farmer's daughter

Chapter 556 I still have a yard?

Chapter 556 I still have a yard?
Chapter 550: I Still Have a Yard?

Hearing Fu Jinghao's words, Xue Jian's heart raised her throat for a while, and felt as if she was in pain for a while.Fu Jinghao stared at Xue Jian and said:
"Think about it, neither the prince nor the king of Liang is a person who likes to joke. It is impossible for you to send such a letter to you after the Chinese New Year. Come to think of it, they also heard some rumors. They don't want to Dare not to stop that one. I can only find a way from your side. And even the crown prince knows me and knows that I like you. King Liang probably has an eyeliner and knows something, so he wrote about it .”

Xue Jian understood, that is to say, all three of them felt the Emperor's thoughts, so they all wanted to protect themselves!Especially this silly boy in front of him!If you have a great merit, you don't want to avenge your mother, but use it to protect her!This silly boy.Really grow up and know how to do things!
But Xuejian also understood their worries.If old man Mo really found out about this.Or Old Man Qin knew about it.Then maybe the capital will be in chaos again, and it will be the common people who will suffer!Therefore, all three of them hope that Xue Jian can make an appointment first.Book it with a bang and let everyone know.In this way, that person can't take the marriage away, right?

But Cher thought again.Now that the emperor has listened to Fu Jinghao's words, he should know that Fu Jinghao has come here to meet him.It's totally possible to get engaged.Because the two elders are here, he both intends to enter the palace by himself, so how could he let Fu Jinghao over?

What Xue Jian thought of, Fu Jinghao naturally thought of it too.Fu Jinghao said:
"I guess, he thought you were still young. Second, you are the little prince, and you will definitely be there in the next year. He might think about it. I can't do anything for a while when I come here. Maybe he doesn't know that we all Got it. Maybe there will be a surprise waiting for you on the day of the opening of the dynasty!"

surprise!More or less frightened!
When Xue Jian heard this, she thought about it, the emperor probably thought that it was the Chinese New Year, and the old man Qin made great contributions to the dynasty.If he doesn't let Fu Jinghao come.Maybe it doesn't make sense, and old man Mo is can only let it go for now, maybe he just wants to wait for the day when Kai Chao will talk about it!
Xue Jian frowned.The opening of the dynasty, the eighth day of the first lunar month is the great Asahi, and the opening of the dynasty is held on this day every year.But the real court is after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.Therefore, from the eighth day to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it is generally the day when the major families in Beijing treat each other, and all those who want to take up official positions in the capital will choose this day to go to Beijing to do business.

According to the regulations of the dynasty, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, all princes, counties and kings must go to the capital.On the day of the Great Court, it is to sacrifice to the sky!

Maybe what Fu Jinghao guessed was true.

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Hey, this man is really old enough to be an emperor? Still want to live forever? Even if I am a god, I can't give him immortality. Who does he think he is?"

Fu Jinghao stretched out his arm, covered Xuejian's mouth and said:

"Stupid you, you dare to say anything! You know that I dare not speak out, because I am afraid that those two people will find out, and the world will be turned upside down? I dare to say, as long as Mr. Mo treats you, then I must go and give that person such a treat. gone."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and stroked his neck.Xue saw it, smiled, and said:

"If this is the case, it will be easy. Anyway, King Liang is also an adult. He can do many things."

Fu Jinghao smiled and said:
"I reminded you, but you still said it! Well, Xue'er, I didn't want to tell you this, I just wanted to tell you. I really, really like you. So, I want to book my marriage with you You know, my parents are gone. The things that should have been done by them are now easy, so let me ask you directly. You have parents, but you are the little prince now. They can't do you I'm the master of the marriage. But Prince Rong can still decide. So, Xue'er, have you made up your mind?"

After thinking about it, Xue Jian sighed and said:
"Didn't he send you to protect me? Then we are engaged, and others won't talk about you?"

Fu Jinghao said with a smile:
"It's just a sentence to ask me to protect you. Look, I didn't bring an imperial decree. I came to accompany Shigong to celebrate the New Year. Protecting you is just a reason he gave. How could he let me really be here? here to protect you?"

Xue Jian was at a loss for words, why was he not as good as this Thirteen Lang?
Xue Jian was silent.After a while, he said:

"You allow me to think about it for two days."

Fu Jinghao smiled slightly and said:

"Xue'er, I have learned a lot in the military camp this time. The method you taught me has made me grow up a lot. Really! I seem to know why my grandfather said that our Fu family is born On the battlefield! Because there, I can find my place, and I like it there!"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Look at you. You are only 13 years old. You are so tall. You still have to grow. This body is suitable for the battlefield. However, no matter what, you must protect yourself first, and then you can do what you like to do and protect yourself. The one who protects you. Look at your father, leaving you now, the old one is old, and the young one is young. This is not to say that he should not be that hero, but the hero paid not only his own life, but also his family So, if you and I are a family, I will not agree with you to give your life for fame!"

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:

"I promise you!"

Xue Jian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said:

"What, it's nothing. But why did the emperor ask you to build the second and third teams of Flying Eagles? Why are you here to choose people?"

"I don't know about this either, let's talk about it after reading the emperor's decree."

Xue Jian nodded, stood up, and said:

"Let's go, you just came. The new clothes I made for you are still here."

Fu Jinghao's eyes lit up.This still refuses to say that you like me?No, this year I plan to make clothes for myself.Of course, this cannot be said.Naturally, you have to keep it in your heart and slowly sweeten it!
Xuejian brought Fu Jinghao to the backyard, but Fu Jinghao stopped.Xue Jian was taken aback, and said with a smile:

"There's not much going on in our house. Let's go, your yard is also in this backyard."

"I still have a yard?"

Fu Jinghao took a small step forward and walked side by side with Xuejian.He took two steps and squinted, as if he was looking at how much taller he was than Xuejian. In fact, Fu Jinghao was much taller than Xuejian.Xuejian is not as tall as his shoulders now!Seeing Fu Jinghao's squinting eyes, Xue Jian stared, stomped her foot to one side, and snorted heavily.

Fu Jinghao had no choice but to hug his feet and jump.Grinning in pain but dare not say anything!
Seeing Xuejian walking forward, she had no choice but to hop on one leg and follow.Be careful and say:
"Xue'er, good Xue'er, don't be angry, I, I just want to see how much I have grown. Do you remember, when I left Shenjia Village, you were really thin and small, and now you are taller You've grown a lot! You're as tall as I left now. It's only been over a year, and you've grown taller!"

(End of this chapter)

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