Chapter 586
Chapter 580

Xuejian didn't enter the palace alone, she also entered the palace with Liang Shengyue who came back after receiving the decree.Liang Shengyue and Liang Wang also had some good personal relationships. This time Liang Wang became the emperor, so Liang Shengyue naturally had some benefits.

In fact, it was also reasonable for the original emperor to send the biography of Liang Shengyue to Qingyang Mansion to be a mansion.It was originally to protect Qingyang Mansion.The emperor also knows the position of his dynasty, Qingyang can be regarded as a back road for the Eastern dynasty.

One side of Qingyang faces the sea, which is behind the mountain behind Xuejian's house.Just because a whole mountain range is a bit big.There are also ferocious beasts on the mountain, so no one has ever been to the other side of the mountain, but old man Mo went out to have a look out of boredom, but when he came back, the other side was the edge of the sea.

Qingyang is the only place among the several prefectures of the imperial dynasty that has no neighboring countries.To protect Qingyang and manage Qingyang well is to manage a way out for the emperor.Therefore, when the first emperor realized this, he chose someone from the court to manage the place, and Liang Sheng stood out because the test paper for his imperial examination was still in the first emperor's study.

When the first emperor abdicated, he also confessed to his son.This person can be reused.But no matter how it is used, it is right to leave the Qingyang Mansion to him.Therefore, this time the new emperor's wedding, among the many palaces, only Liang Shengyue received the imperial decree and returned to Beijing to attend.He came here by decree, so when he came naturally, he had to enter the palace for a while.

Naturally, Liang Shengyue and Xuejian didn't have to wait long, and they received a message from the palace man that the emperor was waiting for them in the imperial study.Before entering the palace, Xue Jian walked behind, and Liang Shengyue walked in front, because Liang Shengyue was an uncle.Now, Xue Jian was walking in front, and Liang Sheng took half a step back to keep up.Because Xuejian is the prince.

Because Xue had seen the decree to avoid kneeling before, she did not kneel when she saw the emperor in the imperial study. To be honest, she had received the imperial decree many times, but Xue Jian was the happiest when she received this decree to avoid kneeling. As soon as the eunuch read the word "free from kneeling", Xue Jian immediately stood up.The eunuchs who came to declare the decree were very speechless.

After some greetings and congratulations, all three sat down.The emperor first asked about the situation of Xuejian's corn planting, and Xuejian answered them one by one.I also gave the emperor the statistical table of how many people came to learn how to grow corn in various places, and expressed my support and gratitude to the officials in various places for their concern about growing corn!
The emperor talked for a while, then said:
"Prince Rui, there is one more thing to ask you to come into the palace. I want to hear your opinion first, because since I became the throne, I want to give some rewards to some younger brothers and sisters in the harem. One of the younger sisters is Princess Yu. Princess Jade Don't want me to give you any other rewards as long as you don't get married. Our dynasty has always had a marriage alliance with the Wula Dynasty in the north. But now in the palace, only Princess Yu is older. And this time my big marriage, the Wula Dynasty's The prince is coming too, and he may bring someone close to him when the time comes. This Princess Jade is the child of Concubine Xian, who passed away early, and Princess Jade has been growing up with my queen mother. So I also regard Just like my own sister. The point she brought up gave me a headache, and the queen mother also pleaded for her, but the prince will arrive tomorrow. Can you give me an idea, how to do it?"

Xue Jian stared, asking herself this kind of thing?

But that Princess Jade is not bad, not to mention myself, even the little senior brother has said that Princess Jade is not bad.what!little brother?

Xue Jian's eyes rolled, she made up her mind and said:

"Your Majesty, it's easy to keep Princess Jade. You give Princess Yu a marriage. Then you make a decree, saying that the daughters of the families above the third-rank officials in the court who intend to go for marriage will be directly named princesses. Sending a dowry, rewarding her mother's position, etc., isn't it all right?"

"Ah, Prince Rui's words are justified, but I'm afraid that these noble ladies in Beijing will not agree, and if I don't want to, something will happen if I ascend the throne."

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"Don't these women like to compete for beauty? As long as the emperor engages in a competition, isn't our elder sister of the Wei family known as the first talented woman before? Now this first talented woman has entered the palace. Then, other people naturally want to stand out. As long as The emperor released the news that the purpose of this competition is to choose a talented woman for the prince, and she will give special rewards. In this way, are you afraid that you will not succeed? No matter what, if you marry, you are marrying the prince. And there is an Eastern Dynasty With such a big natal family, they are not afraid of being bullied."

The emperor thought about it carefully, and it was really a solution, he laughed and said:
"Success, I will do as you say. But you have to think about who to give the marriage to Princess Yu."

This time Xue Jian greeted her with a smile and said:

"Your Majesty, how about letting me solve this problem for you?"

"Oh, do you have a candidate? Let's hear it?"

The emperor also raised his eyebrows, thinking that Xuejian was not very familiar with the people in Beijing, so he didn't ask her this question, but he didn't want her to be the first, but wanted to hear her opinion.

Xuejian stepped forward and said softly:
"My little senior brother? Murong Xing, you've seen it before."

The emperor frowned, mainly because Murong Xing was not the heir.The Marquis position of the Murong family was still under his consideration.But I really didn't think of this Murong Xing before, now that I think about it, this Murong Xing really can't be offended, one is Prince Rui's junior brother, I heard that he has been helping Prince Rui all the time.Secondly, I heard that this person has always been liked by Prince Derong. Although he has little time in Beijing, his behavior is still in the emperor's taste.It's just that this person has never stayed in the capital. Could it be that Princess Yu will follow him to roam the rivers and lakes after the wedding?
As soon as Xue Jian saw that the emperor was silent, she knew what the emperor was worried about. Xue Jian stepped forward and said:
"Your Majesty, my little senior brother is a really good man, and he is helping me with things now. I know you are worried that little senior brother will go to the rivers and lakes to beg for life, but he won't. He will still return to Beijing to settle down, at most I'm the one who fixed up our estate. He'll just live with us."

"What manor?"

"I want to build a special place for our brothers and sisters to retire in the future. Wouldn't it be happier for us to live together and provide for the elderly together?"

When the emperor heard this, he laughed loudly and said:

"Prince Rui, Prince Rui, I still believe that other people provide for the elderly, but when you say that you provide for the elderly, how old are you?"

"Although I am only a few years old, I will be old too. I want to build a different place for the elderly. I haven't found the address yet. I will build it when I find it. By the way, Your Majesty, as long as I don't rob others You have to approve me to build it. Otherwise, I won’t leave you a yard.”

"Hahaha, it's good to have my share. I'm afraid you've forgotten me."

The Emperor and Xuejian seem to be talking more casually, no longer talking about Zhenzhen, but talking about me.

(End of this chapter)

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