farmer's daughter

Chapter 598: Prince Shennong of the Eastern Dynasty

Chapter 598: Prince Shennong of the Eastern Dynasty

Chapter 590: Prince Shennong of the Eastern Dynasty
Xue Jian raised her head to look at this weird scene, and felt that it was really not easy for the emperor, it was such a great thing to get married, and there would be such a smoke-free battle.Interesting, really interesting, seeing the emperor's big head, Xue Jian secretly felt very happy.

Xue Jian stretched out her hand to pick up her own tea, but suddenly felt that the tea was cold.This is impossible.Turning around to look, hey, when is Mother Tang gone?Isn't Mother Tang always watching the tea here behind her?She didn't know when she left.

It was a nanny from the princess's side who saw Xue Jian's actions, and said something to the princess gently, and the princess asked her to exchange a cup of tea for Xue Jian.Xuejian asked softly:
"Did you see the nanny behind me?"

The nanny said:

"It's a little palace lady who came to call me out. But it seems that the nanny is a little anxious. Otherwise, she wouldn't have said hello to the prince."

Xue Jian nodded and said nothing.

Over there, the emperor was obviously a little confused. A Wuli country said this, because Wuli country was originally an agricultural country, and such a wide field must always be planted.But Hu State is in the north.The winter is long, and there is ice and snow all year round. Most people make a living by grazing, and there is very little land that can be cultivated.What do they want those farm tools for?
Not only the emperor was a little puzzled, but the prince of Wuli country was also a little strange, why this Hu Guoguo suddenly appeared.No one would ask this, but the Empress smiled and said:

"Prince Qiu and Prince Batu are too impatient, look, today is full of guests, today is not suitable for talking about things, come come, let's drink, tomorrow, tomorrow the two princes come to the palace, we can talk before it's too late. "

This is really not the time to talk about things. For a big wedding, people have to go through the bridal chamber before it's too late. Besides, there is no such thing as a simple matter of national affairs.

Prince Qiu of Wuli Kingdom also understood this truth.He glanced at the prince of Hu country faintly, but the prince of Hu country stood upright without looking sideways. Since the emperor has said that he will not talk about this matter now, then let's not talk about it.Then the prince of Hu State clasped his fists and sat down.

Prince Qiu turned his head to look at Xue Jian again, and then sat down.But that look made Xue Jian feel a little uncomfortable.But looking up again, Prince Qiu was toasting the emperor with a smile on his face.

Even Quchen noticed something wrong with Xuejian's eyes, and looked intently, but he didn't find anything wrong.But I feel that Xue Jian is like a little hedgehog.Sit up straight, ready for battle.

An hour later, the banquet was almost over, and the Supreme Emperor and Empress Dowager would take the Emperor and Empress to the ancestral hall of their Dongfang family to pay homage to their ancestors.And the ministers can leave the palace.There will be a dinner in the evening, but not many people will come to attend, only some close officials and some relatives of the emperor's family.Xuejian didn't understand why their wedding was so tiring.Is it okay to pass it once?It is said that today only the imperial decree of the post-sealing was announced, and the post-sealing ceremony is still to be held!
Xue Jian secretly slandered that she didn't have time to attend any grand ceremony, and wanted to rush back to sow seeds.

The emperor and queen mother led the emperor and queen away.Xue Jian also lazily stood up.Originally, he wanted to go back to the mansion to sleep in the cage, because this kind of palace banquet always got up early.Just stood up, Eunuch Li came over and said:
"Prince Rui, the emperor said that you must come to the wedding banquet tonight."

Xue Jian rolled her eyes, it was already quite a while at noon, and she came again at Shen Shi.It's better not to go back.

Thinking about it.A voice sounded:
"Prince Rui, can you take a walk in the outer garden?"

Xue Jian looked up and saw that it was Prince Qiu from Wuli Country.Xue Jian said lazily:
"I woke up too early today, so I really don't want to leave. But if Prince Qiu has something to say, then Nanny Tang, you can make arrangements for us to set up a small table and a few tables outside where we can get the sun. A chair. Thinking about it, there are a lot of people who want to talk to me.”

Because out of the corner of Xue Jian's eyes, he saw that Prince Batuo from the Hu Kingdom also walked over.Prince Qiu turned his head to look, sneered and didn't speak again.But Prince Batuo came over generously and said:

"I've seen Prince Rui! The little king's name is Ba Tuohe. He was trained by his mother before, and asked the little king to come to the Eastern Dynasty to learn how to make agricultural tools from Prince Rui. People in my family live by grazing cattle all the year round. Find a stable place and learn how to farm well. A few days ago, some merchants from the Eastern Dynasty came to us to sell and buy horses. They mentioned Prince Shennong of the Eastern Dynasty. The queen mother ordered Xiaowang to come to learn from his teacher. Three years of art. Please also ask Prince Rui to accept Xiao Wang!"

what!Xue Jian was so startled that she backed away and pushed back the stool behind her.Xue Jian jumped in fright.It's okay to accept a prince as an apprentice, but I didn't expect these people to pass on themselves as Shennong!It's just some common farming tools. Even if you don't make them yourself, someone will be able to make them after many years of labor experience passed down from generation to generation.

Xue Jian couldn't bear it anymore and turned her head to look at the eldest brother and the daughter-in-law of the princess.But he saw two people smiling and looking at Xue Jian.Xuejian blushed a little and said:

"Your Highness, don't say that. I'm not a Shennong or a Shennong. I'm just an ordinary peasant girl. I just know how to plant some land. I just like to think about things. Don't put a high hat on me. Turning around, I fell badly. Besides, why didn’t you cultivate over there? It’s not because people are bad, and it’s not because you don’t have farm tools. It’s because it’s too cold. I can do some small-scale cultivation, but a country I really have no way to cultivate a large area.”

But obviously, this prince Batuo is one of those single-minded people, what Xuejian said, he thought it was just evasion, and still insisted on what his mother said, insisting on following Xuejian to learn for three years.

Xuejian is helpless.Mother Tang came to report, saying that there is a small flower hall in the vestibule in front of the main hall, which is just good for basking in the sun. She has asked the maids and eunuchs to set up the tables and chairs, and invited several nobles to move forward.

Xue Jian turned around and left without saying a word, taking this opportunity to think of a way, how to avoid the two princes.Xue Jian turned around and walked a few steps, but didn't want to hear another voice:
"Lian Yuxiang has met Prince Rui."

Turning around to look, I saw that Lian girl saluting!It's just a courtesy.I saw her squatting down a little, but she didn't lower her proud head!

Xue Jian waved his hand and said:
"Is something wrong with Miss Lian?"

Miss Lian stood up straight, squinted at Xuejian as if she was a queen, and said:
"Prince Rui just knows how to be a few wooden guys. He is sought after by princes."

Xue Jian glanced at her, is this person sick?Get treated early!
(End of this chapter)

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