farmer's daughter

Chapter 587 The Lian family has a girl,

Chapter 587 The Lian family has a girl,
Chapter 580 The Lian family has a girl,

Hearing Xue Jian talking about it, it was just saying that his little brother was good, but what caught the emperor's ears the most was the sentence: Let's take care of the elderly together!
I don't know why, but the emperor felt more cordial when he heard this sentence.The emperor nodded and said:

"It seems that your little senior brother has seen our Princess Jade?"

Xuejian nodded honestly and said:
"Yes, but there is no intersection. It was the last time you took Princess Yu to the Prince's Mansion. But the younger brother has a good impression of Princess Yu. That's why I dared to ask the emperor to give them a marriage, or else , you should first ask Princess Yu about her impression of my little brother? See if she is intentional or not? We can't force a marriage."

The emperor nodded and said:

"Okay, I take this matter to heart."

Seeing Liang Shengyue, the emperor and Xue talked for a while, and then said:
"Tomorrow is the Asahi, and you both have to come to the Asahi."

Liang Shengyue and Xue Jian took their leave and went back home.

Xue Jian, who originally wanted to go back to the mansion to find Murong Xing, got the news that Mr. Murong packed up and left.Said to go home.

Early the next morning, Xue Jian was woken up by Nanny Tang. Xue Jian was still sleepy, but Nanny Tang said:
"Where is my prince, come and change the court clothes. You have to go to court today, you are a prince, and you have to be at the front of the class, but you haven't arrived yet. Others dare not walk, otherwise it will be a crime."

Xue Jian pouted her mouth and said:

"It's their fault for coming too early, not me for being late!"

These words made Tang Nanny laugh.

After tidying up and getting into the prince's car, Xue Jian found that it was not yet dawn, but she saw that the surroundings of the imperial city were already covered with sedan chairs. There were a lot of people coming in this great court today. The drivers of the carriages parked at the side saw that The car belongs to the Prince's Mansion, so it goes without saying that the current princes are only Prince Rong and Prince Rui.The coachmen all knelt down and gave way to the cars.

Xuejian's carriage can drive directly to the gate of the palace.At the gate of the palace.When Xue Jian got out of the car, all the officials waiting outside the palace gate stepped aside to let Prince Rui pass.Xue Jianxia stood still, no matter how old these officials were, they were all half short.

Xuejian is now used to such a scene, and waved lightly:

"Everyone, get up, it's too cold, the ground is cold."

Then he walked forward, said hello to everyone he knew, and stood at the front of the line.As soon as Xue Jian stood up, the palace gate opened.These are all rules.Xuejian is the prince, and all the princes are here.The palace gate can be opened.It's just that it's not yet the time to go to court, and everyone gets a resting side hall inside to wait.

Xue Jian shrank back a bit, and walked with the elder brother.He told the emperor that he would propose marriage to the junior brother tomorrow.Even Quchen snorted and said with a smile:

"It's good for you to be like this, lest your little brother is too slippery. He is also 16 years old now. It's time to make an appointment. It's fine even if you get married."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"It's too early to get married. I just don't want Princess Yu to be sent out to make a marriage. There is no good result in the end of the marriage."

Lian Quchen rolled his eyes and said:

"I have a suggestion, Lianjia, there is a girl, my younger sister, who has always wanted to marry that girl, but that girl doesn't like her. In order not to cause trouble for that girl or me, this A girl can."

Xue Jian looked at Lian Quchen.Lian Quchen said:
"You haven't seen her before, but when you see her, you know she's suitable. She looks like a flower rooster every day, not to mention being dressed up, and she is also like a queen. She is so proud that she walks with her head upright." Memorize it. Anyway, you will know it when you see it. The main reason is that she still bullies your sister-in-law."

Xue Jian's eyes flashed.This naturally became the main object of her calculations.Xue Jian and Lian Quchen did not enter the side hall to rest, but stood outside to talk.When it was time to go to court, Xuejian took the lead, and Lian Quchen followed behind.Everyone entered the hall together, and the emperor arrived slowly.He came out from behind the screen.It seems to have come early in the morning.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Except for Xue Jian, everyone else knelt down.Xuejian just bowed and saluted.However, this kneeling made Xue Jian see that there were probably dozens of people who came to the hall today.

"Be flat!"

Everyone stand up.Stand in two rows.Xue Jian was the shortest, but stood at the front.The emperor sat down and said:
"My dear friends, do you have something to report?"

"The minister has something to ask the emperor."

Seeing that this was the first time she was formally enshrined in the dynasty, she didn't know the rules yet, she heard someone answering from behind, she turned her head and saw that it was He Qing, Minister of the Ministry of Rites.He Qing took a booklet in his hand.Pass it to Eunuch Li who is standing beside the emperor.Now Eunuch Li continues to be the chief eunuch.

He Qing handed over the booklet.Then he took a step back and stood aside, waiting for the emperor to read it before speaking.The emperor opened He Qing's booklet, looked at it, frowned and said:

"Is there no one for He Aiqing?"

"Back to the emperor, as far as I know, I have never seen such people before, so I can't understand what they say. Everyone can only guess with pictures, and they don't know what they are talking about. There are not many people. Only four people came, three men and one woman. Yellow hair, blue eyes, high nose bridge. Talking wah wah. None of us could understand."

Hearing what He Qing said, Xue Jian became interested.Is this the legendary Westerner?

The ministers in the court also started talking.They all said:

"I'm afraid it's a barbarian. It still has blue eyes. Isn't that a monster?"

He Qing said sternly:
"There are all kinds of strange things in the world. People naturally have different races. I don't think they are monsters. It's just that they may come from far away places. We don't know where they are,"

Xuejian also took the time to ask:

"Master He, where did they come from?"

He Qing cupped his hands and said:
"Prince Huirui, I don't know where they came from. Someone found these people in Qingyang Mansion, and then the master of Qingyang Mansion sent them to the capital. Because the people of Qingyang Mansion don't know What are they talking about, and they are afraid that they are from some country, so they can only be sent to Beijing. When we get here, we don’t know where they are from, and no one can understand their words. Now they are It's time for the emperor to get married, so we don't know which dynasty sent them?"

If it is the Ministry of Rites, there is no way, let alone the ministers. The Ministry of Rites specializes in diplomatic work, and when communicating with the surrounding dynasties, people from the Ministry of Rites are always there to translate.But now these few people don't know where they came from.No one could understand what they were saying.

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"This is fun. I haven't seen a red-haired person yet. I have to go and see. Mr. He, where are they?"

Lian Quchen took Xue Jian for fun, so he reminded her with a smile:

"Forget it, you are a prince, so don't bother with such things."

(End of this chapter)

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