister to make Xue feel ashamed and angry!
Fu Jinghao's action was the funniest. He touched his arms first, but there was nothing left.It seems that I did not take the letter by mistake.Gently let out a sigh of relief in my heart.

Xue Jian's eyes calmed down a bit, and she stuffed the senior brother's letter into her bosom, and picked up the letter from Prince Liang to read.Prince Liang's letter needs to be written more, the first is a word of thanks.Then he talked about the situation in Beijing, and then he said that he was going to get married in the next year, and hoped that Xuejian would design the hair and clothes for the bride and future princess!The next thing is to hope that the little prince and Prince Rong can return to Beijing to attend his wedding.

Well, none of that is a problem, but see to the end.Obviously two sentences added hastily.

"Get engaged to Mr. Fu quickly. I'm afraid there will be changes!"

Xue Jian took the letter and slapped it on the table, her little face flushed again.He snorted and sat down again, saying:

"Fu Jinghao, tell me again, did you say anything in front of the emperor?"

When Fu Jinghao reported just now, he didn't say that he told the emperor that he wanted to be engaged to Xuejian, and he didn't dare to say in front of the emperor that he wanted to be engaged. If it is on Shigong, it will make the emperor value three points.

Seeing Xuejian slapping the table like this now, she still looks ashamed and angry.Fu Jinghao's heart skipped a beat.What is written in the letter?Why is Xueer so angry after reading the two letters?I didn't lie to her.The only thing I didn't tell her was that I just wanted to make an impression in front of the emperor.

Fu Jinghao took a step back, which made old man Qin frowned. He's not engaged yet, so he's so afraid of his wife?
Fu Jinghao was sure he was safe, and then he stammered and said:

"I, I, I didn't say anything. Just the things I just said."

Looking at Xue Jian's eyes, Fu Jinghao said softly again:
"It's like this. I told the emperor about the establishment of the Flying Eagles. The emperor wanted to do it, but he said that because of the incident in Beijing, there are not many people who can trust him now. It is said that it was Xueer who started the agriculture. Regarding the matter, there are people who want to go to Xueer now. Therefore, the emperor originally wanted to get Xueer to go to the capital. Then, then I asked Ying to protect Xueer. I said "

Speaking of this, Fu Jinghao looked at Xue'er's face, and Xue'er seemed not as excited as before.Only then said:

"I just said, my life was saved by Xueer. I will protect Xueer for the rest of my life. I said Xueer saved me!"

After Fu Jinghao finished speaking, he thought Xue Jian would be angry, but he didn't expect Xue Jian to be very calm.Then Fu Jinghao stood up straight and said:

"However, the emperor was very unhappy. The emperor said that he wanted to leave Xueer to the royal family because I was stained with Xue'er's whiteness. Who is in the royal family? One is the prince. The prince has already established a concubine. The second is the fourth son of the emperor. The fourth son of the emperor is about the same age as Xue'er. But I heard that he is a dude. So, I said that the master came forward and asked me to get engaged to Xue'er."

Fu Jinghao saw the eyes of Master and Xue'er killing them at the same time, and hurriedly argued:

"Hey, hey, don't blame me. I'm Xue'er, you know I'm sincere. If I didn't say that, the emperor might really order you to marry me. You are over eight years old. According to the royal family, It is possible to get married early and bridal chamber late. If the emperor tied your life with the royal family before him, it is completely possible! Or give you a concubine to the crown prince. What I said is true. The emperor likes you smarter."

"Then you're going to tell me?"

Old man Qin is a noble old man.Naturally, I don't like this disciple telling such a lie.Although he responded wittily, it has to be said that his idea is also good.But old man Qin just didn't want to be the last person to know that he was the mastermind.

Xue Jian was not so angry anymore.Thinking back, the emperor knew about the changes he had brought about, the way he looked at him and some attitudes changed.The fact that the prince and his wife want to occupy themselves as their son's concubine may be their original plan.That's why he was punished lightly and banned for one month.And this matter is a win-win for the emperor.

If you really become their family's concubine.Then if he didn't work wholeheartedly for this dynasty, he would become working for his Dongfang family.Even if it doesn't work.He also managed to force old man Mo to admit that he was Prince Rong.If Prince Rong wanted to keep a peasant girl, he had to give the peasant girl the highest power.That is succession to the throne.

In this way, the threat of Prince Rong to his son was resolved again!He even brought Xue Jian and old man Mo over.What a move!
The more Xue Jian thought about it, the more chilling she became, but now both the elder brother and Liang Wang gave themselves warnings.That is, this matter was not Fu Jinghao's selfishness, but he also saw some problems, so he took advantage of his great achievements and the great achievements of the two old people to save himself.Even if you tell about the two families, it will be sooner or later.

From this point of view, Fu Jinghao really couldn't be blamed.Thinking of this, Xue Jian spread out the letters from senior brother and Prince Liang on the table.Let the two elders also see clearly.

Old man Mo, an old fox, read the letter and then listened to Fu Jinghao's words.Also understand how careful the current emperor's mind is!He also counted himself, the old fox, into it.In this way.What this boy Fu did was right!
(End of this chapter)

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