farmer's daughter

Chapter 597 The prince is asking for money?

Chapter 597 The prince is asking for money?
Chapter 590 The Prince Wants Money?

Now that the banquet has progressed, Xue Jian is relieved. It seems that Princess Yu has survived.Even the girl is going to be sent away, did he figure out an idea and help the two senior brothers?Xue Jian was snickering alone, and didn't want someone in the banquet to be quiet.

The matter of Prince Ula was settled, but the other princes hadn't spoken yet.The prince of Wuli Kingdom stood up with a smile on his face.road:

"Your Majesty, when I was in Wuli country, I heard that there was a very smart person in your dynasty who made some new farming tools. Our Wuli country is also a country that mainly produces agriculture, so we want to I don’t know if it’s okay to learn this technique.”

Xuejian didn't expect that these things would spread out of the dynasty, and it could be considered as going abroad.This is a bit unexpected. As far as Xue Jian knows, this Wuli Dynasty is really a big agricultural dynasty, and it has a large land and abundant resources. The Wuli Dynasty is a little jealous, so the Wuli Dynasty has always been on guard against the alliance of these two dynasties, and has done a lot of small tricks in secret.

The small country that has been making a fuss in the northwest recently is because of the support of the Wuli Dynasty, so it dares to invade the Eastern Dynasty. In fact, the Eastern Dynasty also knows that they are only used to test the water, and their real army is still there. not coming.The Lord Hou that Fu Jinghao captured last time was actually excluded in his own country, so he was pushed to the border to fight.After being captured, their dynasty didn't respond for a long time. It seems that they didn't want to rescue him back, but they had to show others.

But the big backer behind this didn't make any moves or money, and now a small country is frozen in the middle. This time, Prince Wuli took advantage of the Eastern Dynasty's change of emperor and the emperor's wedding, and sent this prince to do it. Messenger, even Quchen said that this prince is a fox!
Therefore, when he spoke, Xue Jian paid close attention to it.I wanted to hear what he had to say, but I didn't expect him to talk about Xue Jian as soon as he opened his mouth.The emperor also took a look at Xue Jian, Xue Jian was still eating with a calm face, she was always feeling hungry recently, it was time to grow her body, so eat more.

The emperor looked at Xuejian as if he didn't hear it.The emperor said:

"Yes, what the prince said is true. Prince Rui of our dynasty has made several agricultural tools, and they are currently being promoted. I don't want to hear about the prince's arrival. It seems that our prince Rui is really famous. Hahaha "

When the prince heard this, his eyes lit up, and he saw everything.Xuejian still didn't look up, pretending to be calm and eating.

The prince saluted Xue Jian and said:

"Qiu Nanxing has met Prince Rui. Apart from congratulating the emperor on his enthronement and wedding, Qiu Nanxing also wants to ask Prince Rui about farming methods. I also ask Prince Rui to teach me!"

ah?This is to call Ban Xuejian?
Xue Jian glanced at the prince.The prince looked at Xue Jian with a serious and sincere expression.Xue Jian Lie Teeth smiled lightly and said:

"The prince is really too flattering. Why don't you ask for advice? I'm just a peasant girl who learned how to farm from my grandpa and mother. What can I ask for advice? The prince was born in the emperor's family, so it's rare for me to understand the importance of farming." I am also interested in planting, I wonder how many years the prince has been planting?"

This small question made the prince stunned for a moment, because he had never planted land before, but he only knew some knowledge about farming, to put it bluntly.He is a man of paper.He thought about this Prince Rui, didn't he say he was a prince?He wanted to be like himself, that is, a person who reads books, understands this knowledge, and can talk about it, but he doesn't think that this Prince Rui came from a real peasant girl.It seems that what I heard is true?Is this really a peasant girl?Aren't those farm tools made by those servants trying to give the prince a reputation?

Thinking of this, the prince chuckled lightly and said:

"The prince is joking, I have never been in the land before, so I asked Prince Rui for advice, and I ask the prince to give me advice!"

Xue Jian said seriously:
"I'm not kidding, I don't want to recruit students, and you have no experience in farming, so what should I communicate with you? What can I teach you?"

The prince of the Wuli Dynasty looked a bit ugly. Isn't this Prince Rui just a peasant girl?Talking so rude!
Prince Wuli said again:

"We also sincerely want to learn about the farming tools of your dynasty. I heard that the prince said that the farmers in the world are one family. The farmers in this world also include the farmers in my Wuli country."

Xue Jian sighed and said:
"It seems that the prince has inquired very clearly about what I said, and indeed he came here after doing some homework. How about this, then have you inquired about it? All the farm tools I make are sold for money, which is our dynasty People who want to use it all buy it with money!"

As soon as Xue saw this remark, many people in the hall secretly laughed.Yes, you majestic prince, do you think that you are a big country, and if you want it, you can give it to you if you want to learn from others?Want to learn without paying anything?

The emperor couldn't help but want to laugh, but the occasion was wrong, so he quickly took a sip of tea.

Prince Wuli turned pale again and said:

"Oh, the prince is asking for money? Money is easy to talk about, as long as it is said, Wu Liguo can still afford this little money."

Xuejian replied lightly:
"Money is not everything, but without it, it is absolutely impossible! Therefore, my farm tools can be bought with money. Even if I don't sell them to you, the prince's money can be bought by us. Other people in the dynasty can buy it. However, some things can’t be bought. If the prince wants to buy it, it’s better to talk to our emperor. How much is my farm tool worth? In terms of price, how much it is worth depends on what our emperor needs."

Well, with one sentence, he kicked the ball back to the emperor. What does the emperor want?There are many things the emperor wants.Xue Jian is trying to earn something for the emperor and come back, it depends on whether the emperor can negotiate the deal.

The prince of Wuli country is very smart, but he underestimated the child Prince Rui, thinking that the Eastern Dynasty is small, and these princes dare not offend him, thinking that this child is impeccable.At the moment, I felt resentment in my heart, but I turned around with a smile on my face and said to the emperor:

"Then, what does the emperor think we can exchange for these farm tools?"

Before the emperor opened his mouth, the prince of Hu State who was sitting on the side also stood up and cupped his hands and said:
"Your Majesty, although our dynasty does not have much land, we are still learning how to farm. We are also grateful to the Eastern Dynasty for helping us in farming the year before last. Our country Hu also wants to learn about this farm tool. Please think about it, Your Majesty." .”

(End of this chapter)

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