Chapter 571

Chapter 570
Lian Shi was stunned by Lian Laohou's words.She came back to ask for help, but she didn't expect her elder brother to say that.That is, I can't help myself.Lian said leisurely:

"But brother, I really don't know if that kid is really still alive. Did the people who went to the little prince see that kid? I don't even know if it's true that he is engaged to the little prince. How can a man like the prince be engaged to someone who doesn't have a family? Is it true?"

Lian Laohou looked at his sister mockingly and said:

"You said it was false? Why do you think the little prince announced such news?"

Lian's eyes rolled and said:

"Maybe, he was just trying to avoid the emperor's test. Didn't he mean that the emperor wants her now?"

"Shut up! You have spent decades in vain, don't you know what to say or not to say? Let me tell you. That kid is not dead. He is back, not only back, but also standing in the border town You've done it! Now you're a celebrity in front of the emperor. You still have the nerve to say what's fake or not. If you say that, it's true that you killed someone? It wasn't you who killed someone. Why do you say that? Are they fake?"

Master Lian's stern voice rang in Lian's ears.Lianshi was so shocked that he was in a cold sweat, yes, he was wrong no matter what!If that child really became the emperor's favorite now, then it is entirely possible for him to become the little prince's fiancé-in-law.How to do?What should I do next?He will come back for revenge.What should I do?
Lian looked at her elder brother in a daze, for Master Lian had nothing to do with this stupid younger sister.What can be done?Isn't it just going back and waiting, waiting to be punished for what you have done?
Even Old Hou Ye felt that he was being punished now!At the beginning, I was also blind, so why did I tolerate those women treating a child like that.Now, it's no wonder that child doesn't recognize his family, and that pair of dragon and phoenix twins, they are dolls that can make all the Hou Men in the capital envy, but I haven't even hugged them, no, I haven't even seen them Pass!Could it be that he has no chance to remedy it?Marquis?He can't even look down on Hou.He just doesn't have this position, he can still earn it by himself.Back then, what did I do to stick to this position?
After being scolded by her elder brother, Lian walked away in despair.Back at the Lian family, Lian looked at the children and grandchildren who were turning around in front of him, and had to think of a way, how to keep himself and his descendants!Lianshi has no regrets at all, just thinking about how to escape this catastrophe!
When the Lian family was thinking about countermeasures at home, Murong Xing got the idea of ​​Xuejian and rode to the place where the third uncle of the Fu family lived in the west city. The place where the third uncle of the Fu family lived was just a small courtyard.But this is considered very good in the capital.When Uncle Fu just got married, he was separated by the Fu family.Fortunately, the niece of Murong's family still gave some dowry from her natal family, and even though Uncle Fu's mother-in-law has always been an unpopular person in the mansion, she still has some basic living expenses.In addition, she has been embroidering things for the girl to help take out to sell, and has saved hundreds of taels of silver over the years.When her son was separated, she chose to go with her son. This was something Lian couldn't wait for, and she changed her previous meanness and gave them 2000 taels of silver to settle down.

The family was divided among them, but even a yard was not allocated to them.Take away the things in their house that they agreed to take away, the girls and women they used, those who are willing to go with them will go, and those who don't want to stay.

But unexpectedly, the girls and mother-in-law in the small courtyard were willing to follow them.After they came out, they collected the 2000 taels of appeasement money, a little money they had saved, and Murong's dowry money.I bought this small yard together.Afterwards, the life of their family depended on Fu Sanshu's little salary and the money the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law earned from being female celebrities.Although it was a bit more difficult, it was much more comfortable and happy.

Uncle Fu didn't have to pretend to be stupid anymore.In less than half a year, Uncle Fu, who was originally just a big soldier, was also promoted to a small team leader. Then he met Old Master Fu and came back for a year. Hearing about this son, he was also very angry at the time.I also went to Fu Sanshu and the others for two days, left some money for Fu Sanshu and their mother and son, and then went to the generals of the city gate. Only then did they know that Fu Sanshu was the son of Fu Laohou, and he was immediately promoted to the sixth rank. City gate officer, like this, Third Uncle Fu is a little out of sorts, and he can still spend time at home with his family.

So, when Murong Xing found this place and knocked on the door, he said that he was from Murong's family.It was Uncle Fu who came out to receive him.Uncle Fu certainly recognized Murong Xing.Hastily welcomed Murong Xing in.The things on the carriage behind Murong Xing were also unloaded.Uncle Fu hurriedly said:

"Second Young Master. This is?"

Murong Xing also laughed and said:

"Uncle Fu, you don't have to think about it. I didn't give it to you. I just helped out. Put the things in first."

Uncle Fu also asked someone to help unload the things. The things were not valuable, but they were all practical things, including rice and flour.There are fabrics, some vegetables and meat, and everything.In the end there was another box, Murong Xing said with a smile:

"I heard that you have two sons, and this is for your two sons."

Uncle Fu looked at the carriage full of things, and it took a lot of money to buy it.Uncle Fu was still puzzled and said:
"Second Young Master invites you to drink tea in the house, is it just these things?"

"Hahaha, don't be afraid, just accept it. The little prince and Mr. Fu Jinghao asked me to send it."

"Jing Hao is really still alive?"

The surprise in Uncle Fu's eyes could not be faked.Murong Xing was also happy that there was still someone in the Fu family who cared about Fu Jinghao.Smiled and said:

"Of course he is still alive, and now he is a celebrity in front of the emperor. Don't worry, Uncle Fu. He is engaged to the little prince now, and he is currently in the prince's mansion, but it is not convenient to come out. Because he received the imperial edict to protect the little prince, So he and the little prince prepared these things and asked me to come and bring them to you. He said that he thanked Uncle Fu for his company and care back then. And this, this is also for you. "

Having said that, he took out a purse from his bosom and handed it to Murong Shi who just came out of the inner court.

"Auntie, please accept it. This is the wish of the little prince. It is said to be a red envelope for the two children during the Chinese New Year."

Murong turned her head to look at her husband, saw Fu Sanshu nodding, then reached out to take it, returned the gift and thanked him.Murong Xing sat down to drink tea, and talked with Uncle Fu about the little prince's treat tomorrow, and also about the return of the gift from Fu's family today, saying:
"Everything has a cause and an effect, the little prince said. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there is no reward, the time has not yet come!"

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(End of this chapter)

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