Chapter 555

Chapter 550
No one in the room is a fool. Old man Qin is very upright, but he still feels a little uncomfortable being tricked by someone who is over a hundred years old.Old man Mo didn't care, he jumped in anger as soon as he figured it out.I didn't expect this grandnephew to have so many twists and turns.I got myself into it.

The two old men looked at each other, and old man Mo said:

"Okay, then I'll make an engagement for you!"

Shen Xue jumped up when she saw it, and shouted:

"Master, I'm only eight years old!"

"Eight years old, now nine years old."

Old man Mo replied indifferently.Old man Qin didn't say anything against it.Seeing Xue Jian's lifelong event will be decided in this way.Shen Xue was a little confused when she saw that, she turned around and saw Fu Jinghao, glared at him and said:

"Master, if you don't talk about me, he's not ready yet. His family still doesn't agree!"

The eyes that looked straight at Fu Jinghao were:
"Hurry up and agree with me, don't say anything against me!"

Fu Jinghao hurriedly bowed:

"Indeed, Prince Rong, let's wait two days for this matter. Today is the Chinese New Year, so I just came here. I didn't buy anything, what should I do after I finish shopping?"

"Fu Jinghao!"

Xuejian glared angrily!Hearing what he said just now, I was secretly happy, but I didn't expect that he would just wait for two days!Just to go shopping!Who wants something!
"Who wants the hell from you?"

Well, thinking this way, I yelled out like this.Then, the three people in the room all looked at Xue Jian strangely.Only then did Xue Jian realize what she had said!They must have misunderstood!


"Oh, do you want something or not? If you want something, don't embarrass Jing Hao, right? Now his parents are gone, so he can only make his own decisions. I said, just buy whatever you want!"

Old man Mo still looked at Xue Jian impatiently.It seems that Xuejian wants things for a while and doesn't want them for a while, just like making things difficult for Fu Jinghao.

Xuejian was taken aback by the master's criticism.It's not like this, okay?Xue Jian is in a hurry.I wanted to explain, but I haven't opened my mouth yet.Fu Jinghao lowered his head, then looked up at Xuejian firmly and said:
"Yes, but Xue'er, no matter whether my parents are here or not, I will definitely take care of what needs to be done, and I will take care of everything you say you want!"

What is the situation, Xue Jian is dumbfounded.On the contrary, old man Mo stepped forward, patted Fu Jinghao on the back, and said with a very understanding expression:
"Our Xue'er is not bad, you can just figure it out. She is such a kind person, why would she force you to buy something? Well, you just give her some treasure passed down by your family. In fact, she There is no shortage of treasures, thinking about my prince's mansion, there are so many treasures, she doesn't care about them now."

What old man Mo said stunned both Xuejian and Fu Jinghao.Old man Mo didn't want this, but what he wanted was very important!Old man Qin snorted heavily:
"Look at his whole body. Is there any treasure you like? Even the little prince said no, but you still open your mouth to ask for the treasure. You have the nerve to ask for it!"

"Why are you embarrassed to speak, he is the little prince, and I am Prince Rong, ah! Do the math, she got the little prince from me. Also, she is my disciple. I am her master, I have Why are you embarrassed to speak?"

The two old men started arguing without saying a word.They didn't know when the two little ones walked away.

Xuejian slipped away while Master was talking to Grandpa Qin. Fu Jinghao was not an idiot either. When he saw Xuejian slipping away, he followed suit.

"Xue'er, Xue'er, wait for me."

Fu Jinghao is now focused on ordering Xue'er.Now that he is in the Flying Eagles, he still has great confidence in himself.Can make contributions.However, Cher is too good to be booked sooner.There may be variables.One is that he discovered it by himself, and the other is that even Shizi and Liang Wang are reminding him now.

Xuejian also stopped and waited for Xuejian.Fu Jinghao looked around and said:

"Let's talk in the pavilion over there."

Xue Jian followed Fu Jinghao to a small pavilion on the side of the garden. Fu Jinghao looked around and said:

"Xue'er, you are really capable. You built this house beautifully!"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"It's only this big. If it's bigger, make a bigger yard. It will look better. Make a big artificial lake. Plant some lotus flowers. You can go boating, pick lotus pods! You can also enjoy flowers!" "

"There will be, there will be everything."

Fu Jinghao turned his head and stared at Xuejian he was dreaming about.Seeing Fu Jinghao, Xue Jian lowered her head and said:
"What are you looking at?"

"Looks good! Xue'er is really good-looking!"

Simple words are the most touching.When Xuejian heard this, she also had red Xiafei on her face.After Fu Jinghao sat down.softly said:

"Xue'er, I told you when I went to Shigong's place earlier. Xue'er, although I am young, I mean what I say. I want to spend my whole life with you. This word will never change. I know you are afraid of what they say. What three wives and four concubines, I tell you, there will be no one else. Only you and me!"

Xuejian didn't expect to hear such a straightforward confession as soon as she sat down!Both ears are red.

Fu Jinghao's voice was slightly deep, but his sincerity could be heard.

"Xue'er. It's not because you saved me, so I repay the favor. I had nothing at that time, and I didn't even dare to expose myself, but I just like you. I want to wait until I have a certain amount of merit. I will come to you again, but , you are better than me. Seeing Shen Xue now, you are famous all over the capital. The little prince, even the entire dynasty knows. In some places, I am indeed inferior to you. Maybe I am not worthy of you. But, I am sincere of!"

"I said those words in front of the emperor, not because I wanted to show off, but because Xue'er, do you know what is rumored about you in the capital?"

Fu Jinghao frowned.Staring at Xue Jian anxiously.Xuejian was taken aback when asked:

"Tell me what?"

"There are rumors in the capital that you are a god who came down to earth. If you can get you, you may live forever. These words are not spread in the market, but among the officials. So, after this year, everyone The big families may all come to you. Maybe they all want to marry you, and, isn’t that one over fifty? He doesn’t want to die!”

"What did you say!"

Xue Jian patted the stone table in the pavilion and stood up in amazement!Fu Jinghao stretched out his hand to suppress Xuejian, and said softly:
"Xue'er, keep your voice down. If the two elders find out, nothing will happen? That's why I didn't say anything just now."

Xuejian sat down and said with a somber face:

"How did you know?"

Fu Jinghao said:

"Didn't I enter the palace with the general's letter to ask for an audience? While I was waiting outside the palace gate, an old eunuch in the palace sent two Taoists out. You know there is a stone lion at the palace gate, and I stood beside the stone lion." One side. They may not have seen me. I heard the eunuch say to the two Taoists:

"Two priests, you have pointed out the direction for the emperor, and the saint will enter the palace in the future.The emperor will surely live forever. '

When I heard it, I was a little surprised.Because on the way we came, what we heard the most was that everyone was talking about the farm tools you made. People in many places said that you are a celestial maiden, a saint!If you, a saint, are brought into the palace, the emperor will accept you for the sake of longevity!Cher, you are only eight years old, but you are 58 years old.It's more than enough to be your grandfather.I am be frank.Originally, when I entered the palace this time, I wanted to take advantage of my great achievements this time and seek justice for my mother.But after hearing this, I changed my mind, I have to book you first!It's my mother's business, I will still make meritorious service when I grow up, I'll go to seek justice! "

(End of this chapter)

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