farmer's daughter

Chapter 604 You Said You Wanted to Take Me as a Disciple

Chapter 604 You Said You Wanted to Take Me as a Disciple

Chapter [-] You Said You Wanted to Take Me as a Disciple

If these people were injured, it would be dereliction of duty for General Mu.So General Mu hurriedly got off his horse, first apologized, and then immediately arranged for people to carry him to the Prince's Mansion, taking away the dead and living killers.Lian Quchen reminded:
"These people may seek death again, or be sneaked into death. You have to be careful."

The old man Mo, Prince Rong, was furious this time. He was under his nose, and the two young disciples were injured so badly. This is provoking him!Seeing people carry Murong Xing away, Fu Jinghao carried Xue Jian onto the horse.was about to leave.Xuejian called:
"Master, bring those four survivors back to the Prince's Mansion, and I will interrogate them myself!"

When old man Mo waved his hand, none of General Mu's subordinates dared to say a word, and carried them directly to the Prince's Mansion.

And here, all the major households in the palace and the capital knew that Prince Rui was assassinated!And was seriously injured!Even the second young master of the Prince's junior brother Murong's family is still alive or dead!For a while, rumors spread secretly in the capital, saying that someone wanted to kill Prince Rui.Some people also said that those people wanted to kill Prince Hu, and Prince Rui was just implicated!

The emperor, who was going to take a break after offering sacrifices to his ancestors, heard about it, and immediately sent someone to send an imperial physician to the Prince's Mansion.After settling down in the Prince's Mansion, Lian Quchen went to the palace.He was directly welcomed into the harem by Eunuch Li, and the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor who met him told the story of the incident.The emperor heard that Prince Rui was injured, Murong Xing was seriously injured and fell into a coma, Prince Hu was also seriously injured because of protecting Prince Rui, and now he is recuperating in the Prince's Mansion.The emperor is furious!
first.Are these people targeting Prince Rui or yourself?Knowing that today is the emperor's big wedding, but actually robbing and killing Prince Rui halfway, isn't this letting his big wedding see blood?Secondly, the importance of Prince Rui to the dynasty is now known to everyone in the dynasty.What was this man trying to do to kill Prince Rui?
"Check it out, you must check it out for me!"

In the end, it fell on Lian Quchen to investigate the assassination incident.The emperor also gave an imperial edict that can be cut first and played later.In this case, even the power to remove dust will be greatly increased.Even if it's a first-rank official, Lian Quchen can kill him first, so it's best not to let Lian Quchen find out anything.

Even Qu Chen received the decree, because he was very angry because of this incident, and the two junior brothers and sisters who were injured were his beloved people.Just now in the Prince's Mansion, when he was applying medicine to Murong Xing's wound, the blood on his clothes was dry and even the skin couldn't be taken off easily, and when he pulled it, the new wound would bleed again.There were thirty or forty scars on his body, the most serious one was a puncture hole on his left shoulder bone.There were still two pierced holes on his leg, and he was still bleeding when the medicine was applied to him. How much blood does a person have? How can a person keep it if it keeps bleeding like this!

Fortunately, old man Mo was there, before the imperial doctor came to use the needle, old man Mo first tapped the acupuncture points, and then inserted the needle, which stopped Murong Xing's bleeding.

Xuejian's injury was also said to be serious.Because she is small, each cut is deep and the wound is long. According to the doctor who gave Xuejian medicine, it will leave scars!Everyone knows that what girls cherish the most is their skin. If there are scars all over their body, they will be disgusted by their husbands in the future.

Although Xuejian doesn't have to worry about this, it's always bad.Even the princess who rushed to the prince's mansion to see Xue Jian's injury came out crying so sadly, the princess who never cursed severely scolded those killers.

It made Fu Jinghao anxious outside, because men and women are different, and he couldn't go in to see for himself, so he just shouted outside:
"Emperor physician, imperial physician, give Prince Rui the best medicine, and you won't be afraid of scars, as long as she doesn't bleed and don't hurt!"

The imperial doctor had to think about it when he gave Xue Jian medicine, this is the female prince!Therefore, even if Xue Jian's injury was not as serious as Murong Xing's, the time for diagnosis and treatment was not short, and even Quchen and Fu Jinghao were anxiously waiting outside.Later, the princess came out and said that Xuejian's injury had stopped bleeding.The injury is also wrapped up, and the imperial physician is prescribing medicine.

Fu Jinghao didn't care what others said, so he rushed in, looked at Xuejian lying on the bed, stepped forward and said with distress:
"Does it still hurt?"

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt like before. The imperial doctor's medicine is good. Where is the little brother? How is he? He is trying to save me. You told the imperial doctor to revive him. And that Batu, he also wanted to protect him. Me, if it weren't for the two of them, you really wouldn't be able to see me today. Those people shot with arrows first, and the carriage was damaged. Then they rushed forward, and the little brother blocked me and let me run. How could I run first? Besides, I can't escape even if I run, the martial arts of the people who come here are all good, and there is almost no one who is weak!"

Fu Jinghao patted his head and said:
"It's all my fault. It would be nice if I waited for you at the gate of the palace. I was talking with Wen Xijin from Wenhou's family. A little eunuch came to find me and said, if only I had arrived earlier."

Xuejian raised her hand, which was so wrapped that she couldn't see her skin, touched Fu Jinghao lightly, and said:

"It has nothing to do with you, it's not your fault. It's those people who are so hateful!"

Xue Jian raised her head to look at herself, after wrapping the medicine on her body, the princess and the girl still dressed Xue Jian, thinking that someone would come to see Xue Jian, Xue Jian looked at herself and said:
"Brother Jing Hao, you pick me up, I can go, I'm going to see my little brother! I'm worried!"

Fu Jinghao looked at Xue Jian, and Xue Jian emphasized again:

"I must go. You are not afraid that I will hit you, so you can hug me. There is nothing wrong with my legs, just my upper body and arms."

Fu Jinghao also knew Xuejian's temper, and even nine bulls couldn't pull her back when she was stubborn.So he started gently, for fear of hurting Xue Jian.Pick her up, then put her on the step and sit down, then squat down to put on the shoes for Xuejian, then take a thick cloak on one side and put it on Xuejian, and finish Xuejian Wrapped up completely and said:

"Let me carry you, I don't worry about you either."

Xue Jian knew that he was also worried about herself, so after thinking about it, she said:

"Okay, you take me to see that Batu of Hu country first, and then go to see the little brother. Finally, let's go to see those killers together!"

Fu Jinghao has always been obedient to Xuejian, so he reached out to pick up Xuejian, and went directly to another yard to see Batuo who was temporarily living here to recover from his injuries. Batuo saw Fu Jinghao hugging Xuejian.The person who was wrapped up like a mummy by the imperial doctor jumped out of bed, bent over to Xuejian and shouted:
"Master Shennong, are you feeling better?"

Xue Jian said urgently:

"What are you doing down here? Someone, help the prince to bed and lie down, and take a good rest for the wound!"

The prince was supported by several people and lay down again, his complexion was still not very good, he also lost too much blood, the wounds on his body were only two holes less than those of Murong Xing, but everything else was the same, his whole body was full of wounds .This made Xue Jian very moved.

The prince lay down, looked at Xuejian carefully and said:

"Master Shennong, you said you wanted to accept me as a disciple? You can't go back on your word!"

Xue Jian can't laugh or cry.Is this person a little dumb or a little too straight.He asked the master directly.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Don't worry, I said I'll accept you if I accept you. I won't go back on my word!"

(End of this chapter)

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