farmer's daughter

Chapter 572 Only Others Worry About Offending You

Chapter 572 Only Others Worry About Offending You

Chapter 570 Only Others Worry About Offending You
Murong Xing told Fu Jinghao's experience in these years face to face, and Uncle Fu was surprised and delighted.But I know he's still alive and well.And when he saw Old Hou Ye, Fu Sanshu really smiled happily.

After Murong Xing left.Murong and Uncle Fu looked at each other with some surprise and surprise.Murong looked at the red envelope for the child, he held it lightly, but when he opened it, it was not only money.It's a bank note. When I saw the amount, Murong's hands trembled a little, 2 taels!

Uncle Fu frowned slightly and said:

"They gave too much. Jing Hao has nothing now, and I'm afraid it was all given by the little prince."

Murong said:

"It seems that you can rest assured. You always think about Jing Hao in your mouth. Now it seems that he is still alive and doing well. You don't have to keep thinking that he can't sleep well."

Uncle Fu said:

"Back then, our mother and son survived because of my sister-in-law's care. But at that time, I was too young to protect my sister-in-law. She was completely killed by them. Leaving Jing Hao behind, life is not as good as every day , At first he was the young master, but later he was even worse than a servant. He was always punished to kneel like this."

"But Jing Hao's fate is fatal. He fell into the lake in the mansion twice and didn't die. They all said it was an accident, but I didn't believe it. I quietly told Jing Hao to stay away from the lake. Jing Hao also knew. He knew that something bad happened to them. I was worried, so I had some precautions, but, I didn't expect them to take Jing Hao to the grave of the eldest brother and sister-in-law that day, and they took it out, but they didn't bring it back. I sneaked out of the dog hole and went along the road Looking for. I found the grave of my eldest brother and sister-in-law, but found nothing. Later, my father came back. My father also searched everywhere, but he couldn’t find it. I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect that Jing Hao was rescued by the little prince!”

While talking, Uncle Fu choked up.Murong hurriedly comforted:

"Okay, okay, it's all over. Look now, Jing Hao is still alive. They should be afraid when Jing Hao is alive, and the little prince will help. Jing Hao will be fine. But Jing Hao still remembers you, the third Uncle, send us so many things and so much money."

Uncle Fu also laughed and said:

"But don't use this money yet. Save it for Jing Hao. If he marries the little prince in the future, the Fu family will have nothing. The eldest brother and sister-in-law are gone. We can do as much as we can for the eldest brother and sister-in-law."

Murong nodded and said:
"Okay. We'll save the money for him first. But things can't be used. We'll take them and use them."

Turning his head to look at the things still piled up there, Uncle Fu had a warm smile in his eyes.

On the ninth day of the lunar new year, the princess brought some capable people from the princess mansion to the prince's mansion.Get everything ready as early as possible.Manpower is not a problem now, anyway, there are people from the Prince's Mansion and the Princess' Mansion.Use both sides together.It's very easy to use.And the people in the Prince's Mansion finally waited for the master to come back.It's hard to have fun, so naturally I'm very excited
These days, Xuejian didn't sleep well because of worrying about these things.So on this day, I woke up early in the morning.Unexpectedly, in the martial arts training ground of the Prince's Mansion, not only one did not sleep well.Fu Jinghao and Murong Xing were fighting.The two are somewhat different.Even Quchen was watching.Seeing Xuejian coming, he said:
"Junior sister, you will be very tired today, why don't you sleep more."

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, the little prince had a banquet at the Prince's Mansion, and it was Prince Lian and Second Young Master Murong who helped welcome the guests at the door.Guests arrived early in the morning.The first to come was the family of Mr. He, the new minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Mr. He was He Qing.He Yuan's elder brother.He came with one of his sons, one daughter and his wife.Mrs. He is also a capable person. As soon as she arrived, she told the princess that she came early on purpose, just thinking of something that could help, and asked the princess to order.She's here to help.

Xuejian also smiled and said:

"Okay, we can feel more at ease with my aunt coming to help. I really have something you can help me with. The ladies and wives will come later, please help me to say hello. I am a person from the countryside. , I still don’t quite understand some of the relationships in the capital, and I’m afraid that some people who didn’t pay attention to etiquette offended people and didn’t know about it.”

Mrs. He laughed and said:
"The little prince is too worried. You are the little prince. Only others worry about offending you, not you offending others. You can come to your house however you want. However, to introduce these things, I It can still be done.”

Xue Jian also covered her mouth and smiled:
"Okay. Then there will be Aunt Lao."

Xue Jian did not expect the second guest.The second one to come was Wei Shangshu's family.Wei Shangshu is an important minister in the court, and now he is the Yue family of King Liang, so his status is naturally very high.Generally, people with high positions like to come later.It seemed that he was important, but he didn't expect people from the Wei family to come so soon.

And welcome the guests in.Mrs. Wei brought Wei Yu'e, a well-known talented girl from the Wei family, to Xuemian.After saluting Xue Jian, Mrs. Wei said:

"Little prince, this is my daughter Wei Yu'e. We came earlier. We thought that the little prince might need someone to greet the guests. So we came. Most of the ladies who came here are probably familiar with E'er. It’s okay for her to help you to greet her.”

Xuejian quickly stood up and said:
"Mrs. Wei is joking. Miss Yu'e is the future Princess Liang. How can you come and greet my guests for me. This is absolutely impossible."

Wei Yu'e went forward to salute and said:

"You don't need to see the little prince. To be honest, I originally had this idea, but I was afraid that the prince would think it was wrong. When I was talking about this with my mother, Liang Wang sent a letter, asking me to go early today. Come on, it would be even better if you can help the little prince."

Xue Jian laughed and said:

"This King Liang hasn't passed through his family yet, but he is already dominating people. That's fine, I owe King Liang another favor. Then I will trouble you, sister. Seriously, Miss Jingzhong or something. , I only recognize one, Murong Shan. Now there is another one, but you and I have heard about it, a talented woman in Beijing!"

Wei Yu'e blushed, but smiled generously and said:

"Little Prince, don't listen to what they say, I have no talent."

Xue Jian also smiled and said:
"Don't call me little prince, little prince. Just call me Xue'er. How about I call you sister Yu'e?"

"Okay. Just call me sister, today, I will help you greet those young ladies."

Wei Yu'e is also a straightforward person.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Then thank you, sister. Oh, by the way, if you are not familiar with the Prince's Mansion, you can tell sister Murong Shan about it. She came here yesterday, so she is familiar with it."

(End of this chapter)

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