farmer's daughter

Chapter 606 Give Her Another Pill

Chapter 606 Give Her Another Medicine
Chapter [-] Give her another medicine
Old man Mo didn't speak, but the imperial physician at the side was still pedantic:

"Prince Rui, the lines are like mountains. I'm afraid the prince doesn't understand medical skills. The wound can be closed slowly by absorbing it. How can it be sewed like a cloth? Sewing is a woman's job." .”

Old man Mo didn't speak, thinking about the possibility Xue Jian said.See you again:
"Master, especially for new injuries, this will heal quickly!"

The imperial physician didn't believe in Xue Jian, but old man Mo did.But if you ask more carefully, Xuejian doesn't understand. In her previous life, she had no dealings with medical students except she died of that disease.But I heard that it is possible to use sheep intestines to make thread.

Xue Jian asked Fu Jinghao to find an embroidery needle so that Fu Jinghao could not break it when he bent it, and then held the bent needle and said:
"The needle looks like this. Look, it's a piece of leather. It's a piece of leather. It's sewn like this. It will be closed in two or three days, and the thread can be cut after four or five days. All that was left were small pinholes, which healed in less than two days."

Old man Mo looked at the injury on the young disciple, nodded and said:

"I'll do it right away. I'll have time to sew him up tomorrow."

Xuejian called:

"Master, you must boil the needle and thread well, otherwise they may rot."

Old man Mo nodded and said:
"You don't need to say this, I'm in the back yard, just yell if you have something to do."

Old man Mo was scared now, he was like a mother chicken, if he didn't hug the little chickens for a while, something might happen to the chickens.

But old man Mo has made up his mind that he will never be good at this matter today!Ever since he stepped out of the family and first entered the battlefield, he has never suffered such a big loss!His own disciple was robbed and killed!I don't even look at who I am, the God of War back then was not conferred by myself, but the title given by the enemy!

Even if he walks the rivers and lakes later, no one dares to provoke him like this!But now, the top priority is to rescue this little disciple first.The medicine to stop the bleeding didn't seem to be of much use to him, and if he relied entirely on acupoints, it would also damage his meridians.Therefore, when Xue Jian mentioned this method, he thought it could be used, so he found something and made it himself.

Xuejian changed her medicine and was carried out by Fu Jinghao. After seeing Muronghou and Mrs. Hou, she thought that the little brother had woken up, and the master said that his life was not in danger.It just takes time to recuperate, Xue Jian made it clear, the little senior brother will stay in the Prince's Mansion to recuperate, if Master Hou and Madam Hou are worried, they can also stay with him.

It was inconvenient for Lord Murong Hou to stay here, so he exchanged a glance with his wife and said:
"Prince Rui, we are relieved that Xing'er stays with you. We still have to go home and see how he is doing tomorrow. Why don't we let Shan'er stay here to take care of Xing'er? Stay with the prince."

Xue Jian looked at Murong Shan and nodded.Ban Xia, whose eyes were red from crying, came here with another girl, saw Xue Jian and twitched her lips, looking at her, she was about to cry again.Xue Jian said:

"Okay, okay, you've been crying since I came back, look at you, your eyes are so swollen that you can't see the way."

Ban Xia sucked her nose, almost taking back this wave of tears.He opened the basket carried by the girl sideways, and there was a bowl of potion in it. When he saw the black potion, Xue Jian wanted to hide, so Fu Jinghao reached out and took it out, saying:
"It's just right, it's still warm, drink it soon."

Xuejian dodged for a while, Fu Jinghao handed it forward again, Xuejian dodged again, Fu Jinghao handed it forward again.Xuejian turned around, and saw Banxia looking at Xuejian with a look of crying, but Xuejian had no choice but to turn back, closed her eyes and said:
"Don't cry, don't cry. I'll drink, can't I drink it? But I want sugar!"

Ban Xia stretched out her hand to open it, and there happened to be a piece of candy that Xue Jian taught her to make in her hand.

Well, there's sugar too.Can't hide now, Xue Jian raised her hand to pinch her nose to drink, but she didn't want to pull the wound again.Grinning in pain.The princess immediately stepped forward to take the medicine from Xue Jian's hand, and said repeatedly:
"Look, be careful. You can say what you want to do. Now you can't do everything by yourself. All the girls in your family are raised as young ladies, but you, the master, do everything by yourself."

Fu Jinghao also said with another expression of distress:
"What are you going to do? You don't need to raise your hand so high to drink medicine. Come here. Let me feed you."

Xue Jian slowed down, looked at the medicine again, and knew that he couldn't hide, closed his eyes, stretched out his head, and drank the medicine with the princess's hand. When Banxia saw the medicine leave his mouth, he immediately went to Xue I saw a piece of candy stuffed in my mouth.Xuejian couldn't even vomit even if she wanted to vomit, her small face was completely deformed by the pain.

Everyone saw that Xue Jian was afraid of taking medicine.I can't help being a little funny, everyone has a weakness.Xue Jian is afraid of taking medicine.I have been sick since I was a child, although I can’t remember it, but I heard that when my grandma went back to the mountain, she picked up a big basket of medicine and made some for her every day. I heard that before she was beaten, the medicine she took was better than the medicine she took. A lot of food.Fortunately, the body grew up later.No more medicine.

Things here can only wait for Murong Xing to recover, even Qu Chen went to the palace, the status of the princess is different, the princess also has to go to the palace to attend the evening banquet.Murong Hou and his wife were also going, so they all left.Naturally, Xue Jian couldn't go.Fu Jinghao didn't have to go.Old man Mo, who was supposed to go, will not go.These two little disciples were both injured here, and he couldn't leave.

On the contrary, the prince of the Hu country, after being examined by the imperial physician, kept snoring and sleeping, woke up at dinner, ate a lot of food, and fell asleep again.The imperial doctor said it was because his health was very good.Recovery is also quick.Xuejian's health is not that good, and she has been worrying about her little brother and the prince of Hu country all afternoon.He didn't take a good rest. When it was time for dinner, Fu Jinghao noticed that her little face was a little red. He reached out and touched it. It was so hot, it seemed that she had a fever!
Regardless of Xuejian's objection, Fu Jinghao directly hugged Xuejian to old man Mo and said:

"Master, look, Xue'er has a fever."

Xuejian is still sane, but she is a little weak, and said softly:
"It doesn't matter, master, you can't go and beat those people to death, ask the senior brother to separate them for interrogation, and ask them one by one, always asking for something. I'll just go to sleep for a while. Just sleep for a while."

Well, I was thinking about those killers even when I was asleep.Those few people may not live long.Because they were all people whose legs were crippled by old man Mo.It's a little difficult for these people to want to die now, their hands are tied.Mouth with lower jaw removed.A person has been tapped, and can only fall there limply, like a puddle of mud!

Seeing Xue Jian falling asleep, Fu Jinghao became anxious again.Old Mo looked at it and said:

"Give her another dose of medicine!"

 "Yunru Chuxian" is another novel of mine, please recommend, collect and subscribe!This is the first time I am learning to write a current statement. Comments and suggestions are welcome!

(End of this chapter)

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