farmer's daughter

Chapter 605 I Know One Way

Chapter 605 I know a way

Chapter [-] I know a way

It was confirmed that it was accepted by Master Shennong.Ba Tuo closed his eyes in peace, and fell asleep. Xue Jian had heard his snoring before he walked out of the yard.I am also tired, but I think it is only a big hearted person who will fall asleep so quickly.Xuejian and Fu Jinghao looked at each other and smiled.

After leaving this courtyard, Fu Jinghao carried Xuejian to the courtyard where his junior brother Murong Xing lived. There were many people waiting outside Murong Xing's courtyard, including Muronghou's family who rushed over after hearing the news, and the palace sent by the emperor. Among the palace people in the palace, Lian Quchen and his wife temporarily acted as hosts, inviting everyone to sit in the flower hall and wait for Old Man Mo and the imperial physician to treat Murong Xing.

Seeing Fu Jinghao hugging Xuejian.The princess also hurriedly prepared another chair, and added a soft quilt to the chair, so that Xue Jian would not hurt so much when she sat on it.

Xuejian reminded Fu Jinghao softly, and Fu Jinghao first carried Xuejian to Lord Murong and Madam Hou and put down Xuejian.Seeing that Master Neng and Madam Hou saluted, Lord Murong and Madam stood up hurriedly.Madam wiped away the tears on her face, carefully supported Xue Jian and said:
"Prince Rui, you can't be!"

"You deserve it! Lord Marquis and Madam are the parents of the little senior brother, the parents I met Shen Xue! The little senior brother was injured because he wanted to protect me. I made you two sad! I'm sorry!"

Xuejian choked up as she spoke.Although there are four senior brothers, the younger senior brother spends the longest time with him, and the younger senior brother and himself are the best friends, pampering him with everything.Eldest brother is a bit like strict father, Xue Jian is still a little in awe of him.Although the third senior brother has been with me all the time, but the third senior brother is a bit more stubborn, and the second senior brother has less time to see each other, and the second senior brother is a bit cold, so the younger senior brother can also have fun playing with him and doing things. It fits well.

"Prince Rui, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, you see that you are still injured, sit down and rest first. Xing'er did what he should do, if something goes wrong, we should seek revenge from those people! Let's see if Xing'er can survive this time."

The things Murong Hou encountered in the past two years were not going well, so he looked ten years older. This time, Murong Xing had an accident again, and he spoke in a low voice.

Murong Shan also came forward to support Xue Jian, seeing that Xue Jian's arms were tightly wrapped, and hearing that Xue Jian had so many injuries, she felt distressed and said:
"Xue'er, you can't stand for too long. Come on, sit down. Master Mo just came out and said that as long as the little brother wakes up, it will be fine, but he is still in a coma, and the bleeding has stopped."

Xuejian heard it and said:
"I'm going in to see him."

Lian Quchen said:

"The imperial physician is still inside, saying that there should not be too many people inside."

Xue Jian shook his head and cried:

"No, I know the little brother will definitely wake up. I'll go and tell him that I'm safe, and tell him to wake up and accompany me."

Old man Mo just came out, and when he saw Xuejian, he frowned and said:

"Why are you crying! You are injured now, so you can't cry too much, it's not good for your health. You can go to see Ah Xing, but you can't say that you are safe, you just tell him that there are still killers who are still alive. Hold on, tell him to wake up and accompany you."


Xue Jian looked at Master with tears in her eyes, and old man Mo waved his hand and said:
"Listen to me, Ah Xing is stubborn. He was protecting you. That's why he's so tired and injured. If he knows you're not safe, he will survive. As soon as he wakes up, we'll give him medicine Go, there is no big problem, just keep it, Xue Er, your little brother is at a big loss this time. I am afraid he will have to practice his martial arts again."

Old man Mo's face is dark all the time now, it's best not to provoke him now, and whoever provokes him, I guarantee that there will be no good fruit to eat.

Supported by old man Mo and Fu Jinghao, Xue Jian entered the inner room.Murong Xing was lying on the floor. Originally, this room was equipped with floor heating, but now a brazier was added, because injured people would be even colder!
Xuejian stepped forward and looked at the little senior brother lying there frowning, he was a dead man at all!No breath at all.The pale face seemed a little transparent, and there was no lip color at all.

Seeing the little brother like this, Xue Jian couldn't stop crying, stepped forward two steps, knelt in front of the little brother, and said in the little brother's ear:

"Little senior brother, little senior brother, you have to wake up. Xueer wants you to stand up and protect Xueer, those killers are not finished yet. Little senior brother!"

While talking, Xue Jian couldn't help but burst into tears. Xue Jian's crying made everyone very sad, old man Mo's eyes were red, and the imperial physician at the side shouted:

"There is a pulse, there is a pulse!"

Xuejian called again:
"Little brother, I'm Xue'er. You need to get up, Xue'er still needs you, if you don't get up, Master will scold you!"

Seeing Murong Xing's eyelids twitch, old man Mo stepped forward, pulled the imperial doctor away, got on his own pulse, and practiced his skills for a week.Murong Xing slowly moved his eyelids, and slowly opened his eyes a little bit. Seeing Xue'er crying until tears and snot were connected together, he frowned and muttered softly:
"Don't cry, it's ugly!"

Xuejian didn't care about anything else, she raised her arm and wiped it across her face.As soon as he rubbed it, he pulled the wound on his shoulder and back, and he couldn't believe it again. This time Murong Xing opened his eyes and looked, and saw Xue Jian's bandaged hard arm.Some anxiously said:

"Xue'er, are you hurt?!"

"Little senior brother, you have to survive. If you hadn't protected Xue'er, Xue'er would be gone this time. You must survive, and the master will heal your injuries."

Fu Jinghao knew it was going to be bad when he saw Xueer raise his arm, because the princess said that Xueer's biggest injury was the shoulder bone on the back, where the bone was deeply visible.When I raised my arm just now, I must have pulled the wound.Fu Jinghao hurried forward to check.He lifted off Xuejian's cloak, and sure enough, the clothes inside were soaked in blood.

Fu Jinghao stepped forward and said:

"Little senior brother, you have to hold on. Xue'er's shoulder pinch is a bit big. The wound on her arm was pulled open again, and it was soaked in blood again. I have to take her to change her medicine."

Murong Xing also looked at Xue'er anxiously, and said softly:

"I'm fine, I can hold on, Xue'er, heal the injury properly!"

Old man Mo also stretched out his hand to check Xuejian's pulse, frowned and said:
"Go change the medicine, the wound is open. Don't go out and walk around. Let's wait for two days. Your little brother is fine. I promise."

But Xuejian turned to her master and said:
"Master, I know a way to heal big wounds."

Old man Mo looked at Xue Jian.Xue Jian said:

"The clothes can be sewn up if the clothes are torn, and the wound can also be sewn up. Use a bent needle to dry the sheep's intestines, and then make thin threads to sew up the wound quickly. It really works! Especially It's a piercing injury like senior brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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